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Everything posted by ron883

  1. And with this post, the McCann fan club grows larger!
  2. There would be no twisting for me. I would still support the guy unequivocally. I wouldn't blame a guy for roiding and potentially earning millions or tens of millions more because of it.
  3. Remember when the Sox got Brett Myers? Yeah, that dude beat his wife in public. I think they'll be fine giving a guy who cheated a 2nd chance.
  4. What do you expect? Keuchel is just a regular season pitcher.
  5. Hahn mentioned that they called TA before making these moves because he is the leader of this team. Does this finally dispell the notion that Abreu is the leader of the team? Timmy is the leader. Period.
  6. Dallas was the veteran cy young winner on the team. After his display of leadership on the Sox, I find it hard to believe he wasn't a leader there.
  7. So some are ok with Dallas Keuchel but not Hinch?
  8. You'd think all the people concerned about integrity would have stopped watching before this season considered we signed Dallas Keuchel.
  9. Boo hoo. You don't think anybody deserves a 2nd chance? Should we stray away from any player who has been caught roiding as well? That's a poor way to construct a club. You limit yourself too much. People make mistakes and they learn. You hire Hinch if he is the best candidate out there, no question.
  10. During Stone's call into the score, he had high praise for Hinch and mentioned that he spoke with him very recently. If Stone is indeed close with the FO, Hinch seems like the definite frontrunner. We also have Dallas here who may be close with Hinch.
  11. Hahn is playing 4D chess. I'm still not convinced Ozzie isn't at least a fallback
  12. I keep seeing people say if Ricky was going to be fired, they would have done it already. I was thinking exactly what you said, though. I don't remember many managers getting canned during the playoffs
  13. ron883

    Pandemic Cooking

    I wish I had a charcoal grill. I live in an apartment on the northside, so I'm limited to a gas grill on my balcony. The charcoal flavor is just the best.
  14. ron883

    Pandemic Cooking

    Bump. I've been doing a lot of grilled chicken thighs lately. Infinitley better than breasts IMO, since they're hard to overcook. Thinking of making some Alton Brown guacamole for chicken sandwiches today.
  15. "You gotta be bleepin' me! What are you doing Wegner? That is so bad, it is absolutely brutal"
  16. By this logic, bring back Ozzie too
  17. Most of my takes are correct, but people focus on a select few due to the fake news moderators that slander my name around here
  18. Could you add something hotter - possibly a blue flame emoji for Jack Parkman's gamethread takes?
  19. I'm elated that your Padres are getting beaten down, @caulfield12. There is no other team I want to lose more than the Padres after they lied about Shields' health. Fuck them.
  20. Definitely a possibility. He's shown how great he can be in the bullpen. Not sure if they'll want to keep jerking him between starter and reliever.
  21. They stretch him out at a low level in the minors. He has very few innings under his belt. The most he threw in college is 65 innings. I would guess he needs at least 2 years in the minors to stretch out and fine tune his repertoire.
  22. Not sure what that has to do with a potential White Sox vs Padres world series next year, but I agree. Padres are toast. This dodgers team is too good.
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