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Everything posted by ron883

  1. The amount of absolute hacks out there that will praise anything the Sox do is embarrassing. Anybody with a fucking brain can see this and the plethora of other questionable s%*# they do is straight garbage. Yet you have people like Bowden, Nightengale and Bruce who praise things like this. It's a straight embarrassment. I'm going to call into Hit and Run on 670 the score and let Bruce have it.
  2. I've got it muted, but Getz looks nervous as hell
  3. Hop on the red line and exit at Addison
  4. Also, when's the last time he hired somebody that was Jewish? I'm starting to think he is antisemitic.
  5. Spoken like a true bigoted, racist, sexist piece of crap. Get him, Balta!
  6. is Parkins stealing s%*# from Soxtalk or our guy Jimmy?
  7. This is absolute malarkey. The moderators have finally gone too far.
  8. Who should be on there? Post your ideas here, and whichever gets the most traction will be created by @Kalapse
  9. You don't know what the hell you're talking about, bozo
  10. Did you think KW was white this whole time? Also, it seems like Jerry did a lot for Kim Ng, a Chinese woman. What are you even talking about here?
  11. @Jack Parkman I hope you didn't self ban yourself again. You're missing out.
  12. People are freaking out, but I initially thought this press conference would be about explaining their process for finding the next GM, NOT about already finding the next GM. I guess we'll see.
  13. Who would give the press conference? Getz or Haber?
  14. I kind of feel this way. There have been so many conflicting reports. I just hope Nightengale is wrong, because f*** him.
  15. I just hope they start taking security more seriously, at ALL stadiums. Like I said earlier, I went to Wrigley for the Cubs-Sox game recently and they didn't use a metal detector at all. It really surprised me. I'm worried some wackjob saw this and realized how easy it is to get a weapon into a stadium.
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