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Everything posted by ron883

  1. Sox will fast track him to the majors as a reliever
  2. Yeah it is cool. Hopefully another RB kid makes the majors soon, Will Kincanon.
  3. We made his client Carlos Rodon much more money by not offer the QO. Boras owes us one.
  4. I'm glad we get Jessica Mendoza for the ESPN draft coverage
  5. For sure he does. I'd be concerned if he was my team's 1st round pick.
  6. That's a no brainer imo. Not sure that gets it done though.
  7. Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Kelenic thread bumped in a while
  8. Tony is going to punish Leury for making that little league mistake there. Trust me.
  9. Happ would definitely cost an ass and a leg. I don't see Montgomery getting traded. It would certainly cost Vera or Colas in the deal.
  10. Are we seeing a guy that can legitimately be a top 5-10 prospect in the league? On top of his absurd offense, one of the writers (Law maybe?) Said that his defense has been outstanding.
  11. If you think Benintendi or Happ can slide over to RF, they're decent options. Easily better fielders than Gavin Sheets. I can see Benintendi reverting back to his normal self though.
  12. I haven't even looked who is available really. Assuming the Sox wouldn't be able to get Soto.
  13. I've got the single most liked post in Soxtalk history. My legacy is etched in stone here already. I don't do it for the likes anymore.
  14. Love the Don Rickles story. The guy is on the Mount Rushmore of standup. A true great. If you need another reason to be pissed at @caulfield12, he doesn't find Rickles funny.
  15. Nothing beats Caulfield making one of his attendance threads after 1 home game in the 2021 season that had limited attendance due to covid
  16. Where are we at in the season? Are you buyers or sellers? Left handed hitter still seems like the biggest and most obvious hole. Are the Sox good enough to be buyers? Who you going for? Happ, Benintendi are both options in the OF. Would be nice replacing Gavin with one of them.
  17. What are we drinking today deep?
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