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Everything posted by ron883

  1. For my back, I got a list of exercises which was a mixture of yoga poses and resistance band exercises for my glute/hip area. My issue was that I was told to do the entire list twice a day, everyday, and it took about 30 minutes to do each time. I never stuck with it. Why is it you can work your glutes twice a day, every day with resistance bands but you'd normally want at least a day off when you're lifting weights for other muscles? Just because resistance bands aren't that intense and your glutes are used to working all the time?
  2. Haha I had no idea tbh, was just joking. I figured that chiropractors get more flak. I feel the general consensus is you can run into more bogus chiropractors in comparison to PTs or orthopedic doctors, etc. I'm assuming the education differs from your tradition doctors and PTs. After seeing videos of the Y-strap adjustment, I'm scared off from Chiros. I know all aren't like that, though.
  3. Bunch of good-for-nothing snake oil salesman. I'd trust a dollar store chiropractor before a PT.
  4. https://www.fangraphs.com/players/bryce-harper/11579/stats?position=OF https://www.fangraphs.com/players/manny-machado/11493/stats?position=3B Based on how they have produced so far, are you glad the Sox didn't sign them to the contracts they have? Both are hitting pretty decently. Harper looks to be on a 3~ WAR pace, and Machado on a 5.5~ WAR pace. Machado's first year was unwhelming, but he's turned it up the past 2 years. Harper had a goos first year, but appears to be about a 4 WAR player at this point. In hindsight, I'm glad the Sox didn't spend big bucks on them. No need for Machado with Moncada. Harper's production just doesn't warrant his contract, IMO.
  5. ESPN gets worse and worse as time goes on. Production is usually much worse than the competition (TNT's Inside the NBA is on another planet compared to ESPN's NBA trash), biggest personalities are typically hot take artists (Skip in the past, Stephen A of course), their sports analysis drops off further every year. Everything about ESPN just sucks honestly. They put Max Kellerman and Stephen A on UFC 264, and they don't know anything about MMA. It's just a joke at this point. Not to mention the recent controversies.
  6. Blackmon isn't good anymore
  7. Didn't you have problems logging into your old account? Did your old account happen to have a Jack McKeon avatar?
  8. Using an anecdotal opinion of some random person in your argument. Parkman is officially morphing into greg circa 2013.
  9. I'm glad none of my Cubs friends say annoying shit like these. All my friends, whether Cubs or Sox fans, have no ill will towards each other's teams. We'd all happily go to a ballgame on either side of town.
  10. Romy with 12 HRs and an .840 OPS in Birmingham. That's impressive. K rate is a bit high at 28%. Will be 25 in a couple months. I'm hoping he gets a promotion to AAA soon. He'll need a 40 man spot this offseason.
  11. He's gotta be tired of answering that question. The media so desperately wants TA to say he doesn't like Tony.
  12. Wow. It's clear Tony was the absolute best choice for manager. The players love him.
  13. Maybe he's just got an affinity for the World Famous Big Al's
  14. He's been playing DH almost strictly. Hurts his value big time if he is positionless.
  15. Are you peavy44ing us?
  16. He implied that the lab leak hypothesis is absolutely legitimate and plausible? Also, you're the one that implied that that the notion of a lab leak being possible is from the "feelings crowd" as opposed to science. Add this to the list of things you were wrong about and should apologize for.
  17. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-wuhan-lab-leak-theory/ "It's impossible to tell whether that last bit of evolution took place in a laboratory or whether it took place in nature," Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman told CBS News' Catherine Herridge. Relman is no stranger to complex cases. When Anthrax was sent through the mail in 2001, Relman reviewed the science underpinning the FBI probe. Now, he's advising the government on the science behind the pandemic's origins. He told CBS News that the lab-leak hypotheses are "absolutely legitimate" and are "plausible." Relman said the Wuhan lab housed a vast library of bat coronaviruses, including specimens from the caves. "They weren't just studying these viruses. They were actually collecting samples from nature in the largest number with the greatest diversity of almost any place on the planet," he said. __________ Standford professor says those hypotheses are absolutely legitimate and plausible. Here's an idea - let's have an open mind and play devil's advocate more often, instead of just passing off opposing viewpoints as conspiracies.
  18. Remember when everybody was going with the wet market theory despite a lack of evidence? They weren't removing those videos and banning users that floated that theory. All I'm saying is you can't dismiss the possibility of a lab leak. Nobody knows at this point. The point was that media corporations were controlling the narrative, when in reality nobody knows how it occurred. Sorry to upset you.
  19. I do find it interesting that YouTube and twitter were removing videos that suggested covid started from a lab leak (accidental or not). After Jon Stewart went on Colbert's show and floated the possibility, I'm guessing they aren't removing those videos now.
  20. Let's be real, everybody knows there is more leniency on that rule here if you're ripping the right or saying orange man bad.
  21. Can't you say the same about most organizations after the draft? I'd imagine our ranking didn't change much.
  22. I love that he's capable of playing top notch defense. While he doesn't swipe a lot of bags, his elite speed is an awesome asset and contributes to his high WAR. High OBP, speedy and GG defense. I have faith he'll find his HR stroke again at some point. On reason they'd decline his option is some type of massive injury or scandal.
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