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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Yah, seemed like he didn't know who he was, or least didn't recognize him in street clothes. Which is possible.
  2. I don't think Hahn is going to fuck anything up. By all indications, the Sox will be either the highest offer, or the toe to toe with Philly as the highest offer. If Manny wants to take a 3 year $150M deal with the Yankees, there was nothing Hahn could do. At least keep sight of that, Sox fans.
  3. I think its more like we're the budding high major team that has a huge role to offer and the player is only interested because all the bluebloods are out of scholarships.
  4. Just sign on the dotted line, Manny, and let's call it a day!
  5. Not to go all WrathofHahn on you guys, but I do wonder if the market for these two guys just isn't what they had hoped. Its really the Sox and Phillies, and then maybe the Dodgers and Yankees if the price is right (sub $300M?). While I don't think we're getting either of these guys for anything south of $40M AAV for the first 5 seasons, I would not be surprised if these guys only slightly eclipse Stanton's $325M over 10 years, and could see it effectively being a 4 or 5 year deal between $40-45M AAV with the opt outs. I WOULD be surprised if the bidding nears $400M.
  6. I think he's a great fit, but if the West Coast rumors are true, it could be tough.
  7. Even if the Sox basically stand pat the rest of the offseason, there’s still plenty of at bats for Alonso. Requires Palka to play the outfield, but at 26 years old, probably best to give him a shot as an everyday OF if the Sox are going into the season with another 90+ loss team, which the current roster probably is.
  8. You also have to admit that looking at it that way is incredibly narrow minded. Harper has the potential to be a top 3 bat in baseball over the next 5 seasons. He has legit HOF potential at age 26, AND IS A FREE AGENT. You have to give up zero assets. These things cost money, and while it will be expensive and obviously there is risk, it’s a risk that this team is insolated enough to take. You know all this.
  9. There would be 15 teams that would take Harper at your suggested prices. Harper would have told Boras weeks ago to not relay contract negoations from the White Sox until and if they get serious.
  10. What’s your guys take on the impact that signing BOTH would have for the fan base? Do Sox fans come out in droves? Or still skeptical? Even with MM and Harper on the roster, fans need to understand that the process is not complete. The Sox may not even be in contention for the division in 2019 with both.
  11. Sure, but if they sign Harper or bring in any other OF, spots are going to be hard to come by. He and Palka both having options is nice.
  12. I’d be surprised if Nicky is on the OD roster. The Sox would have to stand pat on the OF mix from where they stand today. Doubt that happens.
  13. Pretty sure Palka has at least one option left. Even if the Sox sign Harper, he can play LF until Eloy come up and then go to AAA, or be used as a bench bat.
  14. He is getting the major league min no matter where he goes.
  15. And you’d at best be in like 5th place with these offers. Not even worth extending the offer at those dollar amounts.
  16. Kind of hope the Sox explore Tulo at 3B. Who knows I’d hes healthy, but for $550k, why not? Sounds like he wants to go to the west coast, but he’s have a nice opportunity with the Sox to regain some value. Even if the Sox get MM, you either release Tulo or use him as a bench piece until he is needed to fill in the infield. Thoughts?
  17. Ya dude, you’re wrong here. It’s clearly not worth me spending more time explaining.
  18. No, it’s not. The team is in charge of who gets at bats. If they don’t want him to reach it, he won’t reach it. This isn’t rocket science.
  19. Dude it’s a vesting option. The only way it will vest as if he hits 526 at bats, the only way he’s going to hit that is if he is playing extremely well and the Sox want it to be hit. Alonso will be platooned.
  20. Alex Call is a 24 year old corner OF that isn’t great defensively and is coming off a AA season OPSing just over .700 with minimal power. At best, he’s in the backend of the Sox top 40 prospects and he has at least 8 OF prospects ahead of him. Sure, maybe he turns into a Brandon Guyer type, that that is about his ceiling. He’s one more poor AA season away from being a lost cause. I’ve already laid out in this thread this morning why Alonso is a better bet than Palka in 2019. And I think Palka still gets plenty of at bats if we miss on Harper.
  21. Sure, that works too. Though I doubt we see that happen.
  22. They can easily trade him if MM doesn’t sign. And then it’s like it never happened. Again, Alonso is on a market value deal and is a well respected vet. And it’s a 1 year deal - the Sox will make sure he doesn’t hit 526 at bats unless they want the option to best because he is raking.
  23. 1. It does improve the team. Incrementally, sure, but it improves 1B defense and Alonso is better than Palka. 2. The $9M wasn’t going to be deposited into an account named “Future Free Agency Fund”. Dollars are fungible, and this wasn’t going to be reallocated to future years. Not how it works. Couldn’t be less concerned about paying a solid major league veteran his market rate. The White Sox have a $1.25 to spend and they just spent away 9 pennies. Big fucking deal.
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