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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Looks like Sox tried to sneak him through waivers to no avail.
  2. Mhmmm. Brought this up weeks ago, but give them Colome, Bummer and Leury. Shit throw in a prospect in the 10-15 range. Its not going to happen, but it actually makes some sense seeing as though Boston needs bullpen help bad.
  3. Yah, all three of those deals would be home runs for the Sox.
  4. I think we can rest assured that if Colome is traded, the return will be worthwhile. Otherwise he just won't be traded. Its that simple.
  5. I read it more like that is what the Mets were asking for, not that the Red Sox were entertaining it.
  6. Anyone able to watch the Charlotte game last night able to comment on how Mercedes looked at 3B? No errors I see!
  7. YAWN!!! Still think Castillo, Jay, Nova and Marshall all have to be pretty good candidates to be moved in the next 30 hours. Perhaps Colome if someone decides to pay up. Doubt Bummer goes anywhere. Not much to move, but this is shaping up like another boring deadline around baseball. Thought the lack of a waiver deadline this year would create a flurry of moves the last week or so, but it really hasn't come to fruition.
  8. Lol, dude this is a message board. I’m not in charge and you’re free to post. I am not telling you to leave. I am just commenting that your constant negativity gets tiresome. Obviously the Sox have sucked for sometime and it gets old for all of us. But I don’t think it’s too much to ask to attempt to understand that all teams need depth and every spot on the 40 man is not going to be filled with an all star. Giving away assets for nothing is not a wise way to do business.
  9. Mhmmmmmmmm. Id be so damn fired up if Sox got Nimmo. Just such a good fit, and may have been the first to suggest it.
  10. If you were in charge, every single guy would be cut before he figured it out. You call for DFAing or cutting players with options legitimately on a daily basis. You lack fundamental knowledge of simple roster management and refuse to learn. I know you’re a fan of the Sox and view things in a more old school lens. That’s all fine and dandy, and I am sure we would get along great over a beer and Sox game. But, IMO, you routinely bring down the quality of this board with your unwillingness to adapt to the way the game is played today, and more importantly, inability to comprehend how a roster is managed.
  11. Mercedes at 3B tonight I’d Charlottes twitter feed doesn’t have a typo.
  12. I guess they didn’t cover all of Vargas $. Mets saving about $2M, so that makes a little more sense.
  13. This is a pretty good summary of this place. Add in about 5-10 posters who add pretty much nothing of value but post about 15-20x a day, and you have a lot of BS to weed through to find the stuff that I try to come here for. It's a shame.
  14. I think Steiever + Rutherford is a better package than what the Blue Jays got.
  15. Yah...not sure how the Twins or Yankees didn't beat the offer.
  16. The guy the Brewers DFA'd to make room for Lyles is fairly interesting as well. Marcos Diplan - http://m.mlb.com/prospects/2019?list=mil.
  17. Getting Haseley for Colome would be a big win, IMO. Seems unlikely to me.
  18. Very little outside of the draft, but they've also had very little to trade.
  19. You sure they don't plan to use him in the pen? Brewers acquired him last year as well, and he did very well in the pen for them.
  20. Probably. He's been pitching much better. 25.2 innings of 3.86 ERA since the ASG. He's not flashy, but you can do worse as a back of the rotation insurance policy, especially in the NL.
  21. He is a free agent following 2023. So 4.33 years. He isn't even arb eligible until 2021. The Mariners probably aren't going to just give him away.
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