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FutureSox Writer
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Everything posted by raBBit

  1. I did not know that posted changed his name. Thanks.
  2. raBBit

    Tax Refunds

    I think my loans are middle to lower end of average but of course my inquiry here is trying to gauge exactly that. Are you under the impression that student loan interest affects the state tax bill you are given? What exactly are refi opportunities that does mess with you credit score? I am not getting money from my parents or family if that's what you mean. They're all government. Even when I refi'd I used a government bank.
  3. raBBit

    Tax Refunds

    4.3% seems astoundingly high? My grad loans that I applied for when I had 40k in debt from undergrad were bonkers but I quickly refinanced those.
  4. raBBit

    Tax Refunds

    About a a year and a half The accountant doesn't determine the tax bill.
  5. Are you a family member of his?
  6. raBBit

    Tax Refunds

    I claim zero and typically owe Illinois $0-$150 dollars. And he did get hosed that's part of living in Illinois.
  7. raBBit

    Tax Refunds

    Lots of student loan talk here. I am curious to what kind of rates you guys renegotiated to if you did renegotiate. I had some grad loans at 6%-7% and I refi-ed them down to 4.3%. That 4.3% is essentially what I am looking at for my WACC. My credit score is over 750 and the only knocks are that I haven't paid enough of my debt off and I have a lot of credit pulls (student loan refi's, cc's, bought a car, refi of car loan, etc.). When I did renegotiated my student loans initially, my credit score was lower and I was looking at about 60k left where I am now closer to 35k. I guess the question being, and I know it's specific to individuals, have any of you found it worthwhile to refinance your loans in a situation like mine? I am just not sure there are any refi options available under 4%. Also not sure sure if saving say .7% is worst the hassle and credit pull.
  8. raBBit


    Saw Theo in Chicago and LA. He’s one of the most authentically funny comics out right now. Hope he can keep his mental together I’ve been told he’s fighting some demons.
  9. Okay now tie that back to the topic at hand for us...
  10. raBBit


    pettie you make any bets on the SOTU? I got paid out 9 to 10 that Trump would say "caravan" That was easy money.
  11. How about the guy in Seattle who legally changed his age from 59 to 39? Hopefully he still wasn't expecting social security!
  12. I am just glad some high profile person lends precedent here for this lunacy to be okay as it serves as a fly in the ointment in the ethnicity Olympics. While my background is primarily (if not entirely) Western European descent immigrating in the 20th century, I wouldn't classify myself as white. I fill out forms as "other" I had a friend who's mom was adopted so she told her kids to apply to college as Native American and my friend got 8k a year in scholarships for public school. No validation or anything. My girl is 1/8th Mexican. Her maternal grandmother is half Mexican. If we were to have a family and children the kids would be Mexican Americans at 6.25% which is roughly 400-6400x more hispanic than Warren is Native American so it would be perfectly reasonable to raise them as Americans with Hispanic background. If one of our senators can market herself as Native American based up on a speckle of background stemming back hundred of years it really opens the door for all types of shenanigans.
  13. The Cubs are really chalking up a list of negative PR stuff. Hate to see it...
  14. They're involved but quiet. In a word, provisional. Not much the teams can do. They're waiting the agents out. They agents are running out of time.
  15. Nationals are actually out. Check out the history between Boras and the Nats. Nats still have good relationship with Harper. It makes business sense for the Nats to pretend to be involved as it is another suitor. More suitors helps Boras Corp and Harper. Them saying they're out hurts Boras Corp and Harper. As such, Nationals don't address their involvement in the rumors.
  16. raBBit

    ChiBeria 2019

    In my line of work there are no excuses in January. Stuff has to get done. Be safe out there everyone!
  17. raBBit

    ChiBeria 2019

    Starbucks is open and Comcast has an outage til 4 where I am at. Far from ideal.
  18. raBBit

    ChiBeria 2019

    Anyone else having wifi outages at home? Can’t even work from home right now might have to go to Starbucks but their phones are down so I’m not sure they’re open.
  19. I never said something was happening at Sox fest. Chili said something was happening and and everyone was talking about that and I said something like "I wonder what the Sox do with the info" or that if he release something watch their twitter on the hour. I was operating off of something I had heard from someone else but I was not at the liberty to share and didn't see anything other than speculate. And, I don't have any info on it but Hahn said this weekend that things fell through in the last 48 hours. The Sox are setting up their moves for if they get Machado or if they don't. If Lozano has heartburn the Sox may be less inclined to complete a given move. This offseason I haven't been able to really talk about anything as a fan. I've said stuff in the beginning of the offseason and immediately had to respond to my post that was screenshotted and brought to twitter. To be clear, I may not on twitter or soxtalk all week and then yesterday I am informed that I am in the middle of some big kerfuffle where literally 75%+ of the info being thrown around is wrong and a lot of people who haven't been here for a few years is saying stuff that I don't know where they get it from. Also, please keep in mind that I work really long hours and focus on my personal life on the weekend. I may post something and not see the response to it for 5-6-7 days. I may post during lunch (like now) and then be staring into my work until 9PM. I am not running for anything, I wish I could post more. There are far too many people here who would gladly acknowledge I'll back up words far beyond where I need to go. A lot of this drama is going to happen naturally with the Sox being in the midst of this big saga but when it devolves into throwing stones at Shack I don't know what to tell you. I should say, I was very happy to see some of the older posters come in and put the hammer down on that as they historically have. I think we all *cough cough* especially the newer posters *cough cough* need to have a bit more of a questioning mindset of these new posters with sources. In the past, you'd be questioned pretty hard trying to pass info as a new poster. Now there are reddit burner accounts breaking news and anything is considered and that's fair but just try to take everything in stride. I think this whole dilemma has shown the execs aren't confident in anything. It's had the national insiders being dragged through the mud. The local insiders have looked ridiculous. People are being used left and right. The players are running out of time. Relax until then.
  20. I am at max capacity on DMs. Just one of those things I am going to have deal with at some point.
  21. That's him EDIT: I don't know the user of this account but I have golfed at that course. Small world.
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