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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Abreu at first. This is unacceptable for our pitchers. Yonder should be playing first any time he plays.
  2. Wear your Sox hat during the anthem then proceed to attacking the first base coach
  3. I'm excited to see him. He dominated the minors
  4. Kopech's ceiling is a number 3? Man, that's pretty harsh IMO
  5. Because we knew you would. Reverse psychology'd. Soxtalk 1, Ray Ray 0
  6. Not a bad first outing for Frankie
  7. Tatis jr is hitting .214 currently. Don't think we can say he is lighting the world on fire yet.
  8. I'm gonna have to buy one before it sells out
  9. If he becomes serviceable as a catcher, that trade will really hurt.
  10. With your username, you will be on his side 100% of the time
  11. Isn't it banned in the ballpark in Chicago?
  12. He can be very philanthropic and still be a poor role model due to his tobacco use. Dude throws monster lippers in. Completely gross. Not a good look for the kiddos
  13. He should have squared up, flexed his abs, and taken it to the gut. He could have gotten the runner out.
  14. Abreu's giant lippers are disgusting. Terrible role model.
  15. The potential Yogurt Sanchez signing is looking better and better each day.
  16. Lol goodness this defense has been rough
  17. Is he wearing a three piece suit to the plate or something?/
  18. Palka in RF. That's an inside the park HR
  19. That is why Yonder should be at 1st any time he is in the game.
  20. @Jack Parkman you have a list of names of people you will gloat to yet regarding Giolito? Let's go Gio!
  21. This had to be made to get a reaction out of greg ?
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