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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Phil Rogers going after James. Has Phil Rogers always been a complete hack?
  2. TLR is making up some sort of illness or injury for Yermin so he can play Jake Lamb
  3. I'm sure the TLR apologists will find a good reason for sitting the best offensive player in the league for Lamb
  4. TLR: Psych! No Mercedes for you! This fucking guy, lol
  5. Tony La Russa's baseball IQ is so ridiculously high, most of us simply can't understand the moves he is making. He is truly a baseball savant. 300 IQ.
  6. Does your opinion on booing players stand for the manager as well - or do you support my decision to boo TLR today?
  7. When is a pitcher going to admit he is gassed though? Hell, it's hard for these guys to admit when their elbows hurt while pitching.
  8. Even if Katz told TLR to pull Giolito, he wouldn't confess to it in the post game. Katz isn't going to big time his manager like that...
  9. Why didn't Miguel Cairo tell TLR not to play Lamb and Leury here?
  10. Great, I didn't want to see Vaughn or Madrigal in person anyway. TLR has to fucking go
  11. He's the HOF manager that was hand picked by our overly loyal owner. He is one of the owner's best friends. Hell, TLR may have more power than Hahn or KW. You think the young pitching coach or the fucking bench coach have any sway over him? Just lol. We don't know what they did or didn't tell La Russa in these situations. Bottom line, it is TLR's decision to pull the pitchers, NOT Katz or Cairo. Your endless defense of him is embarrassing.
  12. Keep carrying water for TLR bro
  13. He's really killing the team right now
  14. Never heard "yak" as a name for a homerun. Usually hear it in reference to something equally as sweet as a homerun, though
  15. Honestly, he is super effective when just using his sinker and the cutter. Wouldn't mind him sticking with those
  16. Man, all our players just taking fastballs
  17. When he's cold, his ABs are HORRIBLE.
  18. Jose OPS close to .700. Time to move him down soon
  19. Shit AB. Bieber can't throw strikes... Take a couple pitches
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