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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Parker was a puzzling non-tender for the Halos.
  2. Fair, but paying MM more than you need to doesn't exactly help landing Harper as well, or any other supplemental pieces for the future. Machado is my biggest target and I am willing to stretch a bit to get him, but I just think the Sox are playing this correctly. I don't think he needs a $75M premium to sign with the Sox over Philly.
  3. He isn't taking something like 5 years $125-$150M from the Yankees over 7/$210-230M. Machado's market isn't what he hoped it would be, and that's partially (mainly?) his own fault. He is going to to take whatever the best offer is. At this point, who knows what that will be. I still think it'll be somewhere between $250M-$290M frontloaded with opt-outs, personally. But coming in and blowing the current market away by $100M+ seems............less than prudent at this point in time.
  4. This is awful take. People need to be patient. Landing Machado is HUGE and incredibly important to the Sox future, but you don't just throw in $15M extra per season for shits and giggles. Being conservatively aggressive is the right play, and its very clearly what the Sox are doing. Being patient sucks, and we all want this process to end, but I will be so much happier and the organization will be in so much better shape to fill out the rest of the roster if MM is signed for 7/$220M than 7/$325M.
  5. That's what surprises me. If 7/$210M is really the top offer, have to imagine teams like the Braves, Angels, Twins, Brewers, and Padres show varying degrees of interest.
  6. 7/$210M would be a grandfuckingslam for the White Sox.
  7. Pretty lame that barstool would start that shit, but I guess you can’t be too surprised.
  8. Lots of productive discussion going on here I see. If you guys had to make a $1k bet of Machado signing before or after Jan 31, where would you put your money?
  9. I personally think Sox are at 7/$230M and the Yankees are more like 5/$160M. Phillies are the wildcard IMO. Manny is just waiting for offers to increase. As frustrating as the process is, Hahn is playing his cards correctly here. I’d be willing to go 10/$300M personally and front load it, and that may ultimately be where we land, but don’t see the point in rushing into it with the situation as it currently stands.
  10. Avi isn’t exactly great in OF either. I think Avi and Eloy are probably comparable defensively.
  11. The best player in the universe isn’t generally traded for expendable prospects.
  12. Also don’t need to spend $75-$100M more the the next highest bidder.
  13. I think he ultimately signs for between 7-8 years and $240M-$260M. I would be surprised if he got to $300M at this point
  14. Yah just spitballing ranges. Anything mid $54-57M range and down over 3 years and I’d be game.
  15. I’d support that. Guys like Avi have to just hate the way free agency is now. It’d be awful, especially with the way a lot of athletes spend their money. Has to be super stressful.
  16. I may be in the minority, but unless it’s just an instantly horrible deal, I’d like it. 3/$50M would be a great get for Pollock in my opinion. Yes he’s a risk, but we have nothing in CF for the most optimistic a year and a half. Who knows if Robert can hack it in CF or stay healthy enough himself. Engel is a fine 2nd division 4th/5th OF because he is very good out there, but he’s the poorest of poor man Kiermaier. Pollock has shown the ability to be a very good regular at the big league level. For $50M, I think it’s a good move. If it turns out we have too many OF in 2020, that’s not the worst thing in the world. Sign me up. But I’d consider that a major move and it doesn’t seem to me that’s what it is.
  17. He seems relatively excited about it. I’m going with Ottavino or Pomeranz.
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