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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Timmy swung right through a meatball first pitch. I think he needs a day off
  2. Engel blows enormous amounts of dong
  3. I know you miss Ozzie as well. Bring back Oz!

  4. ron883


    It's amazing how quickly people here forget 2005
  5. ron883


    Would you take him over Ricky?
  6. ron883


    Ozzie post game comments reinforce the fact that even he has adapted more to today's game than blowhard Ricky Renteria. Ricky hasn't shown the ability to do anything well tbh. We might as well hire a more competent manager with some personality. Hearing Ozzie talk about the rats at Wrigley is better than anything Ricky has done. Bring back Oz!
  7. People need to give Oz credit sometimes. I would love for him to manage this team again
  8. This team is awful at developing players defensively. They wouldn't be able to make a defender out of him most likely.
  9. He isn't even hitting .280 at A+, when IMO he should be given his track record in college. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  10. I don't despise you. I'm team Greg, despite our differing opinions on Abreu
  11. @greg775 this seems like a topic where you would like to provide input
  12. He is facing the Orioles. Let's not get ahead of ourselves
  13. Looks like ya boy Ron is good ****ing luck eh boys? Guess I'll take the liberty of making game threads in the future. Don't step on my territory.
  14. That strike was down the damn middle. It's time for robotic umpires. This is so damn obvious by now.
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