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Everything posted by ChiSox59

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 28, 2016 -> 03:58 PM) When you have to go to work at a normal time, a 9pm game is really late, and it means you probably won't see the end of it. Hah, and when you work until a normal time, a day game means you probably won't see at least the first half (though better when on the WC).
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 28, 2016 -> 03:43 PM) I just realized that the first pitch for opening day is going to be a 9 freaking 10 pm. Whatever happened to a day game for the first day of baseball? That absolutely sucks. While it sucks (just means I will be tired next week), it is much much better than a day game, IMO! Work week day games are the absolute worst, especially on opening day.
  3. Time for Swish to join a men's softball team. Dude is toast at the MLB level.
  4. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Mar 20, 2016 -> 06:03 PM) Anyone know if Sinnery has options left? Well he wa signed out of college in 2013, so I assume so. Plus I doubt they put him on the 40 man.
  5. QUOTE (VAfan @ Mar 19, 2016 -> 01:58 PM) Here's my take. First, the Nightengale story -- which indicates the paper talked with players and perhaps coaches who said they had an issue with Drake's non-stop presence -- indicates that KW wasn't making it up about there being an issue within the clubhouse about this. That suggests that Eaton's and Sale's complaints notwithstanding, that the Sox brass was responding to its players. Second, the "promise" to LaRoche to allow his kid with the team was certainly kept for 2015. But since it wasn't in his contract, and since both his performance was horrible and players and perhaps coaches complained to management about the situation, then management was perfectly within its rights to ask LaRoche to "dial it back." Indeed, what would it have said about Sox management if they ignored the complaints and put the wishes of arguably the WORST player on the team last year ahead of their concerns? Seems to me like the Sox made a reasonable request for LaRoche to amend his position. The fact he didn't take it was HIS CHOICE. Sox didn't ask him to, or force him to resign. So, on both of these scores, it seems to me the Sox were well within their rights, and really had no choice but to ask LaRoche to accommodate his arrangement to mesh with his current teammates and coaches. LaRoche was also free to quit, which he did. There really aren't any villains if you look at it that way. Where things went bad was during the clubhouse meeting. At this point, certain hotheads on the team decided to get their noses out of joint over KW asking LaRoche to "dial it back." To me, these hotheads are the ONLY people who caused this issue to blow up the way it did. (KW did also blow up at one point after LaRoche completely ignored his request, but this was not unlike any company manager getting pissed when his employees openly flout one of his requests.) Did they think KW was lying to them about some players and/or coaches coming to KW to say they had a problem? If so, then how did Nightengale's newspaper receive the exact same info from these players, who have to speak annonymously? And, are they so out of touch with their teammates that they claim the team was 100% united behind LaRoche when it is obvious from the above that they weren't? (Not to make this a racial issue, but it's quite interesting that we've heard from a lot of the white players, but almost nothing from any of the Latin players.) Moreover, do you really want to go to the mat against the wishes of your colleagues over the presence of a 14-year-old kid in the clubhouse, who has nothing to do with your job, or the success of the team? Isn't this completely disrespectful of your teammates? Sale, Eaton, et al are defending an absurd requirement that Adam LaRoche chose to lay down for his continued presence on a baseball team, when if he looked in the mirror and at his own performance, he should have realized that he couldn't meet even replacement level standards of play any more and should retire out of dignity and respect for his team. The idea that KW should "resign" from the Sox over this is utterly absurd. Seems to me that Sox management have been the ONLY ones in this saga who put the interests of the team first. Someone gets it! Great post!
  6. QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 11:16 PM) Ah, I understand now. So anyone that questions the Sox front office is jumping off the bandwagon. Got it. The Sox were one of the lead stories on Good Morning America this week. Bob Costas called in himself to ESPN Chicago today because he wanted to talk about the situation. Plesac called it one of the strangest stories in baseball he's ever seen. Dan Patrick spent three segments on it. It was the lead story on SportsCenter. But you're right, everything was handled in tip top shape by the White Sox, and LaRoche, the rest of the team, Hahn, Ventura and Reinsdorf were all in the wrong. Dude, that's how the media rolls. Everytime they get something remotely contoversial to talk about it they do it until no one cares anymore. KW did the right thing. The Sox don't need a 14 yo kid in the clubhouse everyday. KW had a few guys come to him (or RV or RH) who then went to KW. I can guarantee you that this was all discussed prior to approaching AL. Everything looks like a clusterf***, but I doubt that it really is. In fact, if CS kept his yapper shut, no one would be talking about this anymore. KW did the right thing - and in turn, got the Sox 1/11 of their payroll space back. The man should be getting commended not crucified. Sale needs to shut up and pitch - and that is coming from one of his biggest fans that has maybe missed 5 starts in his career.
  7. QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 10:47 PM) As are other White Sox message boards that will welcome your holier than thou attitude. Totally up to you. Hardly holier than thou. Just hard to respect those that jump off the bandwagon so fast. Nothing the Sox did was wrong or was botched. It was handled as well as it could have been. LaRoche is the moron that made all this a bigger deal than it needed to be - but he in turn did the the Sox an enormous favor - in which all Sox fans should be pumped about. KW took the sword. Sure it got a bit hairy because Chris Sale is not a smart human, but that's not KWs fault. Bringing your kid to work 50-75 percent of the time is still way too much, and if AL couldn't make that work, fine - but thats hardly on KW. Could you imagine the s*** storm that would have ensued if KW made Robin deliver the message???
  8. QUOTE (Condor13 @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 10:32 PM) I look at the JR thing differently. Yes he is backing the org. but it could have gone down like this. 1. JR says that limiting his kids access is just the direction the organization is going to take and that's how it is. 2. LaRoche tells him this was gonna be this last year and understands JR decision but has made more then enough money in his life and would rather still retire then miss roughly a year of his kids' life. 3. They both leave the room and are happy with the outcomes. this is probably why LaRoche just said he retired bc of family and didn't tell the media any of the details. 4. KW opens his big mouth and s*** hits the fan. KW didn't leak the story tho....he responded once s*** had already hit the fan due to the media. KW did his job here. LaRoche was too proud to take his employers advice. Good riddance. Everyone is happy and the Sox no longer have the sunk cost that is Adam LaRoche on the payroll. It's really a great situation for the Sox and their fans.
  9. QUOTE (bucket-of-suck @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 10:31 PM) KW asked Adam several times to keep Drake off the field during drills as the org would be liable for any injury that occurred to his boy. Adam flat out refused time and again to a belligerent degree. That is what set off Kenny and he wasn't the only one that was concerned. Ironically Kenny was more concerned about Drake's safety than Mr. #FamilyFirst. That's what some need to know about LaRoche's behavior. this. Step off the ledge the select few that are still b****ing about this.
  10. QUOTE (blackmooncreeping @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 10:29 PM) There's just no point to be insulting, or being a dick, to others posting opinions. Pretty common perspective friend. Not trying to be a dick. Just sick of reading less than logical blow hard comments. This situation really isn't that hard to understand.
  11. QUOTE (blackmooncreeping @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 10:21 PM) If you feel the need to insult people because you don't agree with their OPINION, do it somewhere else. It might temporarily make you feel better but it's not a good look. Haha whatever. The admins can suspend me if they don't like it. The lack of logic around here the past few days is amazing.
  12. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 09:37 PM) 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000% This. Use your head.
  13. QUOTE (Condor13 @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 09:44 PM) That is not why he was vocal today. It was bc KW LIED to the team and has told numerous stories and now noone knows the truth. He told a lie because he isn't ncessarily a part of the team dynamic and took the blame rather than guys on the team or Robin. If you can't see that, you're as clueless - or likely more clueless, than Sale.
  14. QUOTE (Tony @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 07:27 PM) Logic tells me what we thought all along that Williams was simply falling on the sword for a number of people in the organization that didn't have the stones to make a fuss. However, the Sox clearly are not capable of pulling off something like with any sort of grace. It was totally botched. There are 29 other teams that would be happy to have you.
  15. QUOTE (Elgin Slim @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 05:20 PM) I was just venting. I know that it was a poor post. Funny looking back at it. Not happy about the s***storm that this has become, a little worried about the team after this . If anyone can make fathom look like an optimist it is me. : Haha, fair enough.
  16. I voted media. This is close to a non story if they don't blow it out of proportion. But LaRoche should have just cut back brining his son to the ballpark a couple times a week. Thankfully, he didn't, and the Sox now have $13M to invest in their ball club they didn't have a few days ago. The people saying this is the death kneel for this team, or for Sale and / or Eatons time on the Sox are reacting similarly to Sale. With their gut reactions and not their minds. This whole thing is beyond silly - and honestly, I cannot comprehend some of the ridiculous and stupid stuff I read in that Laroche to Retire thread.
  17. QUOTE (Elgin Slim @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 03:47 PM) I think anyone who supported LaRoche is going to be gone, whether before OD, around the TDL or this offseason. Sale and Eaton especially. IMO this will start the scorched earth rebuild. 2016 is a failure before it even started IMO. They are going to quit on the management, and it would not surprise me if Sale sticks it to the Sox by complaining of either Injury or just jakes the season. I think the Sox know that and it would not surprise me if Sale is NOT the OD starter, and instead is elsewhere on 4/4. Ugh. Where do you people get this? These types of posts are just embarassing.
  18. QUOTE (Downtown518 @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 02:03 PM) Or an ultimatum was issued after LaRoche falied to comply with original request. Seems most logical. KW probably snapped when AL ignored his original request. Still think KW Is in the right in all of this - but perhaps should have let Robon handle. In the day, gets a below Replacement level player off of the team and gives the White Sox $13 million to play with. After the dust settles that can be considered nothing but a good thing.
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 12:22 PM) It's like going to the dentist. It hurts now, but in a week or so, the Sox will be fine and will theoretically have $13 million to play with. This is the only thing I've actually agreed with you typing since this started.
  20. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 12:17 PM) Carlos Rodon stands up slowly, looks around...."You're all being p*****s." Sits back down. Puts a dip in. POTY. Add a "this is f***ing stupid" intro and I think you nailed it.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 06:58 PM) Purdue lost!!!! BIg 10 sucks.
  22. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 03:34 PM) I'd like Don Cooper to do 5 minutes on this topic... That would be excellent!
  23. QUOTE (skooch @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 03:03 PM) On the bright side ... MLB WAR Leaders: 1. LaRoche, Drake (CWS) +1.4 2. Trout, Mike (LAA) 0.0 2. Harper, Bruce (WAS) 0.0 2. Cabrera, Miguel (DET) 0.0 2. Donaldson, Josh (TOR) 0.0 Well played!!
  24. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 02:52 PM) Well, the slim chance of Sale coming back to the Sox after his contract is up has officially bit the dust. Dear lord.
  25. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 17, 2016 -> 01:27 PM) The Braves went to the playoffs 15 years in a row with Booby Cox banning kids. Get rid of all of them. You're all over the place man.
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