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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. The White Sox don't need to be the Red Sox in order to play winning baseball.
  2. I like Avi. I've always rooted for him. Seems like a great guy, and love that he plays hard everyday. But he's a career .740 OPS corner outfielder that is below average defensively that has struggled to stay healthy, can't take a walk and is only controlled for 1 more season. I am not going to mad if the Sox tender Avi, but I don't see much of any upside in doing so. Best case scenario is he somehow replicates his 2017 season and the Sox trade him for a middling prospect. Not very exciting.
  3. I did answer the question. I think there is a path that allows for a competitive team if things go right. That path does not include a 37 year old James Shields who has absolutely zero upside. Do I think there is a realistic way to turn this rotation into well above average playoff caliber rotation heading into next season? No. But I do think its possible to at least create a rotation that if the young guys take a step forward, it has a chance to produce a team capable of playing winning baseball.
  4. I think a rotation of Rodon, Lopez, Giolito, Gray (Jon or Sonny, preferably prefer Jon) and Ryu looks hell of a lot of better anything with Shields in it. IMO, any resigning of Shields is going to indicate to me that the Sox are not going to attempt to field a team that has a shot of being competitive. Which may be the direction they go, I am just setting my sights a bit higher for now.
  5. I'd prefer to try not to suck. Just my opinion. Gray, sure. Hard no thanks on Shields from me, but wouldn't be shocked to see a reunion.
  6. Someone would pay him him at least $5-7M on a one year deal, worst case, IMO. But whatever - I'm not at all advocating for the Sox to go out and acquire Fowler and pay him $25M+ over the next three seasons. Mainly just spitballing off someone else's idea.
  7. So you think if Fowler was a FA, he'd be looking at minor league deal? I don't. I think if the Cards are serious about signing Harper / Machado, they'd probably be pretty happy to shed $25M+ in payroll, even if it meant giving up a legit prospect.
  8. Right. But in the previous 2 seasons he accumulated 5.7 WAR with an .850 OPS. If the Cards want to eat half or more of that deal and send a nice prospect along, I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world. I don't think he's nearly as bad as he was in 2018, but he is probably not a fit at the end of the day,
  9. Fowler is an interesting one. Coming off a terrible season, but typically he's been a nice OBP guy. How's his defense in center these days? Are the Cards really going to with an Ozuna/Bader/ONeill outfield? Now if the Cards go out and get Harper, I could see them wanting to dump Fowler ASAP.
  10. Now get the hell off my lawn!!! Honestly tho, if the Sox wait another 2-3 seasons to add FAs, they're going to be in this cycle forever. The beginning of the "rebuild core" in Timmy, Moncada, Gio, and Lopez will be approaching FA by that time. Obviously the Kopech news kicked everyone in the nuts and set up back at least a season, but if the Sox aren't serious about contending by 2020, this thing is never going to work. Adding a player like Machado (or Harper) to the mix and even some stopgap players that are flippable next summer to further add to the farm is what the Sox should be doing. Not sitting on their hands for another season of .400 baseball, and say oh well, we'll see where we are next year.
  11. A ton of interest. But he is going to cost way too much. The Sox won't be in the running.
  12. Interesting. I don't think Machado gets that long of a deal though. Some execs since the WS have been quoted as saying they think Machado lands more in 6-7 years $33M AAV range ($230M range). Some of that certainly may be posturing, but I ultimately think some the guesstimates around here are on the high end. I guess we'll see.
  13. Lol, you're funny. You brought up the ban bet. In no way shape or form is non-tendering Jose the right decision. And the Sox have plenty of money to pay Machado or Harper with Jose. The two are completely different and unrelated situations.
  14. Most definitely. Even so, willing to listen to his "terms and conditions".
  15. I'd non tender Avi, and have said that multiple times on here. Abreu is a no-brainer to tender, and he will most certainly be on the roster next season unless someone offers a nice prospect in return, which I doubt will happen. Jose is worth what he gets paid, so not much surplus value there. But he's not blocking anyone of note, is a great teammate and good stick. He'll be on the team.
  16. Lol, sure. If you think the Sox are going to non-tender Jose, I don't know what to tell you.
  17. There is zero conundrum with Jose. He'll be tendered on contract and he'll be on the 2019 roster.
  18. No. The Sox have plenty of money to sign either Harper or Machado, plus other 2nd tier FA. They have virtually nothing committed long term. At some point, when the time is right (whether that is now or a couple season down the road), the Sox will again above average in the payroll.
  19. Because it’s the first day of free agency and there is nothing else to talk about.
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