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Everything posted by ron883

  1. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Nov 14, 2013 -> 04:14 PM) It was $13.3M last year, $14.1M this year, and in case you haven't noticed, more money gets spent every year. It's highly likely the QO price in 2 years will be around $16M. so in 4 years it will be 18m? 20m in 6 years? no, dont think so. these guys wont be making that kind of cash.
  2. Jack*** ozzie botched that one big time. That's when people realized he is severely lacking in the strategic side of baseball. That's also when many people realized he was a lousy manager.
  3. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Nov 14, 2013 -> 03:48 PM) While I do want Wieters, we are only getting draft pick compensation if we offer him a QO, which a couple years from now may be around $16M+. So he'd really need to return to his 2011 form when he led all catchers in baseball with a 4.6 WAR. Not saying he can't, just saying it's no guarantee that we get a draft pick out of him if/when he leaves. 16m+? yeah right. It will probably be around 13m, and only for 1 year. I expect Wieters to command more than that.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 2, 2013 -> 08:35 AM) You still haven't proven me wrong. No one wanted Crawford at a free agent price. And if anybody did, please direct me to their post so I can scold them. Who is there right mind signs a 29 year old who has a game revolving around speed to 7 year contract paying 20 million a year? I really doubt anybody wanted that.
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 2, 2013 -> 01:58 PM) I agree fully on Santiago. Q is a different story. I think Q is pretty good. Whether he can take the next step, who knows? You're agreeing that bias is clouding somebody's judgement?
  6. QUOTE (TheFutureIsNear @ Nov 2, 2013 -> 12:20 PM) And I love when hometown fans overvalue every player on their favorite team. Its only been a few days since I joined this site, but already I've learned..... - Viciedo and Beckham are good players who are just slumping. They'll be better next year. - Alexei Ramirez is a very good player who should only be traded for a top prospect. He's too valuable for anything less. - Hector Santiago is legit frontline starter and possibly even a #2. - Chris Beck is a top prospect with a bright future. I think you need to take off your hyperbole goggles bro
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 31, 2013 -> 02:14 PM) I'm surprised people got on me about AJ and not Rowand. As I recall there used to be a lot of Rowand bashing. As far as Thome, he exuded leadership to me. Maybe I'm mistaken. AJP is all sorts of a pest to the opponent looking for any edge to WIN. Rowand gave up his body a lot. I'd take a Rowand over a DeAza or Rios so quickly it'd make your head spin. I'd take Thome over just about anybody who has worn a Sox jersey. If I'm wrong about him, then so be it. I guess an argument could be made he didn't have TWTW since he hit into the shift so much when he coulda gone the other way. Way to ignore the post about the numerous choke jobs AJ has been a part of. didn't expect you to respond to that. he is also supposed to be an unlikable jackass. i guess thats TWTW.
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 24, 2013 -> 03:03 PM) Yep and that's why he's cooked. No more jobs for Ozzie. Hope he's saved his money unless he can keep landing broadcast gigs. Maybe if a close buddy gets a managing job they'll bring him in as 3B coach. Asst coaches don't do much talking to media or they don't last a week. I like Leyland; no disagreement there. I'm just thanking oz for getting it done in the Sox one and only trip to the WS. We could have lost that series and our streak of futility would be looking very very very bad right now. There's no sign in sight we can even win our division again the way we play in divisional games much less get back in the WS. I mean if you had to bet your life savings would you predict we get back in the WS in the next 10 years? Next 20? Odds aren't good as we start over. I'd give anything to have Leyland take over the Sox helm tomorrow. I'd love Leyland as skip and Oz third base or bench coach. Leyland would teach Oz about professionalism and Oz could help Jimmy with the strategy. Oh I can wish ... strategically, how was ozzie good? please inform me
  9. Joda The Cubañero JD Abreu The Cuban Cigar
  10. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 2, 2013 -> 10:00 PM) ok this is a fake greg. Somebody hacked him. This post is outstanding. There must be some sort of anagram in there that can rearranged to say "Dunn is a bum" or " I loev ozzie"
  11. It will be a mockery to the award if hawk wins it. horrible, horrible announcer.
  12. I like awards to have integrity. Awards that are a joke like GG's annoy me. If i vote for hawk, i feel like I'm furthering degradation of the integrity of the award. Hawk is a lousy ass announcer tbh. I'm getting tired of him living in hyperbole land where there are guys every single game that are "the best he ever saw" at something. Gets annoying and you know he is talking out of his ass.
  13. 1b: konerko 2b: tadahito iguchi SS: juan uribe 3b: joe crede RF: jermaine dre CF: aaron rowand LF: scott podsednik C: AJ pierzynski! DH: carl everett SP: contreras, buehrle, freddy garcia, jon garland, el duque RP: polite, cotts, jenks, hermanson, viscaino, marte DL: frank thomas
  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 15, 2013 -> 09:43 PM) Agreed. I can't even stand to pay attention anymore. Move on. Next. (Before Greg protests, Konerko's the greatest Sox player of the post-Thomas generation, and he's always going to be appreciated by Sox fans, JR, statues, Konerko Days, etc.) speaking of konerko, what is Dye doing now a days? maybe he could play RF while avisail garcia plays center. Dye is a white sox legend. I'm sure he could still hit.
  15. anybody putting dunn in the 2014 lineup must be under the assumption that he has a bodyguard. if not, his life is in serious danger. greg just might order a hit on him or take him out himself.
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 14, 2013 -> 02:08 PM) Adam Dunn has one home run this month after hitting four in August and five in July. That's still pretty pedestrian slugger numbers for a LONG stretch of games. He's 4 for 38 this month with 21 Ks. He hit .148 and .165 in April and May respectively. So basically 2 1/2 months of the year he's been totally and utterly pathetic. He's hitting .197 vs. lefties this season with six homers in 117 at bats with .294 OBP. If we're going to keep him I would get somebody he can platoon with at DH. Play him only vs. righties where he still strikes out at an alarming rate and I would truly spot his playing time in April and May. Who cares if we anger him. He'll be finally gone after next year anyway. Platoon him. In August he did hit .267 with 13 RBIs. At one point he was 8 for 15 against Detroit and Minnie in games where he was supposedly hitting to all fields more. The bulk of that damage was in 3 games vs. Minnie. wait- you want to platoon a guy who will be making 15 million a year, but you defended ozzie to death when he played highly paid guys JUST because they were highly paid, even when they were playing like crap? agenda! hypocrite!
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 10:46 PM) I'd demand to see an accurate birth certificate on Abreu by the way. I'd like the Sox's future a lot better if we had a stud catcher like KC's Sal Perez. If the Sox sign Abreu and Grandy, I wouldn't mind seeing us bring back AJP one year. I know that makes us older, but not that much. You are subbing Grandy for DeAza (trade him for whatever you can get) while waiting for the Sox's outfield prospects to develop and subbing Abreu for Paulie. If those 2 guys hit and Beckham, Lexi and A. Garcia have big seasons, you could use an AJP for a season. Phegs can be AJ's sub. Arguably, Abreu, Grandy and AJ could help this lineup. True we would get much older in one swoop, but like I said they aren't blocking anybody and the young outfielders become that much closer to being ready for the bigs. I'm talking about Mitchell, Thompson, etc. What do you think? Forget about the fact I'm adding age; think about how I'm adding bats and the age of these guys won't matter in a year or two anyway when the young guys are ready. I'd pass on McCann for now and just give it to AJ for 3-4 million a year while putting off long-range plans for a stellar catcher one more year. With AJ available and still not finished ... why not take advantage of the cost savings there?? On paper, this lineup has a fighting chance to win some of the close games we lost this season. Of course if the defense remains crap, it will not matter a bit what changes we make. DEFENSE MUST COMPLEMENT THE PITCHING!! I wouldn't be surprised if AJ juiced last year. i dont buy that jump in homeruns at that age. either way, going on 37, i expect a significant decline for a catcher. no thanks.
  18. f***. avisail and semien aren't even playing. i wish semien would get more time... i dont care to see veterans put up good stats anymore. theres still time for somebody to blow it
  19. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Sep 9, 2013 -> 08:16 AM) I've heard June 8th as the date when he started his new approach. Even with the current slump he's been in, his stats from June 8th to today are as follows. .273/.372/.500 slash with 18 hrs and 51 rbis. Even with your hatred of Dunn you can't argue against those numbers. This bum could have hit .300 if he stuck with his hitting away approach. What happened to that? Too bad his wife loves those Benjamins too much to let him retire. Worst I ever saw since Alex Rios.
  20. i think kenny just gave ozzie all he wanted that season knowing he would crash and burn. it was well known this was ozzie's preferred way of constructing the team. it really magnified how bad of a manager he was.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 5, 2013 -> 12:25 PM) What part of a roster of Juan Pierre's doesn't sound awesometacular to you? scrap city b**** scrap scrap city b****
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