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Everything posted by ron883

  1. I get what you're saying and completely agree, but I doubt you were 5% bodyfat
  2. Literally anybody. Ozzie is the easy choice if the org wants somebody with experience.
  3. This is fucking stupid. Tony is reaching Trump levels where people want to blame him for literally everything.
  4. Jose has Rick Hahn by the balls. He gets to play when he wants, at the position he wants, on the team he wants.
  5. I'm very surprised that tray is playing the contrarian
  6. Who ever said being 21 isn't fun? It's generally regarded as the best time of your life.
  7. The fact that they kept Yermin on it this whole time is a joke.
  8. Who would you bring in as a reliever tonight though? Nobody is available. People are shredding Tony for bringing in Sousa. He has to. There are no options.
  9. 100%. People are ripping Tony but what can he do? This is on Hahn.
  10. So who do we pitch instead? I'm all for bashing La Russa, but let's use some critical thinking when ripping him.
  11. There's absolutely zero chance that the White Sox trade Giolito this year. If they suck this year, Jerry will want them to compete next year. Trading Giolito doesn't help them compete next season.
  12. I wonder if he's broken or if he just doesn't care about baseball now that he has his fat contract
  13. Maybe Lynn's fat ass should have lost some weight while he was rehabbing his bum knee
  14. Do other organizations pull this crap where they send players to DSL to avoid the tax hit? Seems like a complete waste of a developmental year.
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