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Everything posted by ron883

  1. We're gonna get all the calls tonight after Tony got thrown out last game. That's baseball 101.
  2. Alright folks, Tony got thrown out of the game. Now we can see if him ripping into umpires will have a noticeable effect on the strikes. I'm honestly surprised how many people voted yes.
  3. Even if that caught the zone in would be called a ball with Collins' horrendous attempt.
  4. It's because Tony isn't ripping the umpires and getting tossed from games
  5. I'd imagine an agent using Win-Loss record in negotiations would get laughed at by GMs.
  6. Agreed. I can't remember the last time I even looked at Win-Loss record for a pitcher.
  7. Must be nice having a catcher that can frame. Collins sucks.
  8. This fucking asshole is really trying to say that was a ball? Sit down, Hiura.
  9. His BABIP is inflated as hell. He's a guy that costs a fortune then comes back down to earth. No thanks to Frazier.
  10. It's time to get a damn 2nd baseman. Pull the trigger already.
  11. I'm tempted to give it a shot so I can make a video. I've got some great ideas for it.
  12. Have you checked the corner of Wells and Ohio?
  13. Wow, how did he score a ticket for a seat in the bullpen? Did he win some type of raffle?
  14. Nobody in the ballpark was hurt. People outside got shot. It's extremely tragic, but it can happen literally anywhere. The odds of it happening are incredibly minute. If you're worried about making a "plan" for this, then you must have a similar plan for literally every single time you leave your house. It can happen everywhere.
  15. I thought you're too good to post in game threads with us plebs? Beat it.
  16. My post history shows how much I was against the TLR hiring. I almost became a Cubs fan because of it. I've let bygones be bygones though. TLR has done an incredible job, and I'm just enjoying the master showing off his craft at this point.
  17. Abreu still dips. It is incredibly unsightly and sets a poor example. Tony doesn't drive around hammered anymore as far as I can tell. It's a dispicable thing Tony did. However, it's over and done with, and he is now leading this team like King Leonidas lead the Spartans during the Battle of Thermopylae.
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