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Everything posted by ron883

  1. I've got zero faith in him with that BB%
  2. This is the sign of a team about to break out
  3. I can never tell if he's actually limping or he's doing his typical nonchalant manerisms. Was he definitely limping? I wasn't paying attention.
  4. What if the Kushner's bought the team?
  5. Tony's dumbassery is the icing on the cake. Hahn fucked up this offseason unbelievably. Tony just makes everything worse with his horrendous decisions.
  6. Lol you really think batting Leury "Dogshit" Garcia higher in the order than him is a good idea?
  7. It's honestly unbelievable they thought going from A+ to the majors was a good idea for him.
  8. New season of The Boys came out. I'm not watching the Sox right now, lol.
  9. Do we know how much of the team Hobson actually owns, if any? It's too bad the dumbass friends of the park stopped the Lucas museum from being built here. I feel that would better the chances of Hobson attempting to become majority owner of the team.
  10. This team is going to hell. They're signing slap hitters, washed up players, bad defenders. They aren't signing the best.
  11. Except your take was wrong. He has the chance to be better than an "average MLB regular" like you said. It's easy to see based on his tools and how he has performed.
  12. I'm really hoping either Mark Cuban or somebody from the Trump family buys
  13. I heard that. What a joke. Doesn't want to put any blame on Tony or the organization of course. Nobody is at fault, it's all because of injuries according to Bruce. I wish Chicago reporters weren't so spineless when it comes to questioning Jerry's organizations.
  14. 3 likes on my post vs 2 likes on your post
  15. Did Yermin get fatter?
  16. I got shredded for contemplating the same thing, but with the Cubs. I could enjoy a team with no expectations at a stadium a mile away from me. Sounds like a better deal than rooting for this team.
  17. Montgomery has a high ceiling and is playing great in A+. The guy will be a top 100 prospect without question.
  18. Mark Cuban buying would be the dream. Didn't MLB owners ice him out before? With Reinsdorf leading the way?
  19. Cespedes is quickly falling off the list for me. I said it in another thread, but his 1.92% BB% this season is simply pathetic. Major league pitchers would give him nothing good to hit.
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