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  1. I've seen various lists online, but fortunately, it looks like these lists were wrong...5.5 for Grifol would be asinine
  2. Was he? Not sure why he has sympathizers....Strategically, he was bottom tier...Good guy? Sure, Good manager? Hell no...Not too sure he's responsible for developing much Apparently Grifol was in the top 10 highest paid MLB managers...Insane What FA connections can we make to Venable? Rizzo? Leclerc?
  3. Francona doesn't make any sense for CWS right now, but he should have been the guy in 2012 after Ozzie had this have been a competent franchise
  4. Forgot that's how it's calculated, looks so strange
  5. How did Vail get the loss?
  6. So excited for Hagen Smith
  7. Unqualified manager that was hired by an unqualified GM that put together one of the worst rosters ever
  8. Update: Still dominating
  9. Who are the punts and who are the picks worth a damn as of Draft summer?
  10. Why would they draft him? Any update?
  11. Not in favor of moving Crotchet, but that's an awesome return Robert, at his peak, deserves way more Not overly familiar with the Fedde return
  12. Hey, at least Ozzie got himself in a position where his quitting hurt the team
  13. Not that Ozzie is the answer (maybe he is apart of it), but at least this would interest the fans....Again, this is my lowpoint as a Sox fan
  14. Totally forgot the 2021 season happened...What a roster on paper (with some bad luck)
  15. If I win the lottery I will fire everybody involved with the FO
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