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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. QUOTE (Buehrlesque @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 01:03 PM) I've said from the beginning that Dahl + Rodgers would be amazing. The Rockies are way too unpredictable to gauge, but if they sign someone like Trumbo and the Sox include Robertson or Jones in the deal, this scenario isn't that far-fetched. Ehhh. Robertson, maybe. I don't like a Q/Jones for Dahl/Rodgers deal. For just Q, I could maybe do just the two.
  2. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:17 PM) http://sportsmockery.com/2017/01/mlb-insid...uintana-trades/ Breakdown of suggested deals Astros = Martes + Tucker + Paulino Pirates = Bell + Keller + Newman/Tucker Yankees = Mateo + Judge + Rutherford + Tate Rockies = Dahl + Rodgers Thoughts guys? I know sports mockery is usually trash, but this is from a former GM Dahl + Rodgers may be my choice of all those, honestly. If we could get Murphy in there too, I'd be super stoked. But that'd be a great trade for the Sox.
  3. .308/.364/.545 32 HR and 106 RBI. He's gonna rake.
  4. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Jan 13, 2017 -> 12:00 PM) todd frazier, chsiox settle at $12M https://twitter.com/JonHeyman/status/819967146377838593 That ain't bad at all.
  5. Rays claim Jason Coats, so he gone. Too bad.
  6. QUOTE (Con te Giolito @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 04:35 PM) I'm not saying trade him now for whatever you can get. I am saying whatever is too much to give up for Q this offseasom will still be too much to give up for Q in July, and next offseason, and next July on and on. Barring a miracle Cy Young caliber season this is peak Q value. Hahn can be as upset as he wants that "his price" isn't being met, but taking his ball and going home because New York won't give him their three top prospects just exposes the Sox to a ton of unnecessary risk for what is overwhelmingly likely to be no gain. What other teams are willing to give up determines Q's price not what you want to get for him. You guys are acting like this market where there is one, maybe two, effective starters available will last forever....it wont. It probably expires sometime in May. And by July 31 Q will be one of a few guys and by next offseason he'll be one of many. That is the moment you'll be begging just to get Kevin Newman because the only teams you'll be negotiating with are the ones who rely on their prospects to survive and covet them as such. The big time clubs will all be spending money, because they would rather lose that than prospects. And if Q just loses his mojo or gets hurt? Forget about it. You'll be begging to dump his salary. So if you think holding Q past about mid-February is a good idea you are betting on him to become Clayton Kershaw. Lol. Dude, time to step away from Soxtalk for a few days. You've lost your ability to view things objectively.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 04:17 PM) I can see a very good reason why Micah Johnson is not a good fit for the White Sox. Micah Johnson's best position is 2b, he had arm problems that made an OF spot a pretty poor plan for him and ditto anything on the far side of the field. Our 2b in AAA is...filled. I'm aware of all that. Still doesn't mean the Sox wouldn't have interest. Nothing wrong with options.
  8. Trade them $10k, a bucket of balls and log of chew. That should do it. Honestly though, see no reason to not give Micah back in the fold.
  9. QUOTE (Con te Giolito @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 02:38 PM) Really? That's the worst case scenario? Worst case scenario for me is he blows his arm out in the WBC and the Sox get nothing. The dude is controlled for 4 years. Relax. Sure, he could have a career ending shoulder injury. And so could anybody they're trading for. Hell, a f***in' astroid could hit the US in a few weeks and none of this would matter. Q has shown virtually no reason to worry about injury. Taking a best offer now, when the player has FOUR FULL SEASONS of control is the definition of panicking, and I can assure you RH is not doing that. He has said this will take time on multiple occasions. He gets what he wants, or he holds until he does.
  10. QUOTE (NCsoxfan @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 02:29 PM) Gahhhh, am I glad you're not running the negotiations. This kind of mentality of fear is how you capitulate and trade him for an underwhelming package. You don't know how Q will pitch, you don't know how Newman will play (or Glasnow, or Meadows or anyone else). None of us do. But, this mentality of "it can only get worse from here" is pure BS. If you trade for the prospects now, you're taking a risk as well. The trade deadline could yield a buyer who isn't in the bidding process today (maybe a starter gets injured), for prospects who maybe we aren't even talking about today. Preach, brother. Accepting a best offer trade right now that isn't on par with what the Sox want because RH panicked is the worst case scenario here.
  11. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 05:59 PM) Colby Rasmus to the Devil Rays. 1 year for $5M, with $7M in incentives. Honestly, not bad. I would have loved to see the Sox do that.
  12. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:10 PM) Fixed. Being a Sox fan is rough, but Twins fans have it even worse. It seems like they've been rebuilding forever and really have nothing to show for it. Dozier is their only valuable trade chip left and they're screwed if they mess up that trade. That's debatable. The Twins have some impressive young talent that a has a great deal of value (Buxton, Sano, Berrios, Kepler) . Fortunately (or unfortunately) depending on which may you want to look at it, most of that value is in young players with a good deal of cheap control. They don't have much in the way of valuable assets they're looking to trade. But yeah, I do agree that the Twins are in a pretty bad spot. / Thread jack.
  13. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 11:35 AM) http://m.pirates.mlb.com/news/article/2130.../?tcid=tw_share Seems like a weird article to pump out by a beat writer employed by the Pirates if they weren't taking a real shot at Q.
  14. QUOTE (Con te Giolito @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 11:20 AM) If they get either Meadows or Torres without it being what amounts to a 1-for-1 swap I'll be happy. If the deal doesn't include one of those two I want three top 100 (consensus, not snuck in at 97 on one list) with at least one, preferably the best, being a position player and a 4th lower level player added. I'm not getting too hung up on specific names, if a deal feels right I'll like it. Glasnow, Keller and Newman are three top 50 names. Pretty sure you've said that feels light, but may be confusing you with a different poster, which is certainly possible at this point.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 11:08 AM) My own feelings Those feel pretty light to me.
  16. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 08:26 AM) Glasnow, Newman, and Keller easily gives the Sox the #1 system in baseball. That's a lot. Good enough to move 4 years of Q? I don't know. Yah, I really like Glasnow and Keller. Only reason that trade doesn't excite me that much is because we really need bats. Add Hayes to it, it gets a little better. Still really want Meadows (as does everyone here).
  17. QUOTE (Deadpool @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 04:14 PM) The lack of noise surrounding Melky is both surprising and disappointing. Well, he is set to make $15M in 2017. That'll scare off a lot of suitors. Melky makes much more sense as a guy you hold onto, hope he hits like crazy in a contract year, and move him in June or July to a team desperate for a bat. $7M is much more palatable than $15M.
  18. QUOTE (Con te Giolito @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 03:52 PM) Its too quiet around Quintana right now. Especially after that little blip last night...I sense an awakening. Mind me asking what the blip last night was?
  19. QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 03:45 PM) We already have this discussion in the FutureSox board. Can someone merge the threads? I think it is relevant enough to stay on the main board (but agree the convo should be merged). I personally (and I am sure many others) don't visit the Futuresox board much at all in the off season.
  20. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 02:46 PM) If all the sox wanted was a top 30 position player, top 70 pitching prospect and two bullpen arms the sox could get that deal. I think it is pretty obvious that that is not what they want.
  21. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 02:44 PM) It is about leverage. You had two teams trying to get to the WS and assets and a robust market starving for late inning arms which helped the Yankees extract large packages. This is why the Sox should not trade Q until they get everything they want, because at some point this summer a team is going to decide they are one SP away from making a WS run and the Sox can be well positioned to profit at that point. I am confident this is Hahn's thought exactly. He'll get what he wants, or he'll hold. I am confident in that. None of this accepting best offer BS that has been floated alot around here by the impatient.
  22. QUOTE (Soha @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 12:46 PM) I don't think it's as much 'too much pitching' as it is 'not enough hitters' in the system. I'm also in the camp that if the Sox can't get a legit bluechip hitting prospect to headline a trade, then I'd rather hold on to Quintana for now. Pretty much where I stand too at this point.
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 12:48 AM) Re: Willy. Is our outfield the worst in baseball history? Just asking. Our infield could be one of the most productive offensively in team history. Abreu, Moncada, Anderson, Frazier. Are we even going to try to put anybody in the outfield who is MLB caliber? And catcher is disgracefully bad. Might as well put Saladino out there in center just to let him have 500 at bats. I still say if we kept Q we potentially have a playoff rotation and with Robertson and Nate, on paper, we have a playoff bullpen. We're just horrid in OF, catcher and DH. Are the Sox still gonna trade everybody?? The way it stands today, this rebuild is barely off the ground. We're closer to contending (at this time) than rebuilding. Now trade Q and Nate and Robertson and Frazier and Melky that's a different story. p.s. Why not trade a prospect or two for Alex Gordon and sign Cespedes? Wouldn't we be favored in the Central?
  24. QUOTE (NCsoxfan @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 08:21 AM) Am I the only one who really really does not want a package centered around Glasnow? Is obviously prefer Meadows, but Glasnow is legit and gives us 4 of the top 10 or so pitching prospects. Not a terrible place to be.
  25. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 8, 2017 -> 02:37 PM) Garcia has a higher ceiling than Coats - more impressive in raw power by a lot, some other athletic tools. But Coats has a higher floor - I think Coats is a typical 4OF right now (and yes he can play some CF, though I wouldn't start him there). For me, the ideal would have been to not carry Avisail and his price tag and overhead baggage, and instead keep Coats, Willy G and Liriano around to compete for RF and 40-man slots. Hopefully Coats passes through waivers. I'd like to see him get another chance next year.
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