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Everything posted by ron883

  1. We have Nicky Madrigal waiting in the minors. He's so good we moved Yoan for him.
  2. @Look at Ray Ray Run
  3. Lol the Sheets-Rendon comparison may very well be the worst take in the history of soxtalk @Chisox378
  4. And then Hawk, Yaz, and Bobby Orr ask you for putting advice?
  5. He should never never sniff the field when Alonso is playing. Everytime this happens it shows the incompetence of Ricky and selfishness of Jose. TEAM FIRST
  6. Was that meant to make me very disappointed?
  7. I was hoping this would be the all time "Kenny always gets his man" list
  8. Change your name already ya bum
  9. Too old. Trade him while he has value.
  10. The injuries started when Herm was still here. Most overrated dude in the business.
  11. I'm going to have to side with The Sir on this because I simply cannot side with Jose Abreu on anything
  12. @Jack Parkman is going to start serving some people crow soon
  13. Play them young and get rid of them when they are 30. Guys who are 30 are ancient in the MLB now a days
  14. His 2020 contract is only guaranteed if he hits 550~ ABs this year.
  15. Would you prefer the results in Arial or Calibri font? Double or single space for the summary of findings?
  16. Couldn't be a pulled muscle since he doesn't have any
  17. Todd Steverson noticed something and told Rick to bring him on board. He changed his batting stance after all.
  18. Jose is having a great year, no doubt. He still will have little trade value. People don't trade much for DHs. That's the bottom line. His stone hands at 1st don't help his value either.
  19. The AL 1st base crop was laughably horrible last year. The worst in a long time. Jose lucked out.
  20. Nobody is trading anything of worth for a DH. These guys are a dime a dozen.
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