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Everything posted by ron883

  1. They are fucking garbage at the plate. What about that do you like?
  2. Didn't Cease have a hammer curve he threw more in the past?
  3. Exactly. People are acting like he is Ricky Renteria bad. He has been very successful during his managerial career...
  4. I'm team @BackDoorBreach tonight. Let's keep this thread alive!
  5. Having him and Vaughn would be exciting. Vaughn gets such incredible reviews. I'd be worried about trading him and getting bit in the ass for it. 1st base prospects don't typically have much value
  6. He worked fine with a young Cubs team. He would be fine here. Unless you're saying we need a fluent bilingual speaking manager, which limits our options.
  7. Without question I would want Joe. No manager is perfect. He is better than 99% of the alternatives.
  8. Tim, Yoan, Gio, and maybe Bummer are the only ones that could be classified as sensational
  9. Is it your personal challenge to answer to all of my posts? My apologies for triggering you so hard. Half of your posts are responses to me
  10. Rick Hahn deserves a lifetime contract for getting those two superstars. Add in Eloy and Collins. Goodness
  11. Would the White Sox using an opener regularly be the last straw?
  12. Is Benetti ripping on the twins that hard?
  13. @greg775 was right! Collins, 10th pick, guaranteed stud!! Crushed it!
  14. Gotta build up the innings man. Shutting him down would be a huge mistake. Plus I'd rather see him out there than some other trash. It won't impact the tank much. He'll be getting tired soon anyway.
  15. I wonder if we see him pulling the ball more. Has he had any homeruns that were to left field this year? Seems like all are to center or right. Pretty impressive. We'll be seeing some absolute bombs of he starts pulling some here and there
  16. You're right. Some blame has to fall on Jose Abreu. His abysmal defense sets a bad precedence for the younger players by the so-called "leader".
  17. Maybe he truly is a less impactful Forrest Gump But, apparently Greg put out two daughters who are studying to be surgeons of some type. He's gotta have some good intelligence genetics, right?
  18. Betances is a reliever on the wrong side of 30 who has missed all of 2019 with shoulder and lat issues. I don't get why people want him
  19. Not sure what you mean by "weird". His players like him and he has produced results. He is light years ahead of Ricky. I'd easily prefer him over Omar and Ricky. I'd probably take him over Girardi as well.
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