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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. So basically shut down potentially your best pitcher in August because he's hit his workload for the year? Hard pass on that scenario. IMO, they need to do something to limit his workload in the early part of the season so if they're actually in contention they don't just lose his services for the season down the closing stretch of the season. And sure, let him go every 5th day down in AAA if that is the medically correct thing to do, but you can still control his workload in the early going by only letting him go a few innings per start and working up from there. Much easier to do that in AAA than in the big leagues.
  2. Never seems like a stretch. They took on Alex Rios bad contract at the time, and they didn't even get any prospects in return. I personally don't really care to blow our financial flexibility on adding bad contracts. You could convince me on a guy like Grienke. But I just don't think its a wise use of resources unless the prospect coming back with it moves the needle that much. Obviously it is a case by case situation, but its not something I am really advocating for. I did mention taking back Rusney Castillo in a deal for Benintendi in that thread, and that would be of interest, but again, doubt the Red Sox care to use one of their better assets just to save $25M on Castillo and add some quality vets for the stretch run.
  3. I've mentioned this multiple times throughout the season, but I feel this was an important enough topic to start its own thread. This may come off a tad controversial, though I don't think it is at all, but I am firmly in the send Kopech to AAA to start 2020 camp. Here is why: Innings Limit / Controlling Workload Kopech is going to need his innings controlled in a big way next season. He has maxed out at 140 innings in 2018 before he hurt his arm. His previous highs in professional ball were 134 IP in 2017 and 65 IP in 2015. Obviously, Kopech is not going to be ready to throw over 200 (high stress / intensity) major league innings next season. If the Sox are even a little bit serious about trying to compete next season, they're going to want Kopech on the mound in August and September. The best way to do that is limit his innings early on. Sending him to AAA to open the season allows the Sox to take it easy on him in the early going. Let him pitch just once a week. Start with just a few innings starts, and slowly build-up the workload over a couples months in AAA where he won't need to overthrow and the stress on the arm is less. FWIW - Kopech has 3 minor league options remaining, so that is not of concern in the slightest. Contractual Control I was pretty firmly in the leave Kopech in AAA group last summer. Obviously, I was super excited to watch him pitch at the big league level once the decision was made. I understand being a little more aggressive on promotions of pitchers as opposed to position players, primarily due to injury risk and using the innings that are in the arm whil you have the control. What is done is done, obviously, but what transpired was pretty much that worse case scenario for the White Sox, outside of a career ending injury. Losing close to 20% of his control was a serious kick to the nuts. Letting bygones be bygones, one benefit to taking it slowly with Kopech early next season and letting him build up his innings in AAA is that they can get a year of control back. Kopech will go into 2020 with 1.041 years of service time. He was called up August 20, 2018. I don't know the exact cut off, but if he stays in AAA until late May / early June 2020, the Sox could delay his free agency from 2025 to 2026. As someone who cares about the seasons when several of our core players will be approaching FA and the Sox should be pretty good - I'd love to have Kopech around in 2026. BUT BUT BUT - KOPECH WILL FILE A GRIEVANCE! I say non-sense. The guy has 14 innings of major league baseball under his belt and just got a reconstructive elbow surgery. He is by no means guaranteed an opening day roster spot just because of his prospect status. He would have absolutely zero grounds for a grievance. It is perfectly reasonable for the Sox to want their prized asset to build up his innings slowly in the minors, so he is ready for pitching deep into the season at the major league level. Allow time for Lopez to continue to iron things out as SP Opening Day Rotation: Cole (or other SP acquisition), Giolito, Cease, Wood (or other SP acquisition), Lopez. I have made in no secret that I want the Sox to add Cole. Most people think there is no shot, so insert Bumgarner, Hamels, Odorizzi, or whomever floats your boat instead of Cole. The bottom line, I think the Sox need to add two legitimate SP to their rotation via FA or trade this winter. Cole and Wood would be my choices, but you can insert whomever you'd like - the point remains. Keeping Kopech in AAA allows the Sox to give Reynaldo another couple months to see if he is a long term rotation option, or if it is time to move him to the pen. If Kopech starts the year in the bigs, they either only add 1 (legit) SP, or Lopez is in the pen to start the year. What is your opinion? How would you handle the situation if you were in charge? If your answer is that Kopech needs to be on the OD roster, how are you going to handle his workload so that his is still available in August and September? If you're worried about grievances, the Sox certainly can't shuttle him between AAA and Chicago like Padres have done with Paddack, and it appears the Rays are going to do with McKay. With just a 25 man roster, the Sox can't really afford to skip Kopech a bunch throughout the summer while keeping him on the 25 man. Just curious how those that feel he should without a doubt be on the MLB roster all season plan to handle that.
  4. Nope, Abreu was not included. $50M is probably a tad high - perhaps closer to $45M if they non-tender Yolmer, but its in the ballpark. Point is, average MLB payroll is $135M. Sox could add Cole ($30M AAV), Grandal ($20M), Wood (8-10M AAV), Abreu ($8-10M AAV), and 2 relievers ($15M AAV) and still have a below average payroll. While obviously I'd love to see that happen, it won't. But the point is, at some point the Sox are going to add some serious payroll. My hope is that they do it by adding a few elite players, rather several over the hill meh veterans as they have done in the past. I am hopeful that they'll change their ways with a legit 5-7 year contention window ahead, but I understand those that say "I'll believe it when I see it".
  5. Classic post suggesting Sox acquire Cubs roster. Yawn. There are 28 other clubs.
  6. I’m actually fine with the lineup, but I don’t have the boner for Yoan in the 2 hole that most here have.
  7. Sox probably have what it takes it acquire one or the other via trade, but they can’t get a TOR SP and a legit RF without moving the young MLB assets or Robert/Madrigal/Vaughn.
  8. My guess is their top few options for RF are controllable LH bats that they'd need to acquire via trade. I have mentioned Nimmo, Conforto, and Benintendi in recent weeks. Obviously all those guys would require prospect capital in return, unless the BoSox really wanted to get cute for this season (doubtful). I actually don't hate Gordon as a stop gap option if the trade market prices just don't make sense. Prefer him to Puig, honestly. Another stop gappy option would would be David Peralta. He's been rumored to be available, controlled thru 2020. Not sure how his defense is, honestly.
  9. Or maybe they didn't want to guarantee a guy $300M when they were about 2 years away from being ready for prime time. Having to overpay to land a premier FA may also be a legitimate possibility. But I also fully expect them to be in the Cole sweepstakes, and from the sounds of it, I am one of the few here who believe that.
  10. The Yankees legitimately have an all star level player at every position. These things are not the same.
  11. The bolded is really the bottom line. The Sox currently have $17M committed to 2020 payroll. With arbitration, they'll be around $50M without signing anybody. They could add $75M to next year's payroll and still be below average.
  12. How about: Red Sox chose 4 of the following: Bummer, Colome, Abreu, Leury, and Rutherford Sox get Benintendi and Rusney Castillo. Castillo due $11.75M this year and $14.25M next year. Offsets the money the BoSox are picking up in 2019, and gets Castillo off their books. Sox could run Castillo out in RF the rest of this season. Guy sucks, but maybe this is a way for the Sox to get creative to get Benintendi. Again....doubt Dombrowski blows one of his best assets on something like this, but kind of fun to speculate about.
  13. Seriously? If you need that explained to you, I may as well stop responding to you.
  14. Thing start to matter next season. These are things the organization will care about when trying to win baseball games. You can't have an everyday lineup that 8/9 dudes are right handed hitters.
  15. So you think a lineup with a 1 left handed batter creates good lineup balance? Literally this would be the lineup in June next year: Robert CF (R), Moncada 3B (S), Abreu 1B (R), Eloy LF (R), McCann C (R), Puig RF (R), Anderson SS (R), Madrigal 2B (R), INSERT ? DH If this were the lineup, Leury would probably be in RF and Puig at DH. But this lineup is just so right handed.
  16. Puig isn't very good though. He's been a slightly better than average OF since 2015. And not to sound like Lillian, but the Sox get so right handed if they add Puig. Literally the only lefty in the lineup is Moncada at that point. They really need a good defensive OF that bats left handed if they're looking for a long term fit. I guess I wouldn't be shocked to see the Sox flirt with Puig on a short term deal if they can't find a RF on the trade market, but he really isn't a very good fit. I'd honestly rather just roll with Leury in RF next season unless they could get Puig for like 1/$10M or 2/$18M, but that seems unlikely.
  17. Lol,...not sure if joking.. If the Sox could get Beinintendi for Abreu, Colome and Bummer, he'd be in CF in Chicago tonight. And we have no minor league OF depth that is ready to play RF next season (with Robert in CF). After Robert, really none of the OF prospects have progressed as hoped, and certainly none are ready for MLB action in 2020. Best case, Rutherford comes up in 2021, or Adolfo has a monster start to next season and is ready by mid-summer, but both of those guys are major question marks at this point. And this is coming from one of, if not the biggest, Adolfo believer on this board. Basabe is not a completely cooked goose at this point, but hard to really expect much from him at this point. He could have been in CF by now if he'd played decently this season - but an injury, and a pretty poor season to date has ruined that opportunity for him.
  18. Again - as I stated, I am not suggesting the Red Sox would actually trade Benintendi at all, let alone for a package of Bummer, Colome and Abreu. I was simply passing along the report that Boston Globe said he was potentially available, and seeing as though its been well reported the Sox like Beinintendi, and he fits what they need, it may be worth discussing. I also think its reasonable to assume Boston would have some interest in all three of Bummer, Colome and Abreu - but probably not in exchange for one of their best assets. Also, Abreu is the only impending free agent of those three. And yes, Beintendi is a much better all around baseball player than Puig and Castellanos. Castellanos is not an option for the Sox in RF. If they signed up, it'd be as the primary DH, occasional OF. You cannot have an OF with Eloy and Castellanos in it.
  19. No doubt Wood is a big question mark. Which is probably why you could get him for 1 year and $8-10M range. I am in the Alex Wood camp (in addition to adding a front end guy) mainly because I want Kopech to spend the first month or two in AAA getting his feet wet, slowly adding workload (thereby controlling his innings early), and taking it slow. This also will get us a year of control back. Start the season with rotation of Cole (or other front end SP acquisition), Giolito, Cease, Wood, Lopez. Once Kopech comes up bump Lopez to pen, unless injury necessitates it sooner. The Sox need to take it easy with Kopech next season. There is no way he is going to throw 200 innings, so IMO, the best of both worlds is letting him slowly regain his footing in AAA, get the year back in late May / early June, and then call him up with only 40 or so IP under his belt. Realistically this is only possible if the Sox acquire two SP to go along with Gio, Cease and Lopez.
  20. Nice weekend for Adam. Hope he keeps it up.
  21. Alex Wood would be a fantastic signing as the 2nd of two SP acquisitions. The other needs to be a TOR starter if the Sox are serious about getting good. I think 6/$180M would get it done for Cole. I've previously said 6/$168M. Somewhere in that realm. At some point the money needs to be spent. The Sox have so little committed moving forward that Cole at $30M AAV doesn't even get them close to a league average payroll.
  22. I agree it’s gonna cost more than Abreu and two pen arms. I said as much. What do you think would be a fair deal. I do think the BoSox would have interest in all of Colome, Bummer and Abreu. What do you think would need to added?
  23. He was a 4+ fWAR OF last season. And Sox need a LH bat that doesn’t suck balls defensively in RF. None of the FA fit that description.
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