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Everything posted by ron883

  1. 6'5 lefty. Hell yeah.
  2. He's forcing the players to sign against their will. It's worse than we thought. He's absolutely demonic.
  3. Lol, sure they are. China has been completely transparent about Covid. I'm sure their newspapers have been totally accurate and straightforward about it as well.
  4. This makes Lynn even better trade bait. Sell him off before the deadline.
  5. Escobar and relievers, imo. I think the Sox roll with Goodwin and Engel in RF
  6. Luke Shilling is all it would have taken?... Let's fucking get this done.
  7. The South China Morning Post is the only news source to be trusted
  8. Keep carrying water for your precious main stream media companies, Pete.
  9. It's pretty fucking bogus that seniors like this guy have no other choice but to sign for 10k, basically
  10. I remember a time when anti vaxxers were severely ridiculed by the masses. They were akin to flat earthers almost. It's incredible how many more there are now a days... If social media was around in the 50s-60s, would polio ever have gotten eradicated in the US?
  11. 100%. I completely agree with you here Beast.
  12. Jack your trolling has been on point lately
  13. We can't let our feelings get in the way of a serious discussion that we must have.
  14. There's still time to sell Lynn and Rodon. Looks what a crappy player like Joc got. Lynn and Rodon can net at least a top 100 guy, each
  15. Anybody else think that infield positioning was suspect on Tucker's single?
  16. Big storm coming in hot. Think this gets rained out
  17. Bill hits the nail on the head. We all know Fox News downplays the danger of Covid. Let's not act like networks such as MSNBC and CNN report on it accurately either. They love that people are staying inside more with the opportunity to watch their programming. People on the right underestimate the danger of it, while people on the left overestimate the danger of it. The misinformation put out by both sides is a huge issue.
  18. Let's stop acting like MSNBC or CNN are any better. If you think any of the big 3 networks are credible, you're eating up a bunch of propaganda.
  19. His value has to be sky high at the moment. I agree with you. Engel has been so damn good, just ride with him the rest of the year as the RF starter. Focus on 2B and relief pitching.
  20. Most people that don't like him haven't looked up his stats this season.
  21. Mods, please check into this ASAP. This is a Soxtalk emergency. It will require some of the brighter minds, so leave Kyyle on the sidelines for this one.
  22. Dude, just look at his tweets. He sounds like a complete meatball. There's no way that guy is reliable.
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