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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Thank you woke. I wasn't around for this one unfortunately. Please pass along my well wishes to the LaRusstans!
  2. Will Stacey give the homerun call? Interested what that will be
  3. It's time to strip Herm of his Head Athletic Trainer Emiretus title. This team can't stay healthy. As the elder statesman of the trainers, he should be embarrassed and ashamed.
  4. James Fegan ain't got shit on James Fox
  5. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/31/2021 Quezada still get those XBHs
  6. He was still able to play CF after his second hamstring tear. The Sox put him there.
  7. Frank and Juan Silverio had huge potential. Frank obviously lived up to it. Tough comparison because Frank was an otherworldly hitter in an era where guys were juicing up. If Frank was truly clean like he says (and like I believe), it makes his offensive production even more impressive. His numbers in his prime were out of a videogame.
  8. Have you seen how fast he can pull his glove down on tags? Give the man 200m.
  9. I bet it felt great. He was demoralized up here. Maybe if you supported him and LIKED HIS CONTENT MORE he wouldn't have been demoralized and his production wouldn't have spiraled downward.
  10. Didn't somebody here say within the last week that they'd rather have Dallas start than Cease in the playoffs?
  11. We need you as manager Balta. I'll recommend you if I ever come across Rick Hahn.
  12. You the real MVP bamadoc. Take notes, bmags
  13. He cost the team 10-12 games in the regular season with his bullpen management. That's a fail for the regular season.
  14. 10-12 losses? Wow, I had no idea he cost the team THAT many games. Imagine if Soxtalk was the manager. 87-43 record, on pace for 108 wins and 54 losses. Mercy!
  15. Far too often we see backseat managers on here that think they can manage the team better than TLR. Despite not knowing the inner workings of the team or how players are feeling, they think they know what is best for the team. The Sox have been decimated by injuries, but the team has still performed damn well. Tony gets a lot of unnecessary hate on here. It's time he gets some appreciation for how well the team has performed in the face of great adversity. The players also seem to love and respect him.
  16. I wasn't sure if it was wegner or if hi8is did a complete turn from heel to face (wrestling terms) at the last minute. Mercy!!!
  17. @wegner that is unbelievable! That is one of the best calls I've ever seen in my 9 years on Soxtalk! Mercy!
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