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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Yah, I think its been well established that he would have / could have gotten paid more in a different offseason when certain other teams were in the shopping mood. A little bit of bad timing for MM, no doubt. But he could also sustain a career ending injury playing on a 1 year deal in 2019 and cost himself $200M+. It isn't happening man. I am far more inclined to believe the current offer is 8/$250M as opposed 7/$175M, so that is partially why I am so confident.
  2. And probably significantly more common than most think.
  3. Bet on what exactly? Its not like he's coming off a bad season. Machado is not leaving $200M on the table to play on a 1 year deal for marginally more money than he'd make in 2019 on a longer-term deal, only to hit FA again next winter and go through this process again. There is a zero percent chance he takes a 1 year deal.
  4. No I don't. Literally the only people saying 7/$175M are Levine and Nightendale. Its been disputed over and over and over again by others. I don't doubt the Sox origianlly offered 7/$175M, but I do think they've since offered 8/$250M, or something in that ballpark.
  5. There is no way in the world Manny Machado turns down 8/$250M to sign a 1/$40M or 2/$80M type deal. 0% chance. None, notta, nothing.
  6. I think its as simple as the White Sox originally offered 7/$175M. They've since verbally said 8/$250M is their max offer. No one else is even close. Philly is interested but hasn't given an offer higher than 8/$250M, and MM prefers Chicago to Philly. Manny is still holding out for $300M from someone, and is willing to wait it out for now. He knows the 8/$250M from the Sox will still be there. I think that's all there is to it boys. So we wait to see who says uncle first.
  7. I haven't given up hope on Fulmer. I am hopeful this is the year he turns a corner, and becomes a valuable member of the pen.
  8. I think the fact that Lazano's statement did not mention Passan and Gomez here is really telling. Sox are probably at 8/$250M at least verbally, and Lazano is just making one last stand to try and get more money out of someone else.
  9. One way to solve the problem is for MM to just agree to sign a fucking contract.
  10. We most definitely know that the Sox are willing to open their checkbook for Manny Machado. We also know that MM's market is extremely limited.
  11. And what benefit do the Sox get out of leaking 7/$175M? Hey all other teams in MLB, we're only willing to pa him half of what he wanted to get - so here's your chance to come get him!! Makes no sense.
  12. Lol, what? Cut out the only team that appears willing to open the checkbook?
  13. Its not a lowball offer if it is the best offer. Hahn is playing this correctly. I've said it 100 times, but why pay the man $300M if you can get him for $200M. That $100M will go a long way in filling the other 24 spots on the roster. You only blink when you need to blink.
  14. Just out curiosity, whats happens to player control in a strike? I was a toddler when the last strike happened, so don't recall any of the details. Let's say MLB teams went on strike before spring training 2021 - and the 2021 season never happened - do service time and contract just stall? If you have a guy signed for 2021 and 2022, but the 2021 season never happens, is he now signed for 2022 and 2023? Does service time accrue if games aren't being played?
  15. That dude has been spreading BS on Twitter since the day Manny was in Chicago. He knows nothing.
  16. So where is the new poster here that claimed to have sources and said yesterday was the day?
  17. A bunch of posts...thought we may have meaningful news. NOPE....
  18. Don’t let Caulfields ramblings get to you!
  19. Get back to work. I may be unemployed if this shit goes until March. Thank god it’s been a slow last few weeks for me.
  20. Rosenthal has now corrected to say mutual option. This is much better (and makes wayyyyyy more sense).
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