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Posts posted by ChiSox59

  1. Hey guys....lost a league this year.  Looking to start a new $300-500 buy in league.  Looks like there could be some interest from this group.  If I started it, its going to be yahoo league (just my preference, don't care to debate it).  Any interest @BrianAnderson. @Look at Ray Ray Run, @cjgalloway, @iWiN4PreP, @BackDoorBreach, @maxjusttyped, @ron883, @Chicago White Sox, @MyNamesRod, @Seinfeldologist

    Thinking 10-12 team league. Minimum 10.  

    6x6 H2H - R, HR, RBI, SB, AVG, OBP; W, SV, K, ERA, WHIP, K/9

    Thoughts?  Happy to set this up if we can get to at least 10 people.  I run a lot of leagues and happy to provide references if you guys want - but its generally tough to fill leauges with higher buy ins, so felt here may be a good place to start to find peeps.  Would try to fill in league as necessary outside of Soxtalk.  

    Let me know.

  2. 42 minutes ago, SonofaRoache said:

    I don't care if we sign him or not. But to say he wouldn't be a fit for us when he would be one of our best FWAR guys is odd. Mazara can be traded or give Joc and Eloy breaks as needed. 

    Mazara is a below average defensive OF.  He makes no sense as a 4th OF.  He also makes no sense "giving Joc breaks" because neither can hit LHP for shit.  A good fielding RH hitting corner OF makes wayyyyyyyy more sense than Joc with how this roster is constructed.   

    Joc and Mazara would make sense on this roster if you could carry 30 players.  But you can't, so he doesn't.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, soxfan2014 said:

    I believe Rick or Ricky mentioned previously that it won't be a straight platoon in RF, at least not to start with.

    Renteria did say that.  And I get it.  They shouldn't tell the media, and thereby the player, that the guy they just acquired is going to be a straight platoon player.  Mazara has proven he is wretched against LHP - I suspect he'll be on the bench most of the times with lefty starters on the mound.

    That being said, its Ricky, so nothing will surprise me.  

  4. 45 minutes ago, SonofaRoache said:

    Actually, he and his 3 fWAR would fit great in RF. 

    Not really.  Unless you move Mazara in a trade.  Time for some of you guys to accept Mazara is going to be the strong side of the platoon in RF in 2020.  Someone else will get the LHP at bats - likely Leury.  Though I want the Sox to take a look a Kyle Garlick who is currently available and has 2 options remaining.

    If Mazara is the same guy he's always been in 2020 - I think the Sox will bring Joc in next offseason.  A Joc / Adolfo platoon makes a lot of sense in 2021.  

  5. 46 minutes ago, cjgalloway said:

    This was a good video.. Im glad he owned up to being a butcher on defense lol.. but the whole "I didn't come to the field to walk, no one wants to see that" made me cringeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. lol

    He didn’t admit to being a butcher on defense. And I dont think that is a good description of his defensive abilities whatsoever. 

    • Like 1
  6. A Moncada extension would be great, but i am also down to just enjoy the fuck outta Moncada for the next 4 seasons. I don’t think we’re getting much of a discount at this point, and I can’t blame the guy. At some point it just makes sense to let it play out for both sides.

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

    I pick and choose what I pay for as well. I pay for The Athletic because it's awesome. ESPN comes with my Disney Plus subscription and I have to have Baseball America. FutureSox is basically still free. Everything we did before, we are still doing. It's rankings week. Our patreon subscribers are getting separate articles with each of our individual rankings all week. They will also get insider content and weekly podcasts all year. I completely understand not paying for it. I get it. I have a good international source and I'm the only person who has published the names of the 6 players I listed today. I'm sure that will come out eventually and when we do the International Preview, there will be more info on them free for all to consume. For now though, the only people who will see the names are patreon subscribers or someone that takes the names from the post and puts them somewhere. 

    I'm a teacher. That's my full time career. I don't need the money. The site does though and every little bit helps. 

    To be clear, Wasn’t a shot at you man. Love the work you do. Not that you can pay the bills with $2/month subscriptions, but it may help cover some expenses related to running the site. Totally understand where you’re coming from with the new paywall.

    Just pointing to Quin who seemed offended by questions that not everyone is going to be interested in paying for content. I suspect the names will be out there before too long for non subscribers, if not already with some digging. That said, was happy to pay the $2 and hope you guys can find more subscribers. Good luck! 

  8. 2 hours ago, Quin said:

    Y'all can pay $2 to FutureSox for all the free content you get.

    It's incredibly poor taste to ask the author to give you paid content for free. FutureSox isn't BA, BP, FanGraphs, or ESPN. It's posters here operating on a shoestring budget to bring you A+++ quality content specifically for the team you love.

    Probably directed at me, so I'll respond.

    That's a fair comment.  I am not acting like $2 is a lot of money.   I also get being a writer is a tough gig and all - I was a journalism major in college and literally dreamed of being a sports beat writer for the majority of my teenage years - I get it.  I decided to change my career pretty much immediately upon graduation because I didn't want to make $35k or less a year for the majority of my young adult life. Fast forward 8 years, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to ditch that plan.  

    I will pay the $2 to support the futuresox crew for their great content - but I will also say that people are always going to get content for free whether one likes it or not. Poor taste?  Maybe. But its also reality.  Especially when its content people have historically had access to for free.  Roast me for that opinion if you'd like - that's fine - and I get why the FS guys want to make a few bucks for their work.  Making money writing about sports ain't easy.  

    • Thanks 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, soxfan2014 said:

    I usually don't anymore either, but between now and May there's like 4 games that I really want to play. After that, probably nothing for a couple years.

    What other games you have your eye on?  

    Never been much of a shooter gamer.  Used to play the show and NHL a decent amount in my college years, but that's about it for me since the original Xbox days.  

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, iWiN4PreP said:

    Trying to form my opinion on the playoff chatter, both sides have strong points.

    The idea to add more teams would increase revenue and help stop the massive tanking that is going on through 60% or so of the league. 

    However, adding more teams absolutely dilutes the regular season and doesn't feel right to me. 

    Still not sure what side of the fence I'm on, but I tend to be more on the don't change it side. I'd hate the idea of making the regular 162 game season feel more trivial. 

    How does it really stop tanking though?  Teams like the Royals, Tigers, Orioles, Marlins, and Pirates still aren't competing even if 14 teams make the playoffs.  I don't really see how it changes anything.  Maybe a few more of the .500ish teams hold onto expiring assets as you head into July in hopes of grabbing one of the last playoff spots, but in reality, this change would do nothing to stop tanking, and would greatly diminish the importance of regular season for all but the #1 seeds.   

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, flavum said:

    Agree to disagree, but nobody in baseball- owners or players- would ever want to play that many 2-game series. In the late 90s, they had a year or two when they played a bunch of 2-gamers and that ended quickly. Agree, road trips should make more sense to help travel concerns, but most series need to remain 3 or 4 games...maybe 5 if they start building in day/night dh to shorten the season by a week or two.

    I don't have the info handy, but it seems to me purely off recollection we've seen a decent amount of two games series the last couple seasons, no?  Certainly more than we've seen from 2000-2015 range.   

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, flavum said:

    There’s no way they’re traveling that much to play 2-game series.

    I don't really think it changes that much.  MLB could just be smarter about roadtrips to cities closer to one another than they have been in recent seasons.  But I guess you could do 4 game series and rotate home and away each year.  That would be fine, but I personally prefer the 2 game series at each location and different times of the year.   

  13. 4 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    The 3 game series plan is dumb I agree.  I'd like to see every playoff series at least 5 games.  We'll see what happens.

    All playoff baseball series should be 7 games.  Eliminate some of the offdays during the playoffs.  These guys play 6.5 games a week during the season.  No reason for so much off time during the playoffs - that is part of the grind of baseball.   

    You also can't do this proposed format and make the first round 5 games.  The teams that get the #1 seed and a bye then sit around for 10 days.  It doesn't work.  

    • Like 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, Quin said:

    Or at least more balanced. Right now we just play the Tigers, Royals, Twins, and Indians too damn much. Instead of 19 against each divisional opponent and 7 against the other AL teams, do 16 against the AL Central and 10 against the AL East and AL West.

    Agreed. I actually really like a more balanced schedule, and think that change should be made. 

    • Play each team in opposite league 4 times (2 home, 2 away). 60 games.
    • Play each team in your division 13 times (7 home, 6 away; alternating seasons). 52 games.
    • Play each time in other intra-league divisions 5 times (3 home, 2 away; alternating seasons). 50 games. 

    That, or something similar, would be so much better, and is also good for the sport and the fans for all teams to play each season.

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  15. 47 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    How much value does the regular season have when 1/2 the teams aren't competing?  This fetishization of having the 10 or so teams competing for a playoff spot fattening up on clubs that will lose 90+ games doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.

    So you're a team that wins 100 games.  Some other team in the AL wins 101, so you get the two seed.  You now have to beat the 7 seed that went 83-79 and has two stud SP in a three game series.  Anything can happen in a 3 game series.  That 100 win team shouldn't have to play that 83 win team in a 3 game, loser goes home, series.  And if that two seed is lucky enough to advance, you are now guaranteed to play the better of the two teams remaining, or perhaps even get to play the #1 seed if they own you. Its fucking stupid. 

    This idea sucks donkey balls.  

    • Thanks 1
  16. 14 teams making the playoffs is gross. 

    What is even more gross is getting 2nd in the AL and then matching up with the 6th place team in a 3 game series.  Anything can happen in a 3 game series in baseball, and this would devalue the regular season so damn much.  I hate it.  

    I hated adding a 2nd WC, and I hate this even more.  If you're going to go this route, you have to ditch divisions and leagues, and go to a full balanced schedule.   

    • Like 1
  17. Sox should claim Kyle Garlick, who was just DFA'd for Mookie.

    RH hitting OF.  Two options remaining. Mashed in AAA last year and played well in minimal MLB action.  Not sure off hand how the glove grades, but would be at worst good AAA depth for Eloy or Mazara injury, and could even be an MLB bench piece / platoon option for Mazara.

    Maybe have to trade for him, but Sox should do it.  The two options remaining is very valuable.  

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