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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. Only watched bits and pieces, but that was ugly.
  2. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 07:57 PM) Lol. I can't make it tomorrow and I can get a non premium ticket for half of what I paid today on stubhub to any game later this season. Plus the 20 bucks I paid in parking. So it's not a deal at all. Not even close. Yet you wanted them to postpone the game this morning, and reschedule for tomorrow, even tho you still wouldn't have been able to go to the make up tomorrow? Me thinks you would have been mad no matter what happened.
  3. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 07:12 PM) I'll say it one more time. Looking at the forecast yesterday and this morning the weather the sox got from 3-6 today is the absolute best they could've hoped for. Yesterday storms were predicted during that slot, this morning just rain. They ended up with no rain/drizzle for 2 hours and light rain after that. If they didn't want to play in it then they should've called the game yesterday or this morning. Instead they got every fan there and got the absolute best weather they could've hoped for and still called it. s***ty move by a s***ty organization. I'm so glad I can trade my premium ticket for a non premium ticket though. Edit: and its not like you couldn't foresee this, at 2:30 there was barely any rain and the radar showed a huge window to get the game in. Technically you still get your premium ticket for tomorrow's game. And then you get a non premium ticket to an additional game for your trouble.
  4. Welp, goes from a bad game time to an awful game time. I hate day games.
  5. QUOTE (flavum @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 04:43 PM) Unscientific, but if they would have announced Sunday at noon that the game is Tuesday at 3:10, how many fans make it Tuesday? 60%ish
  6. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 04:23 PM) Yeah because I can predict the future when buying tickets in early march. The white sox however knew they were not willing to play in this weather and still didn't call it this morning. And now they're dicking me around when I still showed up and tailgated even with this forecast. First pitch should've been 70 minutes ago. A light drizzle is the most weve seen since then. So no this isn't on me. It's on this worthless organization, and if I don't get a full refund for today plus a voucher for a free game I won't be spending my money here anymore, and I attend 15+ games a year. I am not saying it is on you, but the intent was to play the game today. With a day game, most people who attended had to get work off. If they called the game and rescheduled for tomorrow, a good chunk of the ticket holders wouldn't be there. Several posters have said as much today. The situation sucks, and I wouldn't be thrilled if I were you either, but they were trying to do what was in the best interest of the majority. I understand the frustration, but not exactly sure what you would have preferred them to do. Plus, for all we know, this game will still get played.
  7. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 04:12 PM) If they didn't want to play in this weather they should've called it this morning. Everyone and their mother knew this is what the weather was going to be like. Classless move by an organization that's quickly falling out of this cities mind. Maybe rightfully so. No one forced you to show up when the forecast was sh** all along. No sure what you expected. They obviously want to get the game in if possible on OD.
  8. QUOTE (kev211 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 04:01 PM) Tarp now covering the infield fully. Could've been in the 3rd inning by now. Barely any rain in the last hour. Epic fail by this organization. Not surprising though LOL
  9. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:42 PM) The way I'm seeing it, the longer the delay the better. I get home from the city at around 5:30. The longer the delay=longer I'll be able to watch. Same.
  10. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:37 PM) I imagine that the fans at the park are a little more interested in seeing the game than the ceremonies, but what do I know. If you're going to pick one, I would pick "try and play the game". I don't disagree, you just get so outraged by the littlest things.
  11. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:32 PM) what is going on with the game day staff at the park? They're just there to piss you off!
  12. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:19 PM) what happened to the magic of Roger Bossard? Seriously, it seems like they keep f***ing this s*** up. Dude, relax. It is raining. What do you want them to do?
  13. To be fair, the guy we traded for him went down with TJS, so....karma maybe?
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 12:39 PM) Looks like it gets real nasty around 5. So they may get at least 5 ip Looking at the forecast (I live nowhere near Chicago), I don't know why they are even bothering.
  15. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 12:33 PM) There shouldn't be much to be conflicted about. We should all want Quintana, Robertson, Jones, Frazier, & Melky to do well in order to maximize their trade value. That's more important than getting a high pick IMO. Having said that, there is more than enough filler on this roster to help pile up the losses. We're going to lose a ton of games started by Gonzalez, Shields, Holland, & Covey, because our offense & defense is simply not good enough to offset their below average production. We can thank the fringe major leaguers on the roster like Davidson, Asche, May, Navarez, & Avi for that. If even one of those guys can develop into something for us that's a win, but the likely outcome is they will all suck contribute to a high pick. And let's not forget that a lot of the young, legit prospects we call up will struggle at first. Growing pains will also help the cause. So my advice for everyone is not to worry much about wins &nlosses as things will work themselves out and the ultimate result should be positive for the rebuild. Now this is a post and thought process I can get behind.
  16. QUOTE (flavum @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 10:50 AM) Well, hopefully they get the game in and nobody gets hurt. Go Sox...pick to click...Asche--duh! According to the game notes... Jacob May will wear 32. Melky Cabrera changed to 44. Hah. I liked Melky's 53.
  17. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 08:47 AM) Tigers aren't much better: Mikie Mahtook® RF James McCann® C JaCoby Jones® CF Jose Iglesias® SS The Twins lineup is dreadful as well.
  18. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Apr 2, 2017 -> 07:42 PM) Yeah, I'm not gonna actively root for us to lose. I'm totally aware of the benefits it could reap, but I can't actively want it to happen. Same. Outwardly rooting for losses is fu**ing lame. I hope the Sox get off to a hot start, and even if they do, I won't expect the FO to change their direction, nor should they. But I never root for my teams to lose. If they end up with a top 5 pick, so be it, I know it's part of the process, but I'd prefer to see our young players take large steps forward and our veterans rake while they're here. One in the hand... I still don't think this team (with Rodon) is as bad as most here want them to be, but I guess we'll see soon enough.
  19. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 08:14 PM) Is there a television crew even there? MLBtv can't just decide to stream it if it's not even being filmed haha I suppose I figured it was being filmed. Far more meaningless ST games are filmed and televised. Was just hoping to watch the game tonight and surprised it's not on.
  20. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 04:38 PM) LOL I was busy. Picking 7th or 8th would be a failure. More White Sox half measures. Hah, fantastic analysis! Picking in the top three would mean that a lot of things went wrong for the White Sox.
  21. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 02:57 PM) https://twitter.com/whitesox/status/847896793820135428 Maybe Monday's lineup too? Each reliever going to get an inning tonight? 8 relievers interested and Infante with the start.
  22. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 01:29 PM) Haha, I don't get this line of thinking. A tremendous failure? What would be a tremendous failure is the guys with trade value sucking. What would also be a failure is guys like Rodon and Anderson not making a step forward. Rodon, ya know, a top 3 pick (probably should have been #1)...the same thing you are praying for losses over. A failure would not finding ML regulars out of any of the fringe guys that will see playing time this year. A failure would be guys like Moncada, Giolito, and Lopez not having success at the major league level. Those are failure. The White Sox are not getting Seth Beer. Anything other than that is not a failure. The Sox need to develop their young talent and hope that some guys that are on the fringe turn into good ballplayers. That is what will make this season a success, and adding as much talent as possible from trades for Q, Frazier, Robertson, Jones, Jennings, Melky, Gonzales and Holland. We need those guys to be as good as possible for that to happen. These things will all require the Sox to not be terrible at baseball. That is far more important than picking 3rd instead of 8th or 9th. Paging Y2JIMMY....
  23. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 02:25 PM) Sure but who are you sacrificing off the roster? Asche is a minor league deal so could put him in AAA without losing him, I believe.
  24. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 02:09 PM) How much room did we need to create on the 40? Is there enough room to scoop someone up on waivers? It was at 38. Drop Liriano and Soto (pitcher), moves it to 36. Add Asche, Geo Soto (Catcher) and Swarzak should put it at 39.
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