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Everything posted by ron883

  1. So, anybody watch The Boys? Shit is getting real.
  2. I agree with you on Mr Beef being the best. Just had it a week ago. I also had Al's in River North recently. They definitely make their beef sandwiches smaller now. A big beef is the size of the old regular size beef. The regular size is a joke now. Mr Beef reigns supreme.
  3. Zavala has been the superior offensive player in AAA this year. I'm fine with Perez getting plenty of ABs in AAA while Seby is swinging the hot stick. If Seby falls off, then you can call up Perez later.
  4. Disappointing that the Bulls seemingly aren't using the full MLE in order to avoid the luxury tax. Reinsdorf is an embarrassment.
  5. I'd love to see what Leury's agent sneaked into his contract. "Must play 120+ games."
  6. I was worried that it might be a trap. Stay safe @Richie
  7. @Richie did you make it? Keep us posted.
  8. I see Laurence Holmes is doing pre and post today. He's always hard on TLR on his radio show (rightfully so). I wonder if he has to hold back a bit on pre and post.
  9. https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/white-sox/married-after-white-sox-controversy Heartwarming story. I'm just glad everybody is happy. This controversy feels like yesterday, tbh.
  10. If only Chicago media had the guts to write something like this about Jerry/TLR
  11. He's the Cuban Ohtani for god's sake. Bring him the hell up.
  12. Tony was asked about pinch hitting for Leury, and he talked about how much he liked Leury's at bats recently. Typical.
  13. I'm not ruling that out. He may have one of those old man slip ups where he accidentally says something racist. A guy can dream...
  14. Being a buyer at the deadline would be asinine. I think the team will be too far out to be buyers.
  15. Guys stop being so negative. I remember a time where everybody wasn't negative. Strive for the W.
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