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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Think Oh has a $2M 2019 option, which is fairly valuable.
  2. Agreed. Fry is maybe a guy that can be used as a deal sweetener, but I don’t see any team giving up any significant prospect for a 1 for 1 type deal.
  3. By design. Brighter days ahead. Patience.
  4. Rodon isn't getting traded guys.
  5. Eloy and Kopech will have all of 2019 (minus 2-3 weeks) to get their feet wet at the big league level. The Sox aren't competing for anything next season other than maybe trying to be a .500ish team. The whole "lets get them up here for fan excitement and developmental reasons" is silly, IMO. Just do this thing the right way from the long term betterment of the organization.
  6. Its not just financial reasons. It building a baseball team for sustained success reasons. 2018 is toast. The Sox actually project to be good in 2025. The Sox should rather have those guys on the team in their prime in 2025 than for a handful of games in lost season in 2018 when they should be tanking to get best pick possible.
  7. Running your business like the future doesn't matter is how you end up not in business (or without your job). The Sox can afford to be patient. In fact, they have incentive to continue to be bad this season. I would be shocked if we see either of these guys this season, and frankly, I would lose some confidence in the process.
  8. Stephens is a totally different coversation than Eloy and Kopech. Sure, get him up as soon as Shields is gone, or let him replace Covey after another shitty start. Absolute best case scenario, you're getting a mid rotation starter out of Stephens. He doesn't have elite, one of best pitchers in baseball type stuff like Kopech does, and therefore, the calculus and decision making is and should be different.
  9. The Sox are never going to the be type of team that will be able to sign guys like Eloy and Kopech to long term deals in FA if they reach their ceilings. The Sox need teams built at least partially by young, cheap and elite talent. That is exactly what they could get with these two. They aren't going to sacrifice that for 30 games in a lost season. If there guys were coming up in 2018, they would be up here already (beyond injury for Eloy and general ineffectiveness for Kopech). And the Sox may have money to burn right now, but they're not going to be in the same position in 2024/2025 when these guys could be FAs, and if they do, something went horribly wrong.
  10. Yes, it really is. 1 damn year makes an enormous difference and will likely be worth upwards of $30M plus if these guys turn out to be the players they project to be. No, the Sox shouldn't do it with all their prospects, but they should do it with the marquee ones, and calling either Kopech or Eloy up this year would be straight idiotic. Thankfully, I am nearly positive the Sox agree. You don't do this type of stuff to excite fans. Again, it would be REALLY FU**ING stupid.
  11. His ass better not be up here in September, because wasting a year of service time for 30 days on the big league club in a lost season is fu**ing stupid.
  12. Jose Abreu is a far better hitter than Greg Bird.
  13. Shields for Frazier. Sox pick up all remaining obligations for Shields. Done.
  14. Just a shocking take from you, gmail.
  15. I like the idea of this trade, but all three would need to be added to the 40 man immediately. I'd prefer Fried, and a nice low level high upside guy, personally. Fried and William Contreras would be awfully neat.
  16. I doubt it. I guess I could see Kopech, but at this point, I'd hate it. Just bring them both up a couple weeks into next season. Anything sooner is just short sighted.
  17. Don't forsee that being an issues until next April.
  18. Has anyone with the Sox commented on Fulmer's apparent move to the pen? Is this permanent, or temporary?
  19. As for the OP, my proposal would be Soria Indians for Brady Aiken (P) and Aaron Brancho (SS).
  20. Omar Narvaez is a god awful catcher. He's actually been quite good at the plate since Castillo went down, but he's still nothing special. Hard to be a solid back-up catcher when you suck balls at catching.
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