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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Being attractive helps. Beckham is not a good announcer. Scotty Pods isn't good pre or postgame imo. They keep getting gigs though. Beckham is at least good in pre and postgame.
  2. This is a good point. Appreciate the advice. I'll be canceling date night with the lady tonight so this can have my full attention. Sorry my lady, I've got important business to attend to on Soxtalk.
  3. Follow the link below and hit the subscribe button. Thanks buddy! http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=notifications&do=follow&follow_app=core&follow_area=member&follow_id=8909
  4. I'm on a roll today boys. Definitely in the running for winning the day with the most liked content. In the terms of total liked content rankings, I trail right behind Balta (somehow. I'm guessing he cheated) and am in front of kylee (obviously). Be sure to hit the like button if you enjoy my content. I think I've got today locked down.
  5. Agreed. Preller is really who I want to fail. I hope his moves crater their farm system and end horribly.
  6. I feel so dirty for wanting Tatis to fail, but I just do. He got his money already which is good. Please let the Padres never win a championship with him.
  7. Uh oh, greg may have found his new whipping boy if that's the case
  8. He's got a C next to his name
  9. 1 double and 1 triples in 17 games, lol. BABIP must be on his side. I'll take it, though. He's barely striking out and is walking enough. Paddy says he has power. Hopefully it develops.
  10. This Manuel Guariman fellow is a 17 year old catcher in the DSL and is posting a .404 avg, .483 OBP and .462 SLG in 17 games. 6 BB, 9 SO in 58 PAs. Pretty impressive. I recall Benyamin Bailey putting up similar stats at 17 in the DSL though, so I'll temper my expectations. Edit: he's a $500,000 signing from Panama. Same place Bailey is from. Those Panamanians know how to take a walk it appears.
  11. Is Gordo still calling it? My favorite was when he brought up the story about how Paul Walker paid for the wedding ring of a random person he saw in the mall, but the story was just heresay. Wasn't sure if it was true or not.
  12. Ricky Renteria's use of the guy was sadistic. I'm pretty sure Ricky is a masochist.
  13. Kimbrel won't become the closer until he donates to Tony's animal rescue foundation
  14. Dude is coming off a serious injury and has been grimacing this game. I know all the backseat managers know best here, but that is probably why.
  15. Konnor Pilkington continues to dominate AA. He's got a .95 whip, 10.8 SO/9. I thought it was an overpay then and I think it is an overpay now. Could have gotten Escobar for scraps.
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