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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. No on is claiming Shields off waivers because they'd owe him his full contract amount. He'll be put on waivers tomorrow and clear, and be free to trade with any club.
  2. What happened to Andre Davis, LHP Sox acquired in the Melky deal last year? I remember thinking he was fairly inteersting, but he hasn't pitched at all this year. Thanks for the info!
  3. Strange deal here. Looks like Twins took on Forsythe instead of including some $$.
  4. Curious to see what the return on this one will be.
  5. Me thinks it worked out OK for the Sox....
  6. Right. Things can and do change. It's very conveivable the Sox have different ownership in 2025. But where I sit right now, I have a hard time seeing Eloy resign with the Sox if he reaches his ceiling. That's all I am saying.
  7. Yes, I was being gentle on the "we need him to be able to field his position" comment.
  8. I'll believe it if the Sox are serious contenders for Machado or Harper this offseason, or Arenado the following. Until then, the Sox have given out exactly 3 deals above $55M. Eloy may make 75% of that per year in 2025 if he ends up being Manny Ramirez.
  9. I've got the entire operating history of the White Sox organization as support. Look, obviously Eloy may end up being the next Manny Ramirez and the Sox back up the brink truck and sign him to a $400M deal in the FA absolutely crushing their next highest contract given out. But I highly doubt that is going to happen.
  10. Eloy may play some OF early in his career, but I don't think he is going to be an OF long term. That is based purely on what I've read and watching him play on shitty minor league feeds. But he doesn't look particularly good out there.
  11. If Eloy comes even close to his ceiling, he is never resigning here anyway. The whole "he's going to be mad and hate the White Sox" angle is really dumb for multiple reasons.
  12. I am getting there too. I really do want the Sox to keep him in AAA until middle of next April, but he really is "forcing the issue". He keep raking like this, they can't keep him down there, despite it making a ton of sense to do so.
  13. I know. I was kidding. But seriously, trading Rodon makes no sense unless someone overpays. There may be a time to trade him in the next few years, right now is now that time. I also think he does fit into the front half of the contention window. I think all had hoped that would start in 2019, and that's looking very unlikely, but this team should be respectable by 2020, and having 2 years of a front of rotation LHP is quite valuable.
  14. By this logic, does Moncada fit our window?
  15. Lol. Sure he does. He's around 3 more seasons. If the Sox aren't at least a competitive team by 2020, things have gone very wrong. You could trade him trade deadline 2020 and get a haul if he's been healthy. There is a point of diminishing returns, as the Sale trade clearly reflected.
  16. ahh, thought he was a FA at year end.
  17. Another reason why the Sox crop of pitchers under 25 is impressive, and very, very valuable.
  18. Willi Castro seems like a decent get for the Kittens for 2 months of Leonys Martin.
  19. Right. Phillies come along and offer a deal headlined by Sixto Sanchez or Adonis Medina for Avi and Avilian, the Sox are going to take it. But that isn't going to happen.
  20. Exactly. But as I said earlier, I think the Sox will get involved with some FAs this offseason. Probably not TOP TOP tier like Machado and Harper, but I could see them going after an AJ Pollock type to lock down CF for 3 years, and maybe a 3B. I think they want to try to start winning some games next season, and if everything clicks, maybe a WC contender. Having Avi in a corner instead of Delmonico, Leury, Tilson, Palka, etc., is probably more valuable to them than trading him for scraps that will never amount to anything. You can always trade him for scraps next July anyway. He hasn't played enough this season to have any value.
  21. So you're suggestion is to trade Avi for more young pitching (which is the strength of the Sox system), and not let Rodon, Lopez, Gio and Kopech get their reps at hte ML level? Avi isn't getting any impact prospects. And the Sox are going to give Lopez and Gio at the very least all of next season to figure it out. Rodon and Kopech much more. We have a good amount of SP depth in the minors. You can never have enough pitching - true- but trading Avi right now for some mid level SP prospects would make very little sense IMO.
  22. Point is, Avi's has minimal value. No one is giving the Sox a top 100 type for him right now. They're better off holding onto him and seeing how things shake out next season than just giving him away for lottery tickets that are unlikely to ever play for the Sox.
  23. Why? They alerady have 4/5s of the rotation full of young pitching, and have quite a bit more coming in the nearish future. Between Rodon, Lopez, Giolito, Kopech, and then add in guys like Stephens and Covey that could fill the 5th spot, and guys like Dunning, Cease, Hansen and even Medeiros not too terribly far behind. I don't think young pitching is on the top of the Sox wish list at the moment.
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