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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Soooo you have to feel that pitching is as valuable as ever right now...
  2. GO CUBS GO GO CUBS GO HEY CHICAGO WHATAYA SAY THE CUBS ARE GONNA WIN TODAY I'm still completely wasted from last night. Chicago was a complete s***show. So fun though
  3. Jose's OPS has dropped every season in the MLB. He will be 30 and will be hitting arb years soon. He is an atrocious defender and is really nothing special as far as 1B/DH hitters go. Who the hell would give up something of value for Jose Abreu? He just isn't that great of a player. Middle of the pack first baseman. Jose is way, way overrated by sox fans.
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 19, 2016 -> 12:27 AM) And no J4L, either...Ron is at least maintaining some illusions of being more of a Sox fan while straddling the line with excitement about living in his Wrigleyville environs. Thanks for the shout out bro I'm really in a win win situation. The cubs win, I get to party my ass off in my north side confines. They lose, and I get some joy out of it. Life is good
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 23, 2016 -> 02:54 PM) Excellent post. You really have to want the Cubs to lose if you are a Sox fan I think. No it doesn't have to end. If some team can knock off the Cubs this year, it could start a Detroit Tigers type spiral when it counts. Lose the big ones. It'd be nice to keep them out of the WS completely. I'm telling you if some team can figure a way to beat the Cubs it just might keep the ineptitude going. The Cubs are probably going to win, but it doesn't have to happen. what a great post! Great post. Remember this. Cub fans hate the Sox and wanted us to lose in 05. For sure they did not support the Sox. f*** the Cubs. Terrible post. Terrible. I guess you could pretend to be happy if it gets you free beer or helps you pick up women but cmon. You always want them to lose but are gonna celebrate them winning? Ugh. Awful post. I would be happy for the city and the people that have been waiting so long for it to happen, like my grandpa. I was going to argue with your testament that it was a terrible post, but nobody knows more about terrible posts than you do Greg. It must be true.
  6. I don't care about people who never cared about them before being fans. Let them enjoy the moment. They are happy that a major team in their city may very well win the world series. I find it curmudgeonous harping on bandwagoners. I didn't give a s*** about hockey and rooted for the blackhawks once they got good. It's fun when your city is winning championships. I honestly don't want the Cubs to win the world series. I've said I don't care if they win it or not, but once the playoffs come around, I always want them to fricken lose. But I can tell you what; if they win, I will be enjoying the party that will ensue afterwards.
  7. In light of Jose hitting a homerun for that boy, I'll just post this. Good work Jose. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=...W0pVcUu_61eVFeA
  8. Jose starts finally producing when it doesn't matter and people keep calling me out? Too bad he couldn't do it back when it mattered. I'll reiterate what I've previously said. Jose isn't what we thought he was. The league adjusted to him after his rookie year. He is a mid-tier first baseman.
  9. http://mlbfarm.com/index.php?team=CWS 1 IP 3 SO for Hansen so far.
  10. Our first baseman finally pushes his OPS above .800 and people want me to apologize for saying he was figured out. News flash, .805 ops and 19 homers isn't all that great for a below average fielding 1B. Jose just isn't what we thought was.
  11. QUOTE (Blackout Friday @ Aug 27, 2016 -> 07:41 AM) Agreed and I apologize. Hi8is and I accept your apology. Thank you
  12. QUOTE (Blackout Friday @ Aug 27, 2016 -> 07:24 AM) Based on what? A scout that has 14 years in the Blue Jays org? Who is your source? Rick Hahn. He just said the guy hits 93-95 mph. Also, how many rings do the blue jays have in the past 14 years? Just sayin
  13. QUOTE (Blackout Friday @ Aug 27, 2016 -> 07:13 AM) For what it's worth I asked my Blue Jays source that said he's never seen him hit 90. For what it's worth, seems like you have a pretty lousy source
  14. QUOTE (Blackout Friday @ Aug 26, 2016 -> 11:52 PM) Anyways, going to bed now. With my wife. You had one once, but scouted her wrong, correct? Night, night. I've had 3 wives. How bout you bro? Can't top that? Didn't think so
  15. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Aug 26, 2016 -> 12:23 AM) Damn, I like this. Sister goes there, parents went there... who knows, maybe in a year, I'll be going there too (if I'm lucky enough to get in, of course). Nice to hear that they're no-nonsense when it comes to this stuff. I'm annoyed when I hear of speakers who are denied speech at campuses due to kids disagreeing with them. If you don't want to hear what they have to say, don't go. edit- last couple sentences were referencing cancelled voluntary open speeches, not the smaller in-class ones That place truly is where fun goes to die. I highly advise going elsewhere if you want a fun college experience.
  16. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 24, 2016 -> 10:19 PM) We're really still doing this? Grow the f*** up. PC mod alert
  17. QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Aug 20, 2016 -> 10:48 PM) Solorzano, Pano, and Rocha combined for a no-hitter! Solorzano - 7 IP, 0 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 8K Pano - 1 IP, 0 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 2 K Rocha - 1 IP, 0 H, 0 R, 1 BB Zangari hit an oppo-taco. He's heating up. 4 HR in his past 10 games, 15 on the season between GF and Kanny. Still just 19 years old. I miss the days when you would make terrible, terrible nicknames. They were laughable. What happened bro? HoT FiRe!!!!
  18. QUOTE (hi8is @ Aug 10, 2016 -> 08:50 PM) No s***? The Sox are adamant about the "Chris Sale Schedule" for pitchers, when it comes to high pick. Get them in the pen and get them to grace Coop. Coop'll git 'er done!
  19. My source told me he will be moved to AA and come out of the bullpen, to limit his innings. Could set a September call up if he looks good.
  20. I can't imagine what it's been like for Jose. Had no idea he has been separated from his son for this long. I can understand that affecting your work life. And this is coming from one of Jose's harshest critics on this board.
  21. Alex call is a stud. Already a top 10 prospect
  22. Can't believe people don't appreciate how good Jim Thome was. Are they serious?
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 28, 2016 -> 03:36 PM) If he sucks that bad, why would someone else want him? Exactly. Reread my post. I hope some poor sucker thinks Abreu is the player he used to be. Maybe some GM will overpay for him.
  24. It's great that Abreu forgot how to hit homeruns. Huge, huge disappointment. Hopefully the sox find some sucker who thinks he is still a starting caliber first basemen. He just isn't this year. Trade him away.
  25. Call is underrated IMO. Why is he below Jameson Fisher? He is younger and has produced better at a tougher position. He should be above Fisher.
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