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FutureSox Writer
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Everything posted by raBBit

  1. I was joking. I am not going to sit over here and try and make sense of what Renteria does. lol
  2. In all seriousness, what are his positives? A nice smile? It's embarrassing they broke camp with him on the roster.
  3. Sox are doing their best to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. I think he'll be back tomorrow.
  4. He threw 8/9 out of the zone. It's truly amazing. Does Leury not learn at all? He's the most tenured White Sox now. If I watched Civale's efforts pitching to Delmonico & Robert I go up there sitting dead red fastball. If I see spin I take. Leury swings at two breaking balls that would have been balls.
  5. He's just using sarcasm. You can't follow the hilarity?
  6. Rays traded Covey to the BoSox
  7. He's never going to be able to please you and all the others who look at him like the boogeyman so why would he care? He's well aware of the quotes that are going to be all over Twitter. The media and a lot of the fans just love to hate owners and call them cheap when they really don't know the first thing about money or business. Should he lie to the media so his coverage is better? You saying he's a terrible businessman really undermines your point in any case. I don't like the guy personally and would be delighted by news of him potentially taking the team to bid. That said, the Sox are one of the most prepared teams for all of this craziness that occurred following COIVD shutdown. 1.) The Sox basically have a free stadium deal with the ISAFA (because Reinsdorf is a terrible businessman who can't negotiate I am sure). 2.) They are in a great cash/debt position relative to the rest of the league because when you were hammering him for being cheap, he was stockpiling cash and preparing his business for a sudden and unexpected downturn. As opposed to Ricketts on the North Side who was sweating bullets these last few months. 3.) Sox are a young, promising team with depth and very little long-term high risk obligations on the books because this "terrible" businessman was willing to sign-off and approve of a rebuild while he was in his 80's and he was willing to trust his baseball people with spending/trading for unproven (at the MLB level) talents. Again, I've never been a supporter of Reinsdorf and would welcome him moving on from the Sox, but the Sox are one of the best prepared teams in all of baseball for the next several years and Reinsdorf has a big part of that. Obviously he never knew that COVID was going to be created and change the landscape, but unlike most other businesses in our debt-based society, Reinsdorf and his ownership group prepared for a potential hardship in the business.
  8. From what I've read, Moderna has nowhere near the production capacity for this scale. Seems like if they had a breakthrough they'd have to be partnered with another company but there does seem to be some support from the Administration with Moderna through Kushner. Past that, their recent data release from last week was based off results of n=40 or 45. I like AstraZeneca as the leader.
  9. I imagine we will soon find out this isn't about mental health or drugs or whatever everybody is fearing. Do some social media snooping and you can figure things out.
  10. It's easy to assume the worst with this kid given all the headlines he's had as he's come up as a young professional. I think this isn't necessarily a bad turn of events for the Sox. If the service time stipulations are correctly understood, we now have his rights for all of 2025 instead of for 60 games this year. If the team comes out 2-9 in the first 11 games, we'd much prefer this scenario than him pitching 40 innings for us this year.
  11. Yeah would like to see him string a full season of being healthy together. I guess that will wait until 2021. His package profiles so well as a fourth outfielder if he can just hit a little bit. Switch hitter, can run and if his arm is okay (there have been some doubts recently) he can play all three outfield positions.
  12. Yup. Fry was throwing a bullpen next to Jimmy Cordero earlier this week. Cuthbert - Hahn said he's having trouble getting in the country. So it's not him because he wasn't administered. test on site. Moncada - Strong case. Engel - Have not seen/heard of him. Kopech - I could be wrong but I don't believe he actually came to Chicago. It's possible he tested positive in Texas or where ever he lives and didn't leave to go to camp as a result. It's also possible he's missing from camp because of reasons unrelated to COVID. Anderson - Have not seen/heard of him. Detwiler - Have not seen/heard of him. Fry - Was seen throwing a pen. Fulmer - Have not seen/heard of him. Guerrero - Found a picture from earlier today of him with a masked Renteria on some Columbian IG. "peloteroscol" Hueur - Was seen throwing a pen with Jimmy Lambert. Johnson - Seems he is in Chicago but no evidence of him at the stadium. Marshall - Have not seen/heard of him. Ruiz - Have not seen/heard of him.
  13. Madrigal wasn't apart of the original "summer camp" roster the Sox released that had additional spots open (that Madrigal will assume). Smart money is Yoan & Ruiz (unless he's been picture/referenced at the stadium the last 24 hours) for the corona positives.
  14. On that some note though, the Twins get Rich Hill for the full year when he would've been injured for the first few months. Much like our deal with Rodon.
  15. His suspension is prorated for the shortened season. So he'll miss the first 39 games.
  16. That was the team that made me fall in love with baseball.
  17. Yeah but the awful new extra innings rule gives the home team a big advantage.
  18. No. Covid is non baseball. If the player gives the team consent to report they can. If a player doesn't give the right, they cannot because of HIPAA protections.
  19. The distinction with HIPAA is whether the injury happened in the course of the trade. I.e. is it a baseball related injury or a industry/condition/infection unrelated to the trade.
  20. Veen/Detmers/Abel? Veen doesn't seem like the type of slider that gets the Sox to deviate from their plan coming in.
  21. We pick #11. In my opinion (and in no particular order), there is no chance the 6 players below get to us. I'll throw Hancock as #7 even though he could be a guy who conceivably slips. From there, we just have to rank our top 4 players left. So I am basically hoping for Detmers but each of the last few days it seems less and less likely. Past him, Abel's upside is tantalizing and he could possibly be underslot so that'd be my fallback. If Detmers & Abel go in the top 10 I get less excited about our pick. 1. Tork 2. Martin 3. Lacy 4. Gonzalez 5. Veen 6. Meyer 7. Hancock 1. Detmers 2. Abel 3. Hassell 4. Kjersted.
  22. Yup. All leadership in Minneapolis needs to be removed.
  23. What is your source here? Not consistent with what's been reported and the dialogue in the truckers community. Seems like this guy was unaware of the protest occurring on the highway and was just doing his job when he caught a beating from the protesters. Luckily some of the protesters protected him from further damage. The highway was supposed to be shutdown/barricaded and wasn't yet as acknowledge by city officials. The truck driver didn't bypass any barricades or anything like that. Minnesota's Safety Commissioner said he had no intent to harm protesters. The local gas station owner he was en route to (a black man) said that this individual was not racist and stated that the driver was making a badly needed delivery for him. https://www.startribune.com/truck-driver-didn-t-intend-to-hit-protesters-on-35w-bridge-state-officials-say/570925582/ https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/george-floyd/kare-11-investigates-semi-driver-didnt-target-protesters/89-0cf459f3-af33-45a0-a8f3-76fb2754bc25
  24. Can't speak for all the airlines but I know United Airline's CEO and President aren't taking a salary for the time being. Conversely, my friend who works there has no work to do but is still employed and is guaranteed to be employed through September (unless he violates the code of conduct). So he's currently making his full salary to trade stocks and answer a few emails a day. Pretty sure airlines who took bailout money can't lay off their workers until a given date so not sure this is the best example.
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