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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Yermin may be a better hitter than EE today. You gotta keep him in case EE flops.
  2. Yes, they are. Quite frankly I'm tired of Coop's shit attitude. Give the kid his due and say he will be Chris Sale. Show a little confidence in him damnit. He clearly looks up to Chris.
  3. Never underestimate the volatility of a pitching staff. Just look at the 2015 Mets. These guys will get a shot.
  4. MLB game after hiring greg as a consultant and implementing his ideas:
  5. Why you gotta come in here and 1 up me like this? I can't compete with this. You win, greg.
  6. I'm not expecting baseball again, ever. I think we all saw our last MLB game last year. It's over.
  7. Very excited about the direction the White Sox are heading. I like what I've heard about Shirley so far.
  8. Wrong. James Fox is the best in the business.
  9. Hoerner may be the best shortstop in Chicago in 2 years
  10. "Mike" Jordan ? that's good stuff. You're on fire tonight greg
  11. I guess you missed the part where i said "The cops negligence caused these protests and riots." I didn't absolve them of any blame. You don't know what my stance is on coronavirus and social distancing. You're completely making things up and putting words in my mouth. I also blame anybody that is going to a restaurant and gym while ignoring social distancing guidelines. They are just as guilty. And lets be real, this isn't just like people going to a restaurant. These are MASSIVE crowds in close quarters. However, you seem to be completely absolving protests of blame for likely spreading coronavirus with your whataboutisms. Please, answer my question. Should protesters that spread coronavirus to others be held equally responsible to any other person that knowingly ignored social distancing practices and spread it to others?
  12. You're absolving blame from those who attended protests because you agree with the sentiment of the protest. You're placing the blame squarely on Trump and the cops. OF COURSE the cops negligence caused these protests and riots. Of course Trump could have done better with the pandemic. But how about a little personal fucking responsibility? No matter how just the protestors are in their message, they are still knowingly putting themselves and many others at risk. Anybody who went to a large protest lost the right to b**** at others for not social distancing and better bare the responsibility of putting others at risk, and potentially killing them. I hope these people stay at home for the next 2 weeks.
  13. What are your opinions on protestors and covid-19? Is it wrong to be furious at them for being so negligent? These are the largely same people who blamed Trump for coronavirus spreading so rapidly. They're the same ones who would lambast people for not social distancing. Now they're willfully spreading it themselves. But it doesn't matter that social distancing isn't being practiced by protestors, because I agree with them! I would be absolutely furious if I got it from somebody I knew that went to a protest.
  14. Pay more, too. It's a highly stressful and dangerous job. You can earn much more with a degree while not risking your life every day. Very few intelligent people want that job.
  15. The "defund the police" idea is just insane. Honestly, just take a look at the job. They don't get paid that well, don't have much opportunity to advance. The job is extremely dangerous and stressful. They get harassed often and have to make difficult decisions, all while being under a microscope. The type of situations they can be put in WILL give them PTSD. The suicide and addiction rates are understandably high for the job. Who wants to do that job given the lousy pay? Obviously, people who want the power. Defunding the police and paying them less will only make the problem worse. You'll get even shittier, more corrupt people going for the job. It needs to be a more desirable job with better pay. Make it more difficult to become a cop. Higher education requirements. People make similar arguments for teachers. Pay them better so it becomes a more desirable occupation and you attract the cream of the crop. Train them better too, obviously.
  16. I completely understand why people are protesting, but I don't want any of them anywhere close to me. I expect we see a spike in cases among protestors.
  17. Do people start mass rioting and looting when a school gets shot up? No, they don't. That has nothing to do with your stance on this issue either, it is just a fact. They don't want the guns stolen and in the hands of looters. It seems blatantly clear to me. Not sure what is confusing you here.
  18. I can't believe these cops just keep fucking up over and over and over again since the murder happened, on video nonetheless. Insane. You'd think they would practice some decency with the limelight on them.
  19. He's probably thinking of the Henry Horner homes. This was before my time, but I believe there were still occupied when Chicago stadium was still standing.
  20. The looting and destruction seems to have slowed down significantly thankfully. My area (east Lakeview) remained relatively untouched. Hope others managed to avoid all the madness.
  21. You the real MVP of this thread
  22. They'd be working 24/7 if they had to deny everything the fake news media put out there
  23. He ain't wrong. She's wayyy more of an establishment candidate than Bernie, despite what she wants her fans to believe.
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