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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Allard seems like a pretty solid return for Chris Martin. Can I interest you in a Evan Marshall for Luis Gohara?
  2. Moncada clearly is the type that doesn’t like to play through pain. He’s made that quite evident. I doubt it is serious.
  3. Well, we won’t be able to say it if it doesn’t work out for him out of ST next season, so it’s pretty much now or never for Carson in a Sox uni.
  4. Because they have minor league options remaining and are useful depth.
  5. I am sure we will, but then two weeks will pass by, and all will be well.
  6. Great post! Only two guys this is missing by my count is Zach Thompson and Kyle Kubat, both of whom will be rule 5 eligible this offseason, and both of whom I believe will be September call ups at the latest.
  7. Lol, it had nothing to do with Jerry's money. It was for tax reasons. Jerry was paying the same regardless. He is in AAA because it's far more valuable to have him for an additional year in the midst of a contention window than on a 65-70 win team. But you already know that.
  8. Neither does MLBTR. Its a list of players most likely to be traded (that have some semblance of value), not a list of player's trade value. If it were trade value, the top 4 players wouldn't all be impending FA.
  9. That is not a list of who is more valuable. It is a list of who is most likely to be traded. Big difference.
  10. No harm in giving Fulmer one more shot. I hope they keep him in the pen the rest of the season. Fulmer will be out of options next season, so its time to give him one last whirl.
  11. Basabe is out for the year? That is news to me. Don't think that is correct unless he got hurt in the last day or two.
  12. Definition from MLB.com: When a player's contract is designated for assignment -- often abbreviated "DFA" -- that player is immediately removed from his club's 40-man roster. Within seven days of the transaction (had been 10 days under the 2012-16 Collective Bargaining Agreement), the player can either be traded or placed on irrevocable outright waivers.
  13. And I am telling you that is that my understanding is that the player is not REQUIRED to IMMEDIATELY go on waivers when they are DFA'd. The club has a week to decide what to do (trade/place on waivers/release). The club is not required to ever put the player on waivers if they don't want to, they can just release him. So instead of looking to find a trade partner for Rondon (who probably would have garnered no interest via trade) during that week, the Sox simply elected to put him straight on waivers in hopes he would clear, at which point (if he did clear) they would outright him to AAA and keep him in the org. I don't think this is that complicated. Please show me the language if I am wrong, but I don't believe a player is instantly placed on waivers when they are DFA'd. The team literally has to place them on waivers, and they have a week to decide. Again - semantics - but pretty sure my understanding of the process is correct.
  14. I sincerely apologize for using the wording "sneak".
  15. And Abreu has 2 months of control and gets more in return that Mazara? Lol, your logic makes no sense.
  16. This is purely semantics and probably not worth debating, but pretty sure a team has a week when the player is in DFA limbo before the team actually has to make a waiver/release decision. The team can look to trade the player in that period, or elect to just put them on waivers or release if they want. 
  17. Right..................which is what I was getting when I said "looks like Sox tried to sneak him through waivers to no avail."
  18. I don't disagree with what you're saying or think the Sox shouldn't start with something similar to what you're proposed deals are. Just don't think the return for any of those three players will be as strong as the deals you proposed, if Colome and Abreu are moved. As I said, if those deals were on the table, they'd be agreed to already. The same logic could be said for Mazara. Why are the Sox getting such good returns for Abreu and Colome (relatively), and the Rangers get trash for their 24 year old Mazara? Sorta backwards logic.
  19. Yah, I took the outright out immediately after I posted. It should have said release, not outright. The player needs to clear waivers before you can outright. But the player does not need to be placed on waivers immediately, which they clearly did with Rondon. The team has a week to try to trade a DFA'd player before they either place a place on waivers or release. They clearly tried to just sneak him through waivers right away. That is all I was getting at.
  20. Your packages are wildly optimistic. Sorry dude. The Rangers will just hold onto the Mazara if the best they can do is Fulmer and Hansen, and surely one of the other 28 teams would beat that offer. Medina by himself for Colome is perhaps possible if Philly is desperate, but adding is Haseley or Moniak makes it very unrealistic.
  21. Not really. I am aware he was out of options. When someone is DFA'd the org has 7 days to try to trade the player or place them on waivers. He was DFA'd just 2 days ago, so they clearly just put him straight on waivers.
  22. Meh, I'd love to be wrong, but the Sox are not acquiring 2 of the Phillies top 4 prospects for Colome. They aren't getting a top 100 prospect in Medina PLUS the Phillies 23 year old 2017 1st rounder that is already in the big leagues. That trade would be an enormous win. Mazara for Fulmer and Hansen would be a terrible deal for the Rangers and an enormous win for the Sox. No way Texas is trading Mazara for that pile of trash. The Abreu deal seems somewhat realistic, but the Rays have a serious 40 man issue, so if they're trading 2 prospects for Abreu, they're going to be guys on the 40 man. Only Banda fits that category, and he's on the 60 day IL, so doesn't really solve their problem. As I said, these deals would be major home runs for the Sox. IF these deals were on the table, they'd be agreed to already.
  23. Me too. I was interested in seeing them try to work him in the OF and turn him into a super sub. He did play 12 innings the OF this year, but clearly the Sox didn't trust him there, and the bat was putrid this season. Wouldn't have minded retaining him down in Charlotte, but not really that surprised to see him claimed. Literally only made it through one team (the Tigers) before he was claimed.
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