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Everything posted by ron883

  1. He's just not very big. Abreu reaches that one. But like Stoney said, come off the bag to make the catch at least.
  2. Luis is so lost right now. Yoan or Benintendi need to be hitting 2nd.
  3. Why is there no automated strike zone yet? Look at how far AI has come. This shouldn't be hard.
  4. The ball landed to the left of him. He took a s%*# route to the ball.
  5. In all seriousness, if Benintendi took a better route, he gets that.
  6. From here on out he will be known as "Sleepy Kendall"
  7. Get Jose Ruiz up. His stuff is so slept on around here.
  8. It's not worth the risk. We've seen what happens to him in LF. He might just kill himself in RF.
  9. Wouldn't mind seeing Yoan or Benintendi batting 2nd going forward.
  10. Love Benintendi stretching that to a double. We need smart ballplayers like him.
  11. Everybody has basically guaranteed he would be an above average hitter. Hope he can still do it.
  12. I'm getting a little worried about Vaughn honestly. I wish they didn't rush him.
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