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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. He doesn't seem to be the type of guy that is going to get too shaken up by it. He literally laughed it off.
  2. Or he knows he's played less than half a season of games above A ball.
  3. Palka. Matty has had his chances and is what he is. I do, however, think both will be on the roster to start the season. And if only one is, it will be Matt, because Palka still has options and Davidson does not.
  4. I think the next 55 games will be rough. So don't know if this is rock bottom. But I expect the Sox to be MUCH improved in 2019. Probably not contention improved, but at least flirt with .500 for most of the year.
  5. What is he saying is that if Moncada (or Lopez or Giolito) were held in the minors until May 2018, they'd be out of options.
  6. HE HAD AN OPS over 1.000.........of course he was "ready". The Astros clearly were controlling service time, and I am sure they are very happy they didn't make a short sighted decision.
  7. Look at my Springer post. Same circumstances.
  8. Meh. Lindor slashed .276/.338/.389 in 2014, his last full year in the minors. He did about the same (only slightly better) in 1/2 season the next year before getting the call. I wouldn't say that isn't good.
  9. Take George Spring for example. He debuted in 2014 after 55 minor league at bats. In 2013, he slashed .303/.411/.600 across AA and AAA, You don't think he could have played in bigs at the end of 2013, or to start 2014??? IT IS LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING.
  10. They all apply because the team waited until the next season to call them up. Any of those guys get September cups of coffee, they lose a year.
  11. Generally top 5 ELITE ELITE prospects don't sign early career extensions. The list is very short.
  12. Mmmhmmm. Eloy has 101 AAA t bats. 273 AA at bats. So he has less than 375 at bats above A ball. And has missed decent chunks of the last 2 seasons due to injury. This isn't some travesty. If Eloy continues to absolutely rake, its going to be tough to continue to spin the story. But I don't think the White Sox are doing some grave misjustice to the kid, or severely hampering his development. That's a bit over the top, IMO.
  13. Again, the Padres sent money to the Sox with Shields. ***IF*** Shields is claimed, those dollars do not go with him. In other words, if someone claims Shields today, they'd be claiming ~$7M of his remaining obligations. Therefore, no one will Shields. He was almost certainly was put on waivers last night, or will be today, will clear within however many hours it takes, and will be free to trade with any club within a day.
  15. The teeth gnashing over Moncada on this message board is crazy. If he is still a below average hitter and leading the league in strikeouts at the end of 2019, I will start to be concerned. Until then, just give the kid some time to figure it out.
  16. Seems like a Tom to me! Maybe a Todd..
  17. Lol, I gave you a heart Sir because you deserve it! I am now also convinced that Tom@gmail now has a burner account he uses only to heart his posts about hating Moncada!
  18. Unrelated to this post, but I wonder how many of your +53s are from the eye raised emoji. I wish it said!
  19. If someone claims Shields, I don't think the conversation with Rick will be very long... Hahn: "Hey Jerry, let me get that Kyle Lewis kid for Shields, or we'll just pull him back." DiPoto: "How about no." Hahn: "Ok, how about Cesar Izturis Jr? Maybe that will make some of my fans on Soxtalk a little less pissed about Tatis Jr." DiPito: "Nah. How about nothing". Hahn: "Deal!"
  20. Strange that Hahn couldn't find anything interesting enough to pull the trigger on Avilan. I guess controlling him for 2019 makes it less necessary to take whatever the best offer is. But he isn't going unclaimed on waivers, so it really means the Sox will only be negotiating with 1 team for Avilian in August.
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