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Everything posted by SnB

  1. On monday, I said that if the sox won 5 out of the next 7, I'd invest myself fully again. Crap.
  2. I feel like Undeclared should have more of a cult following than it does. That show was hilarious and had a ton of future stars in it.
  3. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 10:32 AM) One of these days I need to sit down and watch a "best of" Simpsons episodes. I've always kinda liked the show but I've never loved it like so many people do. I remember watching it as a kid mostly because it was on Sunday nights right before MWC. I've watched a few episodes here and there over the years but it's never been a "must watch" show for me. top 10 episodes: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle6988097.ece http://www.watch-simpsons-online.net/ you're welcome
  4. The simpsons. Too many GREAT episodes. Followed by scrubs and arrested development.
  5. Win 5 of the next 7 and then we'll talk.
  6. QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Aug 4, 2011 -> 09:52 AM) God, the Liriano no-hitter; I forgot about that. I think that was probably the first red flag that all is not as it seems with our "All-In" Sox. To the OP: I can't laugh at this, although I don't mind people who want to view it as comedy. If I want fun bad that's what the Cubs are for but seriously, at this point, they've at least totally sucked all year. There were no expectations. We, on the other hand, were lead to believe that the Comedy Central would be a given with this lineup and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if we end up in the cellar. Nothing like spending $127MM to suck. The no hitter was the first low point, then they crept their way back up and hit rock bottom again last night. I just find it amazing that all of this happened immediately after the deadline. We were 3 games out just 5 days ago, ridiculous.
  7. SnB

    2011 Music Thread

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 4, 2011 -> 09:21 AM) Foo Fighters to Play Metro Saturday Night Tickets are $60 a pop and go on sale in an hour (11 am) over at Metro's website wow, thanks for the heads up
  8. SnB

    Job Hunt Thread

    QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ Aug 1, 2011 -> 10:19 AM) So I am trying to update my resume but have never run into an issue like this before since I am a fresh college grad... My last position was as a manufacturer's representative, dealing with pretty much each and every type of marketing you could imagine.. My new position which I have just started, there are many things that I do the EXACT same as my last position because it is the same in scope, just for another company (example: trade shows, process of setting up, working it and the end product, blah blah blah and all the good stuff you put on a resume) - how do you distinguish the differences between these two duties when listing what you do at each position. I hope this makes sense, kind of hard to explain I guess. I will elaborate below... Company ABC - Current Position Using four plus years of trade show experience - setting up of, sample ordering, working directly with retailers, shipping of product back to offices or stores Company XYZ - 2004 - June 2011 Over four years of trade show experience - setting up of, sample ordering, working directly with retailers, shipping of product back to offices or stores It is OK to have the same wording for two different positions as I am doing the exact same thing? Not sure how companies view things like this - hopethis makes sense! I would maybe paraphrase the job duties from the older job and expand upon the duties of the newer job. Make the newer job sound more expansive - make it look like you're gaining more and more responsibility w/ each new position.
  9. and the countdown to Ozzie's offensive reaction to that begins.
  10. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 11:00 PM) When it's freezing cold, you don't want to move, it's unbearable. When it's hot, you can at least move. You're uncomfortable, but not f*** my life I don't want to move at all cold. Rather be way hot than way cold. We just had 100+ heat indexes here, and I'd take that over the sub zero temps. this In my mind, if you live in chicago - you can only complain about one extreme, not both. I'll take 100+ over below zero every single day
  11. SnB

    2011 Music Thread

    Anyone using spotify yet? It's incredible
  12. Our payroll is too high for us to see the annual "trade for a washed up veteran who was good 5 years ago".
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 20, 2011 -> 09:01 PM) I was out to dinner and when I came home to watch the end of the game my neighbor was outside and told me he can't watch the Sox anymore. He's always yelling at the TV. Good thing he missed this one. That's where I was at tonight. I refused to give them my full attention and only watched a couple innings/followed some online. I just can't handle inning after inning of frustration anymore.
  14. That lady on the left has a pretty awesome funeral outfit
  15. What are the main new features in ncaa/madden this year?
  16. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 9, 2011 -> 07:09 AM) So I am checking out Google+, and I certainly hope it takes off because I greatly prefer it to Facebook. I was on it for a few minutes yesterday - have no idea what the difference is. Looks exactly the same.
  17. SnB


    My wife got me a fossil for Christmas. I only wear it for fancier occasions, otherwise it just feels awkward.
  18. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 10:05 AM) I like the Brewers' retro logo. It's so clever. I actually prefer the brewers "regular" uni's. The dark blue and gold looks really sharp.
  19. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 19, 2011 -> 05:03 PM) Is it possible to grill badly? Over the last few weeks, I've been doing a lot of it. There has been chicken, steak, cheeseburgers, brats, polish sausage, etc. We have a bunch of seasonings and spices so I kind of just sift through them right before I grill and choose a random assortment that I think will go well with whichever food I'm making. And every single time, the food has been just delicious. I feel like I can just close my eyes and grab a handful of seasonings and it will still be good. One thing that I've done each time is use lemon juice (one of those little plastic lemon-shaped bottles). I'll give each item a few squeezes of lemon juice. It doesn't add too much in the way of flavor, but it seems to keep everything very juicy. Ha, that's how I am when I cook. Just grab 5 seasonings that sounds good at the time and wing it. It usually turns out great, unfortunately I can never replicate the recipe for people that ask. Invest in some cajun seasoning if you don't have any - that stuff is good on anything.
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