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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 09:49 AM) Point is, yeah, Sale IS so much more valuable than Drew Pomeranz. He is so much more valuable than half a year of chapman. But at some point when you are casually throwing around that teams should give up literally their entire stock of talent for 1 player, it just doesn't make sense for them. Boston is attractive because not only does it have the #1 prospect in the game, it has 2 in the top 10 and multiple in the top 100. Saying "we'll take all of it" will just leave you to disappointment here. Either you will feel intensely disappointed with the return or you will continue to see Sale playing for whatever team construction this is. That right there is why it is very unlikely Sale will be traded until he has 1.5 or less years of control left. If you can get the same for him then as you can now (sort of what you're saying in that no one will pay full value RIGHT NOW), then you may as well keep him through 2017, at the very least.
  2. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 08:38 AM) A package that starts with Mazara and Profar would be sick. Profar only has three more years of control. Gallo and Tate, in addition to Mazara and Profar, would be necessary for Sale.
  3. I'm with ya. So hard to concentrate on other things.
  4. QUOTE (Hatchetman @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 09:24 AM) I don't think Robertson is worth much but hopefully I am pleasantly surprised. Then I guarantee you he won't be traded (unless a guy like Sale or Q is moved as well). Why ruin any chance you have at competing this year for some salary relief and a lottery ticket? Sox don't roll that way.
  5. Just keep winning. Sale and Q are going nowhere, IMO. I think the Sox will stand pat, or maybe make a couple smaller moves. And I totally OK with that. Sale and Q's value are not decreasing anytime soon, and the Sox have a chance to be competitive in 2017 with a few small tweaks to the roster (not to mention the chance to stay in the race in 2016). Trade pieces off next July if it doesn't work. Very little roster turnover after this year...next year makes much more sense for a tear down.
  6. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Jul 27, 2016 -> 07:39 AM) My prediction based on what I have seen with this team: 1) They will trade veterans: Robertson, Melky, Frazier and Lawrie. This will piss off Sale even more. 2) Robin Ventura leaves on his 'own accord' at season end since his contract runs out. 3) Hahn/KW stay. (Because JR is loyal and delusional) 4) Sale continues to throw management under the bus and will get traded this winter. 5) They keep Q, Eaton and Abreu to 'build a new young core around' instead of rebuilding properly. Doubt 1 or 4 happens. Maybe Robertson.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 11:50 PM) Another great game from this weird baseball team. My guy, Saladino, must play every day. Why is it so difficult for the organization to see that? Shields has been masterful. Maybe Coop really is a genius. As much as we blast Abreu, he does almost have 60 RBI. I hate to say it again, but I'd like to try this with a real manager. I mean we have some things to work with. I'm fully convinced, however, that team inconsistency will continue to reign. I am assuming Wednesday is a day game. I hate day games during the week. Sox should play it at night and go for the sweep rather than possibly get smoked during the game. Cubs aren't going to be in good moods after 0-2 and a day game gives them a chance to get the taste out quickly. It's not a day game. You could've figured that out much quicker than typing about how the Cubs will smoke the Sox if it is a day game. Smh
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 04:12 PM) If you aren't getting both, a deal shouldn't get done. At worst you have Chris Sale until next decade. Mmhmm. Simple as that.
  9. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 04:07 PM) I mean, I certainly hope you're right. I just don't think Boston would take that kind of risk. That package, in current value, might be the largest collection of prospect talent to ever be traded. And has an ace with a vastly under market contract with 3.5 or 3.5 years of control ever been traded?
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 03:48 PM) At the very least, if they did move either of those 2, they have to move Frazier, Cabrera, and Lawrie by this offseason. Yep, its one or the other.
  11. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 03:37 PM) Lol I was bored and tried. I was like how can I create a crazy three way deal between Boston, LA and ChiSox. Tried to move parts around and explain why I did what I did. If anyone takes that serious and gets pissed then that's on them. Pure entertainment on my part. I like it. Still think we need Benintendi, as well as Moncada, in any deal with the BoSox. Bradley Jr. doesn't excite me that much, honestly.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 03:24 PM) Groome was just drafted and can't be a part of any deal until after the World Series. Gotcha, not concerned about him.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 03:16 PM) The Boston package isn't possible until the off seaosn. Why? None of those guys are on the ML roster.
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 03:10 PM) To be quite honest if we got Moncada, Benitendi and Kopech, I'm fine. Get some interesting young players to round it out. With these guys, we can afford to be greedy!!!!
  15. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 01:25 PM) After tonight, the Sox play 17 of the next 20 away from the Cell. Hope the players don't revolt in protest. Good one. In other news, Kyle Hendricks has a era below 2.50!?!? Da fuk?
  16. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 01:54 PM) Can say @whitesox love @RedSox CF Andrew Benintendi. He could be the front man in a multi-player Chris Sale trade if talks progress. https://twitter.com/philgrogers/status/758012007006277632 He'd need to be co-front man with Moncada, or the Red Sox can get bent.
  17. QUOTE (shysocks @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 02:08 PM) Yes. That's better than paying Shields what we still owe him. The bolded is extremely arguable, I'm glad you acknowledge that. If a pitcher's good results have ever been smoke and mirrors in the history of baseball, it is with Shields in the last six starts. The guy is washed up. I think he's a solid #4, and paid accordingly.
  18. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 02:07 PM) Who cares if Beck starts every fifth day? That would be ideal to have Beck, Turner, and Raunado in the rotation to finish the season. It gives you a chance to see whether they are players that are ever going to be of any value and if not, helps you catch the Twins and Braves in the reverse standings. If you are rebuilding, adding another type five pick to your new core of Collins, Anderson, Fulmer, and Rodon (plus whatever you pick up in deals) only can help in the long run. There is no benefit to finishing as a middle of the pack team. It depends on what happens these next few days. If the Sox go crazy and trade everybody, fine. But I think it is highly unlikely they do that, for reasons I already explained in another thread on the main page and don't care to repeat myself - SEE POST #59 if you care to. While admittedly remote, I happen to think the Sox still have a chance. Really all you have to do in today's game is be around .500 this time of year to have a chance. Will it take a great 2 months of ball? Absolutely. I just don't see the Sox trading Sale and Q in the next week, and if they don't do that, I see no point in trading Shields and running a Beck or Turner or Raunado out there every 5th day. It'd be the least White Sox thing ever to trade off all their pieces right now, but maybe they've actually decided to turn the page. We'll see, but it makes much more sense to do next season or after 2017, IMO.
  19. QUOTE (shysocks @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 01:58 PM) If there are actually any takers, please do just give him away. His FIP during this - ahem - hot streak is 5.07. He's allowing a .221 BABIP and his strikeout numbers would make Mark Buehrle blush. His peripherals are significantly worse than when he was sporting a shiny 3 ERA in San Diego before he went kaboom and we still traded for him anyway. He is bad now and any evidence to the contrary is a magic trick. I would gleefully welcome any opportunity to get him off the Sox. And watch Chris Beck start everything 5th day? No thanks. If they can get something useful, fine. Someone else's Erik Johnson and a low level flyer, ok. The sox have zero pitching depth, and unless they plan to unload one of Chris or Q, it is going to remain that way. Shields is getting paid by the Sox arguely less than what he is worth - so i repeat, don't just give him away.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 11:23 AM) On this market, if someone believes Shields is fixed that could be huge. I'd prefer to keep him. We need pitching.
  21. Prayers for a quick recovery. I can't imagine.
  22. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Jul 26, 2016 -> 10:58 AM) Right but I think Lillian's post was more concerning what his salary would be next year in his final arbitration year. And that number I think will be based off of the $5.1 million deal he signed and not the $1.25 million + major league minimum that he was actually paid this year. Yessir.
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