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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Morneau fills in on play by play for the Twins. He speaks very highly of his time with the Sox, even as a close to Twins lifer. Basically said..."I know you all want me to hate the White Sox, but I had a fantastic experience with them, and I think very highly of the White Sox".
  2. This. I mean if we trade a rule 5 eligible guy like Adams or Guerrero or Mendick for him, I wouldn't lose any sleep. But let's not give up anything of value in a trade for a reliever when the FA is flush with options and we are flush with cash.
  3. For $1.5M? Its a no brainer, even if he only plays 80 games.
  4. Right, but if the Mets were eating Cano's deal, there wouldn't be big names prospects going back. It'd be a salary dump, and the Mariners would need to add a guy like Diaz just to even it out.
  5. IMO, there is no way the M's are sending $60M plus eating all of Bruce and Swarzak. Thinking $60M includes at least a portion of Bruce and Swarzak - thinking M's send along $30M or so at the end of the day. If Mariners send $60M AND eat Bruce and Swarzak contracts, the Mets are getting Cano for $26M per (in new money out the door) for 5 years. I think any team would take that, even for an aging Cano.
  6. Nothing is confirmed. But that is the latest.
  7. Same. I like Leury. Perfect utility guy in my opinion that if needed can play everyday for a couple weeks when someone hits the shelf. He can't really stay healthy, but I am happy they're keeping him around.
  8. The only reason the Mets are giving up two legit prospects is that the Mariners are eating over 75% of Cano's deal, if the news that the Mets will get $60M and the Mariners are taking both Bruce and Swarzak.
  9. If you break it up into two deals: Cano + $60M for Bruce, Swarzak and Bautista AND Diaz for Dunn and Kelenic If you look at it that way, Mariners are basically eating $94M of the $120M due to Cano (with offsetting salaries of Bruce and Swarzak). Seems pretty damn steep, but probably gets them Dunn + Kelenic instead of Dunn OR Kelenic
  10. So we got: Mets Receive: -Robinson Cano (5 years $120M left) -Edwin Diaz (pre arb; 4 years of control) -$60M, prorates Cano deal to $12M per season Mariners Receive: -Jay Bruce (2 years $26M) -Anthony Swarzak (1 year $8M) -Jarred Kelenic (Mets #3 prospects; MLB #62) -Justin Dunn (Mets #4 prospect per MLBPIPELINE; MLB #89) -Gerson Bautista (never highly rated and minor league stats are pretty blah, but major league ready arm)
  11. Cano contract is bad, but it’s not awful for now. $24M per is a lot, but you have to assume at least some money is coming along based on what we’ve heard and the Mets prospects being discussed. A team like the NYM can withstand 2 bad years from Cano getting paid $18M or so.
  12. Really depends how much $ is going along. Something like Cano (half contract paid by Ms) + Diaz for Dunn + Bruce + lower level guy seems palatable. Throw someone like Kelenic in there too and I dont Like it.
  13. You don't get it. It's OK. Continue to blindly love Avi. That is your option. I too like the guy and genuinely wish him well. His time in a White Sox uni has come to and end.
  14. Your question has been answered many times, but I will answer again. He has no upside. Yes, he has potential. Yes, he could magically lead the league in BABIP again and hit .330. But no one is going to give you anything of value for him even then, and then what? He is a FA after 2019. Are you prepared to then pay him $15M AAV for his huge 2019? Absofuckinglutely not. $8M is not a lot in today's game. I agree. But Avi would be lucky to get half that if he is gets non-tendered. There are better players on the FA market, now and many more will join after tomorrow, that the Sox could sign for less, that would have more upside to the org. Its really not that complicated.
  15. How are you still going on this? It's literally a courtesy. Hey bud, we're gonna non-tender you - but here's a deal we'd be willing to do. Take it or leave it, doesn't matter to us. Its your prerogative to see the open FA market if you so chose.
  16. Completely agree on all accounts. Balta bounces around so much from day to day and hour to hour, and even within his own debates, that its almost not even worth engaging him. I also don't think a rotation on Rodon/Lopez/Gio/Santana/Pomeranz/Ross sounds TERRIBLE. Obviously if Gio remains a pumpkin and Lopez and Rodon make zero progress, its not going to be a great rotation, but it has upside, it doesn't block future rotation pieces, and it doesn't require us to dip into the farm.
  17. Or the Sox jusy say, "Hey Avi, look dude - your arbitration figure is just too high for us. We'll offer you $5M for next year, or we're going to non-tender you. With where the market is right now for a guy with your services, you're going to be hard pressed to exceed that, but we certainly understand if you feel exploring the market is the best opportunity for you." Frankly, I don't think the Sox want him at any price. They're trying to get something for him, and if (when) they fail, he's just going to get non-tendered tomorrow.
  18. I definitely think his speed plays up more in CF than 2B. Look, I am not CWS, who puts Moncada in CF in every one of his mock lineups, and I don't think its happening, but I can squint enough to see it possibly working.
  19. Definitely allows his super elite speed to play up though. I'd be intrigued, but wouldn't be so married to the idea what I'd keep forcing it if it just isn't working.
  20. Until the White Sox actually acknowledge that CF is a possibility for Moncada, I am dismissing that. I don't see it happening, though I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it, even if on a limited basis.
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