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Everything posted by ron883

  1. The ump is going to get revenge on Nicky with a bogus call
  2. Yermin just sucks now. What a huge nosedive he has taken.
  3. Sox can't do a damn thing tonight. Too many players slumping.
  4. I like that Tony gives Jose days off here and there. Ricky worked Jose like a dog last year and didn't give him a single day off. Gotta give the big man a day off on occasion at his age.
  5. Chelios came on pregame to advertise his tequila basically? He brought a bottle with for the show. Keep an eye on Ozzie come postgame.
  6. Burdi was a comp pick, bro. Burger may make it up later in the season if Yoan gets injured.
  7. Veteran privilege. Eaton has earned the 2nd spot because he used to not suck.
  8. Wrong. It's a parody film. I haven't seen it, but I quick Google search shows that. I was leaning towards Booker T, anyway. Can you dig it, sucka?
  9. You don't understand the way of the game thread. It's a force to be reckoned with. This vitriol you spit is bad juju, and a loss today will be in you.
  10. I'm surprised a billionaire (Reinsdorf) can't use their money and status to get it figured out, tbh
  11. I'll be watching and waiting for you to make a grammatical or spelling error. I'm gonna get you, sucka.
  12. Unfortunately game threads are superstitious, creatures of habit. TLR was mentioned in the last thread title, so he must be mentioned in this thread title. He will be mentioned in the thread titles until the team loses. It's just how game threads go.
  13. You won't see me defend many of his moves as the current manager. I think TLR has been horrible this year. I do however respect the history of the game. TLR's win total is nothing short of spectacular. I hope he amasses many more wins this year, resulting in a truly special White Sox team. Also, Hanson*
  14. ron883

    Student Loan Debt

    It's a shame that it costs so much. College is billed as "the best 4 years of your life", and I would definitely agree. Teenagers (most of them) want to go to college, party it up and have the best 4 years of their life. I wouldn't trade those years of my life for anything. I can't imagine the FOMO I would have if I wasn't able to attend a 4 year university. It's definitely a first world problem.
  15. Everybody always hated Jay Mariotti, lol. He didn't drill anything into anybody's head.
  16. ron883

    Student Loan Debt

    This is the biggest thing I noticed 10+ years ago when I visited colleges. I remember loving IU Bloomington simply because the campus was absolutely gorgeous. Hell, the school I went to had a rock climbing wall and a state of the art new fitness center. These are the things that appealed to my younger self, not the quality of the education. They're building so many unnecessary things on these campuses. You're paying more for the college experience than you are for the education. Forgiving debt or making college free without addressing the bloated costs would be a big mistake.
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