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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. I agree - its tough to buy. But its also tough to understand how teams like the Brewers, Twins, and Padres (to name a few that make the most sense) aren't jumping into the fray if they can get Machado for around $30M AAV. They can all afford him, and definitely could all use him.
  2. I must have missed this. Where did he say this?
  3. I know, but its such a big opportunity for those other teams that usually wouldn’t have a prayer to land a player of this ilk on a FA deal. There are many teams that would never be able to outbid the big boys if they were in the running that I am surprised more aren’t sniffing around, at least seriously. Padres, Twins, Brewers, Mets, Angels and even As and Rays are teams that come to mind. Surprised at least a couple haven’t kept the bidding more honest than it appears to be publically. All make varying degrees of sense for Machado, and at least a couple of them definitely have the payroll space.
  4. I’m not against athletes getting paid big money. They are the very best at what they do in the world. Most people who are in that minuscule percentage do very well for themselves. I do think baseball FA is broken. I don’t think Manny Machado signing for $30M a season is one of those reasons.
  5. Still amazes me more teams aren’t involved. Or Manny has just refused to grab that 7-8 year deal at $33-35M AAV. So many teams I feel like would love to have Manny at 8/$240M. Been an interesting several weeks.
  6. Perhaps, but hard to feel too bad for a guy making $30M a year to play a game.
  7. Probably a long shot, but man what a dream it would be if the Sox could actually land Machado for something like 7/$210M.
  8. 10/$340M was the number I remember hearing post Nats/Harper meeting.
  9. I doubt the Sox are offering that. 3B is a black hole. SS is not.
  10. Still no word on Clarkin and Tilson clearing? Seems to me we should know by now, especially for a Clarkin, but haven’t seen anything.
  11. They may give Minaya a chance, but he’s first to go IMO. At least 5 relievers that will likely start in Charlotte have much higher upside.
  12. Colome, Herrera, Fry, Jones, Hamilton, Frare, Covey and Fulmer is my guess.
  13. Can’t imagine what the bad news would possibly be. The Phillies aren’t going to bowl him over the day they’re meeting with Harper.
  14. Surprised you want to sign the dreaded vets instead of rolling with Banuelos, Covey and Stephens for the 5 spot.
  15. I agree in some respects. But $260M, turns into $130M pretty quick. I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that Manny won’t put that money to use at some point in his life.
  16. $30M is a ton of money. I don’t blame him.
  17. Sounds like Rodon and Yolmer settled as well, but no word yet on amounts.
  18. The Blue Jays are actually sending $16.4M along with Russell.
  19. I am sure there are plenty of mystery teams if he bidding is truly only at $200M (it’s probably not tho).
  20. Dan Clarke - what a douche. I was going to go tell him he could have trusted his source without being a complete cockjob about it. But I couldn't even do that! Peace buuddy!!
  21. Because the Sox aren't trading significant minor league assets for guys with 2 years of control. If the Sox make moves like that, it will be a year from now. If they wanted a catcher, they could have signed Grandal (and they wouldn't have signed McCann). I am sure the Sox like Realmuto, but he doesn't fit the window at all. It isnt happening.
  22. Elaborate. Hard to follow this logic.
  23. I like Andjuar and all, but I am not paying the price to acquire him when you can just sign Manny Machado for money. It'd be stupid. I would, however, do something like Abreu, Rutherford and Lambert for Andjuar and play him at 1B (and sign Manny). But I HIGHLY doubt the Yankees would do that.
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