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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Do the milb player pages not work half the time for anybody else? It's been this way for over a week.
  2. And that was the last time caulfield was seen on Soxtalk
  3. Can you spread word of the event to Lipstick Alley? We need everybody we can get.
  4. I feel like states and municipalities are more reluctant to cough up a bunch of cash for professional stadiums now a days, as they should be. I haven't been paying attention to the bears new stadium saga. I hope the state doesn't cough up a dime for that stadium, or for a future Sox stadium.
  5. We're so lucky here at Soxtalk to have an insider that provides absolutely no inside information, but always jumps at the chance to let people know that they are an insider. A true asset to this forum.
  6. Southport Corridor area and the southern part of Lakeview definitely aren't shitholes. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live near Wrigley again. It was fun after college, but it definitely gets sketchy.
  7. Is this free if you have a PlayStation?
  8. Wow, I had no idea he made it. His numbers in the minors this season are pretty damn good.
  9. This topic is a good segway to discuss Brandon Johnson and Chicago politics
  10. Hawk is an absolute national treasure. I'm glad he's still doing well.
  11. Only thing more fitting is if he was out with ass stiffness
  12. Nunez 3-4 with a 2b. He has a whopping 31 BB to 19 SO. Not getting too excited about that, but it's good looking. He's also a CFer who bats lefty. .306, .435, .455. I'm so used to our DSL guys being trash. There's a whole bunch of 17 yo guys putting up great numbers. Flores is a catcher with a .402 average over 35 games. Gil putting up .331, .467, .451. All these guys have more walks than SOs. Hopefully at least one pans out. @Y2Jimmy0 do you know much about our DSL guys, or are they all relatively unknown?
  13. Is he becoming injury prone?
  14. I'm more disappointed that Buehrle has such poor taste in dogs. Good on Toronto for banning those monsters.
  15. Honestly, drafting was a GarPax strong point. They just never committed to the tank properly and couldn't land great stars.
  16. What is Sox Fantasy Camp exactly?
  17. My mom still goes to Caputo's for their Italian sausage. So freaking good.
  18. Normally I wouldn't do this, but because caulfield is the grammar/spelling nazi jagoff around here, I feel obligated. DODGERS*** @caulfield12
  19. I'm used to our guys in DSL absolutely sucking. However, there's a bunch of 17 year olds with impressive offensive numbers. Ole Gil, Nunez, Mogollon, Flores. I wonder if we have anything in some of these guys. I'm going to temper my expectations after being excited about Benyamin Bailey's DSL performance.
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