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FutureSox Writer
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Everything posted by raBBit

  1. Clearly I am speaking of the masses. Someone with some outlier condition should talk to their doctor on how to go about handling it. Frankly, it isn't a concern when considering how to treat the masses. If you're at risk, get vaccinated. It's that simple. If that person doesn't want to get vaccinated then they face the risk that they may have made the bed that they could expire in.
  2. You're right you should just stay home.
  3. 80% of hospitalized COVID patients were overweight. 80% of hospitalized COVID patients were Vitamin D deficient. Why doesn't the government and their propaganda wing in the corporate media inform the people of this? If they were actually concerned with the people and what COVID can do they would inform them that supplementing with Vitamin D and having general fitness alleviates the vast majority or risk for the vast majority of people.
  4. Then get vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you won't have to worry about others spreading it to you. Even if you get it your risk is tiny. I have had the flu multiple times and I have had COVID once. Each time I had the flu was worse than COVID. If you're vaccinated and afraid of others because of COVID you should not leave home during flu season.
  5. Being denied bail makes it seem like this might be serious.
  6. I don't watch Fox News. They are a part of the corporate media and they don't deviate from what the elitists and corporatists want. The elites/corporations want everyone vaccinated. You seem pick up on the simple concept of the Corporate media (that stokes division) that they want you to pick up on to make our citizenry full of lemmings. Corporate media other than Fox = "good, the official word, "science", etc." AND Fox News = "Right-wing, Russia, etc." I just look at them for all being deceitful and gross corporate media companies with motives that aren't concerned with what's best for the people. Although Fox at least has guests on that the rest of media won't give any time of day because of their attachment to the truth over the media's narrative. People like Greenwald, Taibi, etc. (yes I am aware these people were on CNN/MSNBC prior to the last few years). My intake of Fox is watching segments of people like that on YouTube and that's it. Certainly don't have the intake of Fox News that you do given all these videos you just pulled up. Unless you did all that research just to "get me" which I wouldn't put past you. So now, not sure if you actually watched the videos, but none of them have any Fox employee speaking out against the vaccine. 1.) The first video is against the procedure that the administration is talking about in knocking on the doors for the non-vaccinated. That is not being against the vaccine. That is being against the government being Orwellian. This video is not a Fox news employee expressing views against the vaccine itself. 2.) The second video is against the government spending ungodly amount of taxpayer of money in campaigns to advertise for big pharma's COVID products but not on Cancer and other issues. The video continues on being against the idea of forced vaccination. This video is not a Fox news employee expressing views against the vaccine itself. 3.) The third video is a doctor saying that 42% of Delta variant cases in the UK have been people who are vaccinated so the vaccine isn't going to be solution for Delta Variant given the numbers in UK and Israel. I am sure you know more than this doctor and your opinion is more important but once again, this video is not a Fox news employee expressing views against the vaccine itself. 4.) The fourth video is a guest speaking out about COVID guidelines trying to segregate college students and afford them less rights if they choose to not get vaccinated. This video is not a Fox news employee expressing views against the vaccine itself. ----------- It seems you don't pick up on any nuance of this discussion. You can be for the vaccine but against the government putting significant taxpayer money towards these ridiculous ad campaigns and against the government forcing it on people. You can be for the vaccine and against the idea of unvaccinated people getting less rights. You can be for the vaccine and still acknowledge the facts of the data that is coming regarding the Delta variant. I got vaccinated. The primary reason I got vaccinated was because I see my parents weekly and I wouldn't want to risk exposing them. I do not care whether others do or do not get vaccinated. It is not my business what others do with their body. If people want to get vaccinated or get an abortion or get a tattoo or get surgeries to transition gender I believe it is their right. Their body, their choice. It is not my business what they want to do and I would fight against any type of mandatory injection of an exogenous anything. I definitely think individuals over the age of 60 should get vaccinated, but if they chose not to, that is their business and they can live with the risk. I am not going to call them names or support lunatic government actions to force people to do things they don't want to do. If you're concerned with COVID, worry about yourself, get vaccinated and stop worrying about COVID. Everyone knows about the vaccine. It is available for free everywhere. The fact that the corporate media and this administration are still obsessed with it is only undermining the public's trust in it.
  7. Great thread. It has been very interesting seeing how the Sox moved on from Hostetler as they are typically very loyal and rigid to change. He was a polarizing guy to the front office. Especially when they put the draft in the hands of guys that Hostetler gelled with and empowered in Shirley and Garrett Guest. I definitely hated the Burger/Sheets combo in 2017. Sox even signed Sheets overslot which many don't remember. I feel that might have been the draft that determined Hostetler's fate. Nowadays, it's all of a sudden not looking so bad. Especially with the points bmags made on that draft being so weak league-wide. I also hate the Steele Walker and Jameson Fischer (think I liked Fischer at the time, put looking back) picks. Just too many corner-types. There was always an emphasis on "ballplayers" over athletes and with Hostetler he was always raving about make-up. There were a lot of great kids/personalities drafted in Burger/Sheets/Walker/Fisher but damn so many players that really had a high offensive bar to clear to make themselves into productive MLB guys. While Burger has had his incredible turnaround and is obviously a great young man, it couldn't have looked good on Hostetler the way he raved about the kid's makeup left-and-right and then Burger basically fell apart mentally after his second Achilles injury. The high-high make up 1st rounder was eating frozen pizza, playing video games, dealing with depression and getting fat in the years he was supposed to make his way to the big leagues. Now Hostetler looks better because Burger worked his way though all that adversity but that draft had to look terrible when Burger was a couch potato and Sheets was an over-slot, 1B-only guy with limited success and little game power to show for. All of a sudden Burger jumped the line on everyone and Sheets found his power stroke without losing his contact rates.
  8. Would be curious to hear from the @bmags and others who are very learned on COVID and all the developments re: the media coverage of J&J. It has largely been very negative where the general media coverage on the vaccines as a whole has been very straight forward - "safe, no risk, get vaccinated, etc." It doesn't seem like the cases of blood clotting with J&J have been any higher than the others. That FDA pause a few months back was very detrimental if you look at the number of doses administered vs. Pfizer/Moderna. Especially when you consider the convenience/preference of the one shot dose. Now this week they have been putting stuff out of the cases of Guillain-Barrat (spelling/GBS). Cases of GBS comes from vaccines and viruses in general, so there should be an expectation of some number of cases just like with a flu shot or whatever. Also, I don't believe you can trace GBS back to whatever caused it so why such a hyper-focus and why is the media acting like that's not normal? It just seems like the media has a bias against J&J. J&J is also the only vaccine allowed in the states that isn't mRNA/exploratory science. AstraZenaca, another non-mRNA vaccine, couldn't get FDA approval for whatever reason. While a big-pharma giant like Pfizer/J&J, AstraZeneca undoubtedly has some of the most brilliant people in the world working in their R&D and product development silos. I'd be more inclined to trust a vaccine from them over J&J, Moderna or Pfizer and for some reason they can't even get approval here. Seems like a bias towards the mRNA varieties.
  9. Do you have sources for any of this or just spit-balling?
  10. I hope you realize those posts were by two different posters...
  11. He's anti-science there's no use in trying.
  12. Bauer has to be going crazy. He went from interaction with team, fans, media everyday and several vlogs a week to silence and solitude. Assuming he's guilty, it's a small, small start towards penance.
  13. No doubt. People on the left get political and everything is okay. If people question the leftists who get the political, there is name calling, group shaming, threads are closed and in some cases suspensions are handed out. You have to support the big corporations, corporate media, big pharma initiatives here or you're bad.
  14. Is the joke that I watch Fox News? Because I don't and have never said anything about Fox News or watching it. You should try having an original take on anything. Also, politics are against the rules. So your hack Fox News jokes and snowflake/woke/fill-in-the-blank-buzzword drivel is against the rules. An admin just made the same lame hack jack you did to another poster and admitted that doing so is against the rules. So maybe I "missed the sarcastic joke" because you're a scatter brain that can't express yourself in any coherent fashion.
  15. Histrenoza retired 5 batters, gave up a hit and had 2 strikeouts in 9 pitches. That is impressive in a baseball oddities sense.
  16. I would say what is relevance of that but that would be applicable to all your posts.
  17. If he's smashing the ball all week I don't know how they keep him down for next week.
  18. Personal attacks allowed now? What I said was true. There are people who die with COVID and people who die from COVID. The numbers we see are the ones with COVID. Look it up nut job.
  19. That's the number of people who died with COVID not from COVID. For instance, George Floyd was a COVID death. I don't think it was the COVID that ended his life. At least the COVID wasn't on trial for it.
  20. Of course the Cubs signed Chirinos and the Indians Wilson Ramos the past few days. The Indians have DFA'd Rene Rivera and Lavarnway the past two weeks. Not sure if either are worth the 40 man spot honestly.
  21. Yeah all the people who say that Collins can catch are going to crawl into holes.
  22. This guy is the type of dude where if you just showed up at an MiLB park knowing absolutely nothing depending on the day, you may think this guy is the best player on the field. He has plenty of natural ability.
  23. Story has a higher wRC+ on the road in his career than TA does. The Rockies are facing opportunity cost. Keeping Story to allow to recoup the comp pick doesn't come without cost. The Rockies owe him roughly 9 million for the remainder of the season. The slot value of the 31-34th pick in the draft draft is roughly 3.3M. So if the Rockies keep Story and get the comp pick, it will cost them about 12.3M in signing bonuses and opportunity cost of paying a guy 9 million to play 80 games for an awful team going nowhere. On the other hand, they can trade him and pick up three prospects that they would either pay minor league salaries or the major league minimum. They can get multiple prospects instead of putting their eggs in one basket. They could get AAA guys who have less risk associated to them, they could get A ball guys that may have more upside, etc. They could get a mix of the two all the while saving money. Who is running the Rockies right now? They fired their GM mid-season. Their owner just gave 50 million to the Cardinals. It's unclear (I believe the info is not public) whether they gave out 50m this year or whether it is spread. But who is more likely to make a move that saves the team money? A GM who wants to build a winner or ownership? Who is making the call? Who is a contender and in need of a shortstop let alone a middle infielder? The A's? They said they're not interested. The Red Sox could possibly upgrade at 2B. Who else? Maybe the Dodgers if Seager is going to be out for a long time. My point - the Sox should have limited competition, the Rockies owner may value 3 diversified prospects and 13 million savings over one comp pick. Away from Gallo, there may no other bat as impactful on the market for the Sox.
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