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Everything posted by SnB

  1. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 02:56 AM) Plenty of people in Chicago drink whiskey. Very few drink it straight, but Jack and Coke is very popular. I agree that it seems women drink vodka more than men. Older people seem to drink more of the hard stuff. Get a bunch of old guys in the same bar and watch the Scotch fly off the shelf. oh god yeah, scotch is known as the "old man booze" in this apartment, but we love it. And at least on college campuses, I agree with you, vodka is a chick drink
  2. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 08:56 AM) I'm afraid this might be the case for me too in trying to go to Tempe. I'm still trying though. Finding a cheap flight at that time is my biggest problem in all this. yeah that's the only problem with us too. Airfare is killer, i was hoping for a florida bowl, that would be definitely driveable.
  3. it kinda blows that after waiting 4 years for some kind of bowl that the illini finally make one and it's waaaaaaaay too expensive for me to go to it. bah.
  4. The pasadena trip will probably put me in the poor house, but I feel like I have to go.
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 02:38 PM) I plan to get acquainted with Mr. Smirnoff in about two hours. gross.
  6. I called yesterday, left a voicemail. I just got offered and accepted. HOORAY NOT LIVING ON THE STREETS AFTER COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang
  7. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 29, 2007 -> 08:33 AM) The correct answers to that are ALWAYS... chunky and grape. absolutely not it's strawberry or bust.
  8. I cannot beat "one" on hard on gh3. It takes so long to get to the hard part too
  9. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 08:03 PM) Brock? yeah i was waiting for someone to call me out on that, i forgot about him. He's had another solid game. We just missed 2 open threes, this ballgame looks over.
  10. all randle needed to learn was how to drive with some toughness and aggressiveness and he would have been a star.
  11. Can brian randle just graduate already? What a waste of space. The only person that showed up tonight was alexander.
  12. I vote for bringing back danny wright and jon rauch.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:58 AM) ^^ This right here. More than likely they hired someone else, as they couldn't wait for you in May. But if you make the right impression now, you put yourself on the inside track to get hired next time there is an opening. Retail is a fickle, high turnover industry, so there will more than likely be something that opens up soon enough. Well, they weren't just hiring for one position. There are over 100 locations I could have gotten hired at. I also don't know where he works. He met me at one of their branches for the interview.
  14. Old people, I need your advice. So I had an interview w/ hertz at the beginning of the month. The guy really liked me and kind of told me that I would get offered the job. He said look out for a phone call, etc. He also said I could work there over christmas break if I wanted to. The problem is that he thought I was graduating in december, not may. That got straightened out early on though. I haven't heard from them since this interview. My question is, would it be ok to call him up and ask him what my status is? What the progress of their job search is? etc Because I feel like I have this job and I just don't want to do anything to screw it up. But on the other hand, I don't want to count on something I don't have.
  15. no love for jaeger yet either? that stuff is like candy.
  16. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 26, 2007 -> 05:59 PM) Jameson whiskey on the rocks. My first few bottles I had to add some water, but over the course of the year (got into it when my parents came back from Ireland and fell in love with it) I'm finally able to handle it straight up for the most part. About 2 glasses (4-5 shots) and I'm good for the night. oh man, me and my roomate went through a bottle of that one night, a full bottle. We were miserable and we sat on our balcony until like 7am. Oops
  17. SnB

    Christmas Movies

    A Christmas Story hands down.
  18. Peppermint schnapps, coke, and grenadine is a good christmasy drink.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 25, 2007 -> 10:22 AM) What flavors is Boone's Farm offering now? Back when I was swigging from their bottles it was Tickle Pink, Apple, and something else. oh man, boone's farm is awesome. Me and the gf discovered it when we had 5 dollars cash on us and wanted to get something. We get the "red" flavor, whatever that is. It tastes like alcoholic "red pop".
  20. keith, i agree completely. I played world series baseball '95 on the genesis to death. Before MVP 05 that was the best baseball videogame hands down. If you go back and play it now however, it's kinda awful. And I don't think I've ever had more fun with a videogame than wrestlemania 2000. All of those thq (i think) games were the best for the n64, no wrestling game has ever even come close.
  21. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 23, 2007 -> 06:28 PM) Is there a well-reasoned argument against college football's OT somewhere on the internet? I'm a fan of the overtime, mainly because it seems aesthetically pleasing, but I'd like to see the point-of-view of those who don't like it... The only reason I've heard that some don't like it is that those players are just dead tired and the level of play seems to drop ALOT as the game continues to wear on and on and on. For this same reason, it's not the healthiest thing for the players. But I personally love it, I would make the change that most want though. Which is to move the ball back to maybe the 40/45
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