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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Rutherford is never going to make it before the Sox have to remove him from the 40 man. Carson is out of options and has no chance to survive the first month of the season - and is probably a long shot to head north with the team. Its trading nothing for something. Giving up Steele Walker is completely different. Put him in a package for some SP.
  2. I can't wait for @yoan4moan to add Mazara to his list of White Sox missed targets if Marlins get him.
  3. I mean - very few people are freaking out. There are some people that don't want to trade Steele Walker who is a valuable piece for a sub 1 WAR RF that is an arb 2 player. Mazara basically is a neutral value player. I personally am fine acquiring him, but it should be at an appropriate price. The only people freaking out are the people who freak out no matter what happens. Even Parkman is ok with it!
  4. I couldn't be less concerned about the ability to extend him. I am rolling the dice on him for a year with the full expectation to replace him next offseason. If the Sox aren't good this year, he's probably traded again.
  5. You should just put this post in your signature - that way you won't need to repeat it in every thread. It will already be there.
  6. I mean it home the first time. Mazara is a young dude. But also completely ignoring the fact that he's arb 2, already making just under $6M, and very likely will be a non-tender candidate in 10 months isn't exactly a fair way to frame it either.
  7. Yah, I'd do that for sure. Hate Walker's name being mentioned. I would trade Walker in a NY minute in a package, but not for Mazara.
  8. You and every other baseball fan obsessed with the MLB front offices and roster movements. I had a roommate after college - college buddy of one of my HS friends - that has worked for a few MLB teams and is now an associate in the Twins front office. Its tough work for MINIMAL pay. Isn't easy to make it if you're not a former player, or an attorney. Way too greedy personally, but man it would be a fun job.
  9. I'd vastly prefer Mazara for 1 year a $5.7M to Ozuna 5 years at $90M. Its not even close for me.
  10. Mazara is projected a $5.7M for 2020. Not sure how you got $20M.
  11. I mean, a 0.75 fWAR RF is a huge upgrade over last season. But I hear ya. Weird for the Sox to seemingly settle for a guy that sucks defensively and is only controlled for 2 years at this point in the offseason. Mazara is a guy you grab in February when all other options didn't work out. But if the return is Fulmer + Gonzalez, its whatever for me. Would be great to see them bring in a nice platoon option for him I guess, but that is probably Leury/Engel.
  12. Adolfo........................Walker.................Basabe............................................Rutherford.........Gonzalez for me. But I am admittedly an Adolfo stan.
  13. Hah, that is kind of wild. But one will be dirt cheap and has 6 years of control. The other is basically on a 2 year/$15M deal and he's already proven to a slightly better than replacement level player.
  14. Walker is my 2nd favorite guy of that group. I am trading Gonzalez and Rutherford WAYYY before Walker.
  15. Against RHP yes. They form a somewhat decent platoon I guess. Shittiest thing about Mazara is his defense.
  16. I agree. Definitely not excited about it, even if the return is something like that or less.
  17. Like Fulmer + Gonzalez/Rutherford feels like the right return for me. Can't see how you'd give up more than that.
  18. I don't think Merk jumps in quite like that if its not basically done. I don't mind rolling the dice on Mazara. Trade return is going to be the real question. I also don't quite understand the timing - this a deal I would be doing after options 1-8 or whatever are exhausted. Hard to do that by December 10th.
  19. Mazara just can't have that much trade value IMO. The potential may cause someone to pay more than the fWAR would indicate, but at some point, you're just not valuable.
  20. Its a non guaranteed contract. You can non tender him if he sucks. Do you know something, or just being negative?
  21. Eeeeek. Merk usually doesn't chime in that specifically on individual players.
  22. Lol this place is going to be a shitshow if that happens. I really don't love it, but I definitely prefer it to other moves. He's a 1 year stop gap, only way he is here more than that is if improves drastically in 2020. But I really hope the return is nothing of note. Honestly, it should just be org filler.
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