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Everything posted by ron883

  1. While 9 Mike Trout's would be the optimal lineup, I'm talking about optimizing the lineup with the pieces the team has.
  2. I'm with Jimmy. Collins should not be starting against a god damn lefty. Fucking ridiculous. Why does it feel like the White Sox put out suboptimal lineups more often than not?
  3. They should have anticipated their 1-4 OFs getting injured.
  4. This is getting ridiculous. The Sox need to hire ptatc and Jeff Cavaliere of Athlean X to shore this shit up.
  5. Civale exited with some type of hand injury.
  6. Civale just exited with some kind of hand injury. They didn't think it was a blister.
  7. LOL that's pretty funny. Could be a Astros team paid shill, or just a fan that was jaded by Beckham's "slanderous" comments. It's a very detailed and thought out response though.
  8. OP is ChiSoxFanMike https://mobile.twitter.com/ChiSoxFanMike
  9. I do find it funny that this thread came from the White Sox fan (non-celebrity fan) with the highest number of followers on Twitter. Based on Twitter, he wants the Sox to be buyers. He probably was not serious with this thread.
  10. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=06/22/2021 Let's get some wins!
  11. Tnetennba, I'm sorry, but your track record with gamethreads has been horrendous. This was an ugly beatdown today. You must accept some blame for it. It pains me to do this, but...
  12. I didn't want to have to do this. Sorry CaliSoxFan, but...
  13. Sheets and Burger aren't bad pieces either, especially for a rental..
  14. Thank you. Plenty of people here let their unconscious bias get in the way of the facts I posted. How is that not worrisome to Sox fans?? The stat is just ugly.
  15. Have some respect. He has 17.9k followers on twitter.
  16. I thought he was great pre and post. Being in the booth is just a different animal
  17. The whole broadcast was basically a Q&A with Beckham, hosted by Benetti.
  18. Awful day. Sorry @BamaDoc , but...
  19. A 2nd generation rebuild sounds about as good as a 2nd generation roach blunt right now. No thanks.
  20. They have become my most hated fanbase since the cheating scandal. Somehow they've managed to have a victim mentality after that whole debacle.
  21. Beautiful friend, the end... Jose with the lowest OPS of his career. Chw42 posted a very interesting stat yesterday. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH this year: .158 BA and .237 SLG. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH last year: .371 BA and .857 SLG. Jose vs. fastballs over 95 MPH in 2019: .348 BA and .623 SLG. Jose's bat just seems noticeably slower this year. He absolutely can't catch up to fastballs 95+ this year. The Sox really need his bat if they want to compete this year. It's very concerning.
  22. Abreu is toast. He can't hit fastballs anymore.
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