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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. To answer my own question, Passan is saying mutual option. I haven't seen the other two correct themselves yet.
  2. Where do you see that - Heyman and Rosenthal saying club.
  3. Yah, that sucks. Pretty significant piece of news. There goes our chance of nabbing him next season. At $16M with a $2.25M buyout, pretty much no shot its not picked up unless he's TERRIBLE in 2019.
  4. $3.5M guarantee. $2.5M in incentives.
  5. haven't seen the base salary, but Heyman saying he can earn up to $6M with incentives.
  6. Yah, because the 4-year deal was gone because they found another catcher. The Sox aren't finding another 3B in this FA market. Its VERY VERY VERY different.
  7. I'd be shocked if the guarantee was that high.
  8. Tough to bite us too hard when he would have been a FA after 2019 anyway.
  9. Good for Avi. Thought he may need to take a minor league deal. I am guessing $3.5-4M range.
  10. Good for Avi. Thought he may need to take a minor league deal.
  11. I don't want them either based on what they were projected to get originally. I could be interested if on much shorter term deals, but I doubt we see either of them on the Sox.
  12. You can sign Machado, and sign a few stopgap guys that don't cost a ton and should help in 2019 and don't block the future or cost us assets. Don't see what the issue is there. Maybe you catch lightning in a bottle and find yourself in contention in this horseshit division in July. I don't think trading major assets for SP is the right move right now. I would, however, trade a guy like Rutherford a couple other guys between 15-30 for a controllable SP. But I would not move anyone better than Rutherford. Just my personal take.
  13. The White Sox aren't sending top tier prospects to Cleveland to acquire a guy with 2 years of expensive control (Bauer) or beating the rest of MLB in the bidding for Kluber. It just isn't happening.
  14. He'll likely be the starting CF for the Sox before he's the starting RF. He's definitely ahead of Robert in his development. I could see Gonzalez roaming CF in Chicago by August, honestly.
  15. A backend top 100 (Rutherford) and a close to top 100 OF prospect (Micker, I am sure he will be top 100 within next year) would get you a pretty nice SP, IMO.
  16. I'd make a trade headlined by Rutherford for a SP now if we landed MM. But man, I really want to hang onto Micker. I just have this feeling he is going to turn into a monster down the line. But I would do a Rutherford, Walker, Lambert type deal for a SP - not sure how far that would get us though.
  17. I can basically assure you that major league baseball teams don't operate based on twitter rumors. Twitter rumors are for the fans.
  18. I don't think he is signing for 7/$220 either (more like 8/$280M), but no person in their right mind is leaving $150M on the table. Its not happening. Crazy shit happens. He could have a career ending injury. He isn't leaving that kind of money on the table.
  19. Lol, Machado isn't taking 2/$70M over 7/$220M.
  20. While I kind of agree, it is pretty serious if its the best offer to date. Spring training is now less than a month away. No reason to pay the man $300M if you can get him for $220M.
  21. I don't think that's the case. I think its simply that Hahn knows his 7/$230-240M is the best offer and the only team he's worried about (Yankees) aren't even close. He doesn't see the point in offering more if he doesn't need to. At some point he may need to juice the offer to get it done, and he is probably willing to do so, but he's not going to negotiate against himself.
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