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  1. Nice to see them lift the ball more
  2. Do I have the only feed that keeps blinking red every handful of seconds?
  3. Why have I not seen any highlights of Schultz?
  4. All I have to say is let the young guys play
  5. It will be exciting to see how he progresses with more playing time now that Lavine is gone. We could really use a home run
  6. I am trying to figure out if this front office is worse than the last one
  7. I am sure everyone is really excited to see Gus Varland.
  8. Getz seems to be trying to sign the cheapest MLB guys possible
  9. At least this guy has success out of the bullpen in the MLB
  10. Wish we could draft guys who can actually get minutes. Matas assigned to Windy City
  11. People never factor in competing with a team with something to play for.
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