QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 12:01 PM)
Since this is just a random Sox thread now....Is it me, or does Pablo Ozuna look like Flava Flav?
flava flav doesn't have a shiny face.
QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 10:19 AM)
I love being a Sox fan when our biggest worries are the end of Buehrle's slip-n-slide festivities and player's haircuts.
good call.
Saying that, I don't want crede to go back to his alien look.
QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 03:22 PM)
What's the f***ing rush by Iguchi? He has the slowest runner in baseball at the plate. Anyways, this is a joke. These guys shouldn't be on the field.
It was a hard hit ball, it's not like he ran up to a soft grounder.
i got those AA seats once in '03, 3 hours before an august monday game.
It was the only time I've ever had first row, so cool.
Carlos Lee ran over to our section for a foul ball, reached right next to me and caught it.
He didn't give me the ball, I was dissapointed.
QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 15, 2006 -> 03:16 PM)
What the fudge happened?
soft roller past jenks, gooch dives, rolls, gets the ball off just before he hits the ground, out at first.
QUOTE(POPPY_HIDALGO @ Apr 15, 2006 -> 01:39 PM)
Nah, I think it was just a bad call. Everyone knows the Sox get no respect. No one respects us. You would think WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS would get you some respect, but you would be wrong.
Its horses***. The sox always have to play against the other team AND the umps. It makes me sick and I wouldn't mind some sort of probe from MLB to look into why it is. I've sent numerous emails to Hawk and DJ about the same thing.